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  1. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    diavel said:
    It's been five years already, wow. I remember watching PsykoOps's videos back then.

    It went all so fast.
  2. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

  3. Mount & Blade 2 Release Date Poll

    Long production times doesn't always mean quality games.
  4. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    Sunday the seventeenth of March 2013 , six past ten.
  5. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    TurambarMakart said:
    5th choice.

    Marry Vermin instead.

    I totally would do it : D

    I would rather marry our dear leader van :3
  6. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    We should capture 7 young maidens and diguise them as horses.

    Zarayna said:
    I need the option of 'threaten to report the priest to his bishop for having a child'

    Was it mentioned he is a Christian of the non-marriage branches ?
  7. How many computers can I run MB on?

    Yes, if you buy it here you can install the game on more than two computers. It should be the same for Napoleon.
  8. Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord

    DatFrog! said:
    Armagan et sa femme réponde présent du moins, Yazbek est partit. Après pour les autres, pas moyen de se renseigner à moins d'être en Turquie à l'heure actuelle^^

    Yazbek n'a jamais été dev, non ? Il était juste chargé de communiquer avec la communauté. Singil, Ragnor sont confirmés. Mexxico et Serdar ainsi que Nijis sont très certainement toujours de la partie.
  9. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    tmos said:
    Gragnok said:
    but your a muscle bound adventure, surely the daughter of a priest in a boring little village cant resist your charms?

    The daughter has already agreed to marry you :roll: Who knows why

    Maybee Gragnok wants us to try our "muscle bound" charms on the priest.
  10. WB Quel fichier du module system doit on modifier pour les items multijoueurs ?

    Tu as certainement déjà fait une grande partie du travail mais je te recommande ceci fortement :,197856.0.html

  11. ZHG / Zendar Hunters Guild [non-competitive] / now with 100% more poll story

    Gragnok said:
    tmos said:
    jonny_pidgeon said:
    I kid

    You're a melons, not a kid.

    So your suggesting that Melons dont age they just exist in a permanent state of Adult meloness with no ageing process and no children?


    There is no adulthood or childhood, just glorious Melonness .

    P.S. : If T.V. shows taught me anything it's to choosse the mystery box or what is behind the mystery curtain. I choose you, mystery box.
  12. Choose 2 weapons for your destiny

    I just need stones but unfortunately they're not present in your poll.
  13. Warband version 1.151 (Questions & Infos).

    Un correctif devrait arriver demain au plus tôt, fixant les problèmes de son entre autres (Je n'ai pas le post sous la main mais il date de mardi je crois).
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