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  1. BrokenOlive

    Possible troop mistakes.

    I'm only gonna touch the merc troops here as I'm unsure I want to go through all the regular ones. The Brotherhood of the Woods: tier 1-3 has got two arrows both assigned to equipment slot 2, making them only have 1 stack of arrows equipped. Company of the Golden Boar: Their throwing and...
  2. BrokenOlive

    SP - General Suggestion to make a Empire Vs Outer Coalition gamemode.

    I've played campaign and, to a lesser degree, sandbox to hell, and wanted a new experience I typically find myself in anyways. Hate or Lover it, I suggest a game mode where a unified Empire and a coalition of Vlandia, Batania, Khuzait, Sturgia, and Aserai all being merged into one huge faction...
  3. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Broken troops images

    Is the modding tools installed?
    No. Sorry for the very late reply.
    I don't have anything installed that doesn't go with the base game.
  4. BrokenOlive

    Closed Army formation keeps changing into a different formation.

    Do you have a save file of session that you experienced this issue? With your save file, we can reproduce the issue much easier and faster. For more information regarding how to send us your save files, you can check this thread out. You can find your save file here:
    C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves

    You can send your save files to us via site. Please write your username and this threads URL into the description box so that we can find it easier. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    I also uploaded a save with a link to this thread.
    In the save you shoud find a roughly 2k vs 2k battle with me and the battanians. Makje a defensive line if you want to see the box formation in loose.

    Also, slightly off topic, but did you know you can apparently gift settlements to mercs? I have a castle in that save that is owned by The Legion of the Betrayed.
  5. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Allied Army AI only charging.

    It might be depended on your party strength. Like it might only attack if you have outnumbered the enemy. If you can reproduce this issue again please let us know!
    Sure. I'll see if I can record it.
  6. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Broken troops images

    Have you tried verifying the game files?
    Yes, I find it doesn't do anything though.
  7. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Allied Army AI only charging.

    So, whenever I form a Army and enter battle and delegate command off, all the AI ever does is charge even though we have high ground or they out number us. Ally AI no longer tries to do the most advantageous decision now. Edit: It seems that it's on and off. Sometimes it will work, other times...
  8. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Broken troops images Broken colouring. It also happens to regular troops.
  9. BrokenOlive

    Closed Army formation keeps changing into a different formation.

    When ever I use the line or, in particular, loose formation, instead of staying is that long 2-3 file line, my troops will always move into a box shaped formation, making archers in particular mostly useless as most don't have a line of fire anymore.
  10. BrokenOlive

    In Progress Cheering Audio bugged.

    I'll just say that this is the first time this happened to me. No idea the cause.
  11. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Inn & Out not giving relation boost or money from quest giver.

    Is this issue being solved? I just experienced the same and currently wondering if I could help.
    It seems to be fixed in 1.5.4
  12. BrokenOlive

    Companion leadership training.

    It would be nice to have clan position of "drill sergeant" that would train low tier recruits (up to certain tier) and at the same time give companion (or player) assigned to it leadership leveling.
    That's actually a great idea. I would love for an option for a drill sergeant/levy sergeant that would recruit, train, and deposit troops of your selected culture, rank(possible type/composition), and deposit them into a selected garrison.
    This would not only be nice for leadership training, but for wars where you're haemorrhaging troops and need new ones quick.

    Obviously if you want Cavalry, you'd need to supply the horses, either by supply point, personally giving them it, or offloading money so they can buy them when needed. Preferably both.
    This should also be true to recruits, granted they would mostly make that money back from leveling the troops up via bandits or small parties of enemy lords if at war.
  13. BrokenOlive

    Companion leadership training.

    The problem is that with the current system of spending influence to form an army companions would need to use the influence you've accumulated to start one. If we had some kind of control over when and how often they could do it then fine by me. But if they're just going to start armies because **** it we've got influence to burn then no I wouldn't want that.
    Agreed, you would probably need to tell them to form one for it to work, but having the simple option to make a clan member make an army would make grinding leadership so much easier as it's currently a huge pain in the ass.
  14. BrokenOlive

    Companion leadership training.

    What are ways to train leadership for companions and family as, from my experience, they don't ever form armies when you're in a kingdom. That would be a nice addition, enabling clan members to make an army if you have the influence.
  15. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Desert Bandits stuck in certain animations in hideout.

    Can you upload a video of this bug that shows how the problem starts and how many troops there are to Please paste the link to this thread in the description box on the upload website so I can identify it.
    Done. I couldn't find a mountain bandit one however.
    I uploaded, or you can click these links.

  16. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Graphic bug behind Epicrota's bar.

    Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting.
    A small update, but this is in, at least, all empire towns of the same design. I'm not sure about different designs or other cultures.
  17. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Desert Bandits stuck in certain animations in hideout. and and They will still try to attack you, as shown in the last picture as they try to throw...
  18. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Amprela fire onager floating in battle. Pretty self explanatory. In this instant I was using the left most siege engine. It's still completely functional, if a bit silly.
  19. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Town and Castle militia standing outside their castles in separate parties



    I'm currently on 1.5.3 beta branch. Unmodded. Unsure on how to replicate.
  20. BrokenOlive

    Resolved Broken Campain lord mesh.

    Hello, the issue with game version showing the wrong one should be fixed, can you please check and let me know if the problem persists?
    The version glitch has been fixed, but I've been unable to recreate the broken mesh.
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