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  1. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Dear modders, will it be possible to mod in mordhau's combat system into Bannerl

    I see it quite impossible. 
    I do think Bannerlord combat is actually better than mordheau´s
  2. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Leaked email from Callum's work account, Taleworlds Participating in Nepotisim

    Nice to read that!  It is finally happens.  I dont care who plays first,  i do care bout things puting in motion, and this is a proof of that.
    Congrats on that big step TW. or gab.mcganicus
  3. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Absurd Conspiracy Thread (Alex Jones Approved)

    Go to steam forums ahaha... There are a couple of delusional sick posts, made by madmans like IronTankMan or something like that, or Mountainman.  Those kiddos have serious issues, and they need to stop watching cheap movies that are filing their heads with crap. 

  4. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Sign this petition to add back in removed features

    IF they took it away so there will be a good reason to do so. 
  5. Rollo.TheWarrior

    The beta needs to be singleplayer or have the option to play singleplayer.

    Beta is for COMBAT testing only as far as i know. 
    So MP skirmish is just PERFECT and efficient for that. 

    Otherwise tester can be carried away from task and put atention on things that are NOT into the table at THIS MOMENT. 
    There will be time enough for SP beta.  But first, Combat.  And for that, this mode is the perfect one. 
  6. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    So TW when will you create a PROPPER Bannerlord section on your Forum?
    Im really SICK of the Steam forums. 
  7. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Damn.. There is already some low iq trolls from the Steam forum here in this one. 
  8. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    YourStepDad said:
    Rollo.TheWarrior said:
    Frank, you can maybe say that of the Info "relatively soon" on the Steam forum??  That forgotted place it is a hell right now. 
    9/10 topics are trolls or fake info, because of the total lack of info.

    I strongly suggest TW to CLOSE that Forum until you have something strong to show,  because right now is bad publicity for BL.
    Any "new guy" who enters en that forum to know something about the game, got washed into lots of "Game is fake"  "It will never come out"  "2025 more and less"  .... And you know, that can persuade a new guy from keep an eye on the game. 

    That forum have no longer any usage.  Game mechanics or things OF the game was not discussed anymore there.  Just troll after troll.

    Sorry my english! I hope it is legible.


    You've heard him, gentlemen. We're shutting down. Byebye all.

    Im talking about the Steam forum only.  This forum is stil pretty clean.

    Or at least a New CLOSED topic from Frank saying... Hey dudes, u will have new relatively soon!  I think that will be enought to show them TW is stil alive and "fighting". 
  9. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Frank, you can maybe say that of the Info "relatively soon" on the Steam forum??  That forgotted place it is a hell right now. 
    9/10 topics are trolls or fake info, because of the total lack of info.

    I strongly suggest TW to CLOSE that Forum until you have something strong to show,  because right now is bad publicity for BL.
    Any "new guy" who enters en that forum to know something about the game, got washed into lots of "Game is fake"  "It will never come out"  "2025 more and less"  .... And you know, that can persuade a new guy from keep an eye on the game. 

    That forum have no longer any usage.  Game mechanics or things OF the game was not discussed anymore there.  Just troll after troll.

    Sorry my english! I hope it is legible.
  10. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Cut off with the political/conspiracy theorys!.  Leave that for the useless Steam Forum.  At least keep this one aside that bullsht.
    Turkey is not the hell u think.  So.. Focus on Game
  11. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Cpt. Nemo said:
    Maybe a blog, but no events like the Weekender.

    That is enought for me  :grin:
  12. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    are we going to see anything related to bannerlord until e3 or gamescom 2017
    Before then, yes

    My english is not very good, but that means news BEFORE that events?  (News, not release or something extra good like that)
  13. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    So, according to Captain Lust,  they HOPE to deliver a Beta or something like that this year.
    That means to me that there will not be Game release in 2017 at all. 
    2018 in the best of the cases.

    They must put down the stupid Steam page and Forum until something playable is delivered.  That is a Trollfest,  filed with fake infos and lots of raging crybabys.  And all for nothing, because game is stil VERY FAR in the horizont. 

    Sorry english xd
  14. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    DanAngleland said:
    It's feasible that they might want to update some animations, but what is this idea based on please? They do have their own MOCAP studio in the office (they covered this in blog 5, March 2014:, so doing more MOCAP would be quite simple and not take very long (as opposed to booking an external studio for a set amount of time).

    Hope you re right! I really dont want them to stuck 5 more months doing new animations for all. 
  15. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    THey re doing MOCAP now from what i have seen on Steam forums.  It will be nice for the game, but will enlarge the waiting for a long time xD
  16. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Kyho said:
    Bloc said:
    SirMairaki said:
    They have a plan. Every coder knows, you have to have some sorts of plan. They are not going to implement things at the expense of already written code.
    That being said, I also believe these are very skilled developers at Taleworlds. The reason this has been taking so long is simple: new engine. Every game coming with a brand new engine will take 5+ years. Diablo 3, Starcraft etc.
    Games which are not based on a new engine will take considerably shorter time. Total War, Cod and Battlefield titles are a prime example.

    They have been lacking in the marketing department, but that isn't really what is driving development anyway. There are countless games where development was driven by marketing and failed.

    They wanted to release the game in some form end 2016. Now we know we won't be seeing anything till after mid march for sure. All we need is a little patience, and besides they don't need to announce a release date. A game on steam can be released within seconds.

  17. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 14 - Destructible Merlons

    Do not look here said:
    Oh, I'd be glad if we could not have all the ragequitters on board now, yeah. Because it doesn't matter who is on board now, but who will be on board for the release date. They did make mistakes, or at least could handle some things better, but if the devs themselves don't know when the game will be released, then there's no much sense to start properly advertising game around - people attracted at this point bring nothing to the table and will be harder to keep around until they'll become potential customers.

    As for the Steam page... well, I don't know what they hoped to achieve, but I assume this way Bannerlord ended up on quite a few wishlists of people who otherwise don't pay too much attention to development process.

    Not much develpment this last 2 weeks.
    The SteamDB is empty the most of the "work day" and las update was 7 days ago. 

    They must be on vacations :p
  18. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    578 said:
    Combat is developed in all aspects, Lust said so a few pages back. What im interested to know is if the retarded slow down effect when you go uphill, downhill and in certain floor tiles is removed. It was not realistic at all and it ruined movement and combat. I hope its left to die and never, ever put it in a game again.

    Yes. I did read that.  But i dont think that they re "developing" combat. 
    I think they re "balancing" in ALL aspects yes.  But not bringing new combat Mechanics or like that. 

    I did made some "balance" scripts for and old Online game 5 years ago, and it is not so hard, i mean, yes, a lot of testing... Adjusting formules, variables, and so... But is different from developing.  (I Know my game is far far primitive and obsolete compared with their scripts) 
  19. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    I really want to see what are they doing. 
    I mean, in the things i already see there is nothing bad!!

    We see:  Character creation, (OK).  Campaing map with other partys and bandits/tradersd, (OK).  Citys, with taberns and BS shops , OK.   
                  Open field combat, low (bandits) and high scale (other lord),  OK.    New sieges mechanics, defending and attaking, (OK). 

    What else we need?? Diplomacy and random generated events?? That is not taking a year of dev.   
    Captain Said they re working on combat.  What aspect of combat??  Balancing?  new animations? what?

    I think they can give us a little playable demo.  At least a simple open field combat.  Im already very pleased from what i ve seen til now. 
  20. Rollo.TheWarrior

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Harmi said:
    Styo said:
    3 Players in Bannerlord......  :cry:


    I believe they are the developers. They need to test everything what they do. Somebody maybe also needs to play the game trough before they are releasing it. :grin:

    They had 12 online today.
    And like 39 2 weeks ago. 

    Of course they re the devs testing. 
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