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  1. Clans vanishing after I destroyed the Southern Empire? (1.2 Beta)

    I agree with this, I also think they shouldn't be able to break out of jail after their kingdom is destroyed. That way you can round them up and talk to them. I was thinking about executing Rhagea but she escaped and then her clan vanished. I didn't even get all the pomp and circumstance of executing a pretender.
    I think they should also go join Rebel groups which give you a free option for executions to those who join the rebels giving themselves a chance to pop out again if not dealt with timely.
  2. A Single System Has Turned Off My Love

    I'm sorry but seriously, I see really only 1 main issue with this game, I have loved so much of it, but the fact an AI can come take over my siege and turn all of my hard work into nothing gained is utter bull ****. If I spend everything I worked on getting to take a castle, or a settlement...
  3. Solution to Non Stop (Frequent) Wars

    Leadership perks: Raise the meek gives a small percentage daily to your tier 1-2 troops, Famous commander give 200% exp on recruitment, Leader of the masses gives 5% of shared exp with battles. I slept on the benefits of prisoners, being able to convert them into actual troops is beyond helpful

    I would just disband their army if I want the glory for it but my main question now is are you apart of a kingdom still ruling the kingdom or is this your own kingdom and is this your vassal?
    I'm in Valandra, at this point I might just go independent because YOLO, but my settlements kinda hate me because I'm not the right culture and got no govenors(let alone know how to check) with the right culture.

    I did marry the princess of the late king, but I guess marriage alliances are not a thing anymore? Trying to marry off my siblings since they should be of age by now unless but got no options to. 🤷
  4. Solution to Non Stop (Frequent) Wars

    You have to lock these fools away until their asking price is something your willing to pay or they are paying you. If they seige one of my castles I always just sneak inside once they start sending men up the walls, and let them waste thousands of men trying to get in. Yes troop quality does play a factor but so does the tactics perk. 9 times out of 10 I win all simulated battles field or siege but I always retain more men in a siege. I haven't started executing them yet but I have enough funds to the point if I have to pay I can and Ill still make profit so I can buy troops up whenever. Also I'm sure you all know about the perks to help level your men up daily or them gaining 200 exp upon you hiring them. Also converting prisoners definitely helps, not just bandits but legit troops. Honestly even though I can have 3 years of peace before two factions declare war on me not being able to execute them when they have no lands is ridiculous.
    I have no idea what ones give xp every, but I'm just pissed now that a settelment of mine rebelled I go to retake it by myself, a "ally" shows up and steals my siege again, and is now taking my castle :xf-mad:
  5. Solution to Non Stop (Frequent) Wars

    In my game with Valandia, we fought a non stop 6 years of war(Litteraly no peace inbetween, not even 1 day breaks) and due to us being at war and not having time to bulk up my finances I went into massive debts I barely got out of. While it is my first game, I would like to do **** that isn't war, like I need time to retrain armies after they all get wiped, I don't have large reserves of troops ready to go every time the AI armies are stupid and get us wiped out. I'd like to have time to go to my cities to build them up and get workshops, run trade routes, etc, but all I can do is recruit, go to the front lines, get slaughtered, get captured for the next 3 months because we can get instantly captured the moment I get out of being in jail, finally get home to recruit another army, get to the front lines, get slaughtered again, and just rinse and repeat. I was like 30k in the hole with no real way to pay that off until I found out I had massive reserves of prisoners in my jails and cities I could sell off and even that nearly wasn't enough. I didn't even complete the dragon banner well into year 9 because we were always at war with the people I needed to talk to or go to to do the missions. As is Vlandia has 3/4ths of War Band Calradia under wraps with a few colonies well into the rest of the world, it would take 3 other empires to come together in an invasion to even match our forces, so of course our clans just decide it's time for war the moment a vote pops up, even when fighting 2 other empires at the same time already.

    I think the longest we have been at peace was a week?
  6. Clans vanishing after I destroyed the Southern Empire? (1.2 Beta)

    Yeah it's a bit annoying when you destroy a Kingdom all the Clans are at war with you, but I suppose it makes some sense.

    I thought Kingdoms were supposed to be able rise again... but given that they just end up as marauders forever afterward I suppose this is somewhat better. Honestly I feel like if the DIPLOMACY system was overhauled to something comprehensible/usable by players this could be avoided. IMO Kindgom destruction should really only happen when all Clans are gone and the leading Clan has no more members. Should not be this hard... no one's asking to make say Trade Agreements - just War, Peace, Non-Agression Pacts, Tribute, and Alliances.

    I feel like executions are kind of under-utilized in-game. As is you either never execute any one ever, or you just go on full psychopath playthrough and murder every single noble since all your relations will tank. There needs to be a happy middle ground where you can perform some executions against your enemies, but at the same time if you start to go the Vlad Impaler route there should be consequences for that too. Which is why the A.I. should use executions themselves! Like if you or a Clan member get captured by someone who is at -100 Relationship with you... there should be a real good chance that results in an execution of said prisoner. (Maybe limit executions to only be possible by Clan Leaders)

    Really when you destroy a Kingdom you should either being trying to recruit surviving Clans or kill them off since they are effectively rebels. It doesn't make sense that surviving Clans just yeet out of existence after a few days.

    In my 1.2 playthrough when the Southern Empire lost its last fief, pretty sure all the Clans self-destructed (maybe they couldn't live without Rhaghea, IDK). Which seems odd since you'd think NE and WE would want to absorb some of them into their ranks.

    Now when I personally destroyed Sturgia; 2 Clans did join other Kingdoms (Khuzait and Aserai) before the rest disappeared. So it does happen. But of course I literally went to talk to one Clan Leader (who I had close to like +100 Relationship) couldn't even ask him to join me! So I wasted a bunch of money to make peace with said Clan, couldn't recruit them, and they effectively join a rival Kingdom to boot! Seems really asinine that if you want to flip Clans you effectively have to do it when they are still officially part of a Kingdom...

    And you know what I don't get? I thought for the longest time TW didn't really allow executions because they couldn't account for potential NPC losses through executions. But obiviously if dozens of NPCs can just delete themselves when their Kingdom is gone, I fail to see why executions can't be implemented for use by the A.I.
    The executions make no sense what so ever, I captured this guy who was litteraly a rebel and brigand, so i assume that was a pretty justifiable person to execute as would anyone else. But no, everyone gets pissed off if you kill a bandit rebel, including, sorry, especially the people in the kingdom the bandit rebel is banditing and rebeling in. Like, What?

    Or how we just took the last hold from the Britannnians, they have no land what so ever and yet are still alive and well just marching around in their old homeland causing issues for any small bands passing through.
  7. In Progress [1.1.0 beta]Army takes over my siege and then does nothing

    November 12th, still an issue, what the actual ****? Litteraly made an account just for this. I spent 600 influence which took me years to acrew, because I just got the game and still learning, to build an army and take a castle spent months on that ***** to lose enough of it's troops so we could attack, tore down it's walls, just for an army with not even 10 more men than mine to steal all my hard work :xf-mad:.
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