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  1. JSpecter

    Documentation Tutorial How to Setup a Bannerlord Server

    Is there away to enable this for the server and not force other players to have it running/enabled?
  2. JSpecter

    Documentation Tutorial How to Setup a Bannerlord Server

    So how do I kick/ban someone from my server?
  3. JSpecter

    Custom Servers & Multiplayer Modding

    How do I kick someone? or ban them from my server
  4. JSpecter

    Custom Servers & Multiplayer Modding

    Is there also a way to log in as admin on the server so we can kick/ban players?
  5. JSpecter

    Custom Servers & Multiplayer Modding

    Anyone have a link or the text commands for sedge? im trying to set up some different maps and factions to choose after a game ends
  6. JSpecter

    Private Servers?

    Any idea/mention for private servers? JW because I'm really looking forward to the persistent world mod
  7. JSpecter

    Statement Regarding Plans For MP Vol.2

    couldnt you just give us a dedicated server files if it is optimazed or not.You guys took even modders ability to host dedicated servers that had administiration tools.

    edit: and I know xauna have problems and you guys hold a map editor tool that better than what we had in warband.It is okey to not rush and fix the map like could be done in 30-60 min max.but sure we could wait again to you guys to fix it in maybe 4-8 weeks (if we are lucky but you guys also could **** up that again so we dont know) but could't you guys put the old version to the rotation as a hotfix? :love:

    since beta, we were already playing that buggy map already and other bugy maps too. so we are okey with that.You guys dont even need to fix it community could do that like did in warband and maybe could make better maps for bannerlord.

    Like i know you guys love cs-go to mention when designing the game aspects.I will tell you some secret maybe you guys dont know.Cs go also tooks maps from community made maps and improves it little bit and makes offical.You guys could use community too.


    also Bannerlords mp is dying from the slow devolopment(Its okey to be since singleplayer is lacking lots of features and buggy and Sp is the games selling point if you look the counts for now).

    If you guys could relase the dedicated server files to community.They could make multiplayer modes that will attract more players to the game.Like pw mod or some sort.(Like i will give an example of GTA V role play mods/servers that boosted player counts/Twitch viewers.That way you guys could sell a lot more and gain mp playerbase that you guys will need when Ranked mode(soon ™) is relased.Right?)Because we all know soon ™

    dont you guys bored of player complains about server locations, class system, slow devolopment etc etc... that way people will stop complaining and as a devoloper you guys will get more meaningfull suggestions that not includes alots of salty people)
    I can't wait for MP servers to host PW all I've wanted since warband
  8. JSpecter

    Siege Castle Bug Please Fix

    I give you permission to repost it, thank you
  9. JSpecter

    Siege Castle Bug Please Fix
  10. JSpecter

    Recommended Server Host?

  11. JSpecter

    Recommended Server Host?

    Ah crap I hope not, and if thats the case its odd some server host have the game up waiting for it to release
  12. JSpecter

    Recommended Server Host?

    Awesome thanks I was looking at bluefang also
  13. JSpecter

    Recommended Server Host?

    Any suggestions would be great, I will be hosting a 100-200 man server I just would like to know what server host is preferred. Thank you
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