Calamity said:
Roberta_Baratheon said:
you mean the scrims where it was 20v20 and Wappaw camped the towers in village ?The Pizza said:
well atm who ever has highest flag at the end of the round wins doesnt matter how many of the other team are on the flag if you have 1 person alive and your flag is higher. So potentially you will see situations where master is so far out there due to nature of maps being a bit bigger these opens ones that by the time you reach it you got 45sec-1 min to not only kill the guy on the flag but who ever else is alive and if its a cav all he needs to do is run around for 30 sec and with his shield up to win the round because flag goes down so slow. typed this on my phone can elaborate more later but you might be able to get the point.ClockWise said: