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  1. HunieKZ

    Change weapon values

    how to change weapon values. ? spitems section not available in.
  2. HunieKZ

    Closed Play - login screen - continuous crash ( game not playable )

    My system : Gtx 1070 - 16 gb 2400 mhz ram - intel core i7 4790k ( SSD available ) Windows 10 No mods - 3 times game delete and download. Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 - .net FrameWork - .net Core already available. Crash files :
  3. HunieKZ

    Ah September... 5 Years

    Happy birthday bannerlord waiting 5 year time.
  4. HunieKZ

    Community questions for Dev-Blogs

    double swords and Co - op will come?

    2. our character can be adjusted in size?
  5. HunieKZ

    Dev Blog 31/08/17

    calenarrna said:
    I read on many forums, that people are can't wait the game to come out. I like the attitude of the developers, to release it when it's ready for it.

    I countered a solution that maybe could good for both sides...
    Maybe if we can pre-order the game and the pre-order bonus could be an open beta or something like that? Or maybe an early access?
    What do you think? :smile:

    I think it's a great idea
  6. HunieKZ

    Dev Blog 31/08/17

    double swords , and co - op will come?

    2. our character can be adjusted in size?
  7. HunieKZ

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    our hopes it's almost done... i'm worried that he will come out
  8. HunieKZ

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 14 - Destructible Merlons

    FizCap said:
    I have received news from an anonymous source from TaleWorld's that they have only finished making the loading screen. The game will be postponed for another 2 years in order to work on the marriage system. That's crazy.

    are you serious ? :eek:
  9. HunieKZ

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 14 - Destructible Merlons

    Ki-Ok Khan said:
    HunieKZ said:
    we have been waiting for 6 years.
    Well then surely a few months is nothing!  :smile:

    i'm sick of waiting . not just me , you understand the comments.
  10. HunieKZ

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 13 - Weekending

    you can let us know about progress can give us the date of publication?
  11. HunieKZ


    ja kazakiska lär :smile:
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