Would it be possible for us to select specific troop types to add to a formation, rather than using sliders? For example if I wanted to make a group of just crossbowmen, It is not possible with the current slider system as it identifies any ranged unit as "archers" and so you end up with a mixed bag. In the old system we were able to assign specific troops in the party menu to a numbered formation I,II,III,IV, V, VI, etc. I would like to see that functionality return where I could say for example: assign my mercenary cavalary to one formation, and another formation where I have all my aserai caravan guards, and not a combination of both. Another example would be to assign all my spear infantry to one formation, and all my sword infantry to another, allowing me to have more control over the positioning of these troop types on the field of battle where they would be most beneficial.
@Apocal True, but atleast this would prevent the same faction from making peace and then immediately going to war with your faction again. Vlandia can't just spam wars against Sturgia in this case for example, and vise versa. And if the peace treaty timer is long enough, you can have this effect overlap with other factions you have recently gone to war with. For example: Sturgia declares war on Vlandia - They fight - They sign a peace Treaty for 5 years - Southern Empire declares war on Vlandia - They fight for 2 years - They sign a peace treaty for 5 years - Neither Sturgia nor Southern Empire can declare war against Vlandia for another remaining 3-5 years, and Vlandia can't declare war against them.
My suggestion would be to add enforced Peace Treaties where if a faction makes peace and signs the treaty they are prevented from declaring war or attacking the other faction for X number of days/years. This could bring up an interesting mechanic to work alongside defection/rebellion because some lords may feel resentment towards making peace, or their desire for personal revenge against the enemy faction with whom they have made peace outweighs their loyalty to the faction causing them to declare war independently and be expelled from their faction for breaking the treaty.
I still think the Leash is going to have an overall positive impact. Rambo needed to go, and im glad to see its finally gone, now we can actually host season 3 of the league, the one gameplay mechanic holding us back is now gone. No more parking your units, no more 1v30, just pure focus on battles. Keep the leash, keep the players.
Awesome! Great work my dude, thanks for your efforts.
I can't remember to be honest, it's been a while now and they never mentioned the change in the patch notes. I do know that atleast it was still present in version 1.4.3 I think? If that helps at all.