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  1. blakeg1632

    The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

    Is this mod really even going anywhere? Or just a halted project...
  2. blakeg1632

    Merry christmas (and holidays) to the 1755, 1776, 1860S etc TEAM!

    blakeg1632 said:
    Happy holidays, thanks for getting the update before Christmas.

    EDIT by Gabby:
    I modified your title so now has all Mods in it, hehehe  :wink:
    Thx and Buon Natale!!!
    Thanks for the fix
  3. blakeg1632

    Merry christmas (and holidays) to the 1755, 1776, 1860S etc TEAM!

    Merry Christmas from America!
  4. blakeg1632

    Merry christmas (and holidays) to the 1755, 1776, 1860S etc TEAM!

    Happy holidays, thanks for getting the update before Christmas. EDIT by Gabby: I modified your title so now has all Mods in it, hehehe  :wink: Thx and Buon Natale!!! Gab
  5. blakeg1632

    Lack of Menu? Plz Respond

    lack of response do to playing your mod... :wink:
  6. blakeg1632

    Lack of Menu? Plz Respond

    Working 100%
  7. blakeg1632

    Lack of Menu? Plz Respond

    GABRILDURO said:
    blakeg1632 said:
    GABRILDURO said:
    Yes...because it just looks like you are missing completely the Menu.txt file.
    Not an issue with my Mod, then, see? :wink:
    No dice, redownloaded, the old and new ones both contain "menus.txt". And no nothing is wrong with your mod, I'm more upset I can't play it. I've noticed the only thing inside "data" is a readme. XD ? normal?
    Blaky, I do trust your word, but has to be a wrong dwld or smth that you did cuz nobody had ever THAT issue, see?  :cry:
    Be patiente and you will get a new version soon  :wink:
    Ok thanks for the help and hint, I'm going to get the whole warband redownloaded.
  8. blakeg1632

    The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

    Are you interested in incorporating volley fire or fire by rank?

    By the way, I can count thousands who have been waiting for a single player mod like this.
  9. blakeg1632

    corrupted download

    Make sure you "Save", not open... wait to long and POOF its all gone, thats why you get a cannot extract or corrupt
  10. blakeg1632

    Lack of Menu? Plz Respond

    GABRILDURO said:
    Yes...because it just looks like you are missing completely the Menu.txt file.
    Not an issue with my Mod, then, see? :wink:
    No dice, redownloaded, the old and new ones both contain "menus.txt". And no nothing is wrong with your mod, I'm more upset I can't play it. I've noticed the only thing inside "data" is a readme. XD ? normal?
  11. blakeg1632

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    I was looking for WFaS, because of the volley fire commands XD Great find though, never found one that good.
  12. blakeg1632

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    Is there any glimpse of a Napoleonic Singleplayer mod? I think that would be great with the With fire and sword engine for guns and effects.
  13. blakeg1632

    lol at naked cattle troops

    sounds hot
  14. blakeg1632

    Napoleonic Single Player Mod for M&B WFaS?

    I am looking for any hint of a Napoleonic Singleplayer mod, or atleast the textures/guns and soldier emulation with napoleonic clothing. Links and info will be thanked XD :lol:
  15. blakeg1632

    List of mods for With fire and sword. (Last updated 31/5/12)-Updated

    Is there a forum page for Conquest: New world??? I googled but no dice. would appreciate.
  16. blakeg1632

    Lack of Menu? Plz Respond

    I might have a small problem... NO MENU OPTIONS? QQ I downloaded 0.1 and placed the unzipped file into Modules. Went to warband launcher 1.143, scrolled to 1776, started up fine and boom... this is what happend.
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