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  1. Sound Chaser

    Screenshot Mega Thread

    Never had that problem with the game or ever experienced bugged traffic. Most likely it's either a bug with a new update that they're going to fix soon, or there's something you've missed. Any one-directional roads in wrong places? Did you build a large residential area before providing health services? If so, I suppose it could have a pile-up effect. Anyway, I wouldn't blame game mechanics.
  2. Sound Chaser

    Ice Hockey and Lacrosse thread

    IA said:
    El Perro Finlandes said:
    US doesn't care about IIHF Tournaments. They care about Lord Stanley's Pisspot Mug.
    You're not allowed to make light of Lord Stanley's cup looks when the World Cup is literally a vase from a 80's Miami hotel lobby.

    Haha! Well said.

    But yea I guess North America doesn't care about the hockey world championships, and I'm fine with that. After all it's true that best players can't play there because it coincides with the NHL playoffs. It's a fun carnival with good and entertaining ice hockey nonetheless. The winter olympics is biggest stage for international ice hockey, quite rightfully, and I believe it's a big thing even in North America. The World Cup of hockey is a joke. It's nothing but an exhibition tournament with teams invited based on how well they do in IIHF tournaments.
  3. Sound Chaser

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    You'll pay attention to none of that when you're concentrating on playing the game, if that comforts you :smile:
  4. Sound Chaser

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    578 said:
    Deathmatch is not the only game type in this game. And if it would, it would be better than co-op because you actually fight real people and not bots. It makes you set a goal to be better and it will most likely be the hardest to achieve than any kind of leveling up in single player.

    B-b-but I don't want to get better or set goals. I want to escape :grin:

    Fair enough, though. I'm happy as long as the single player is good. It's just a shame that I happen to prefer the less preferred online mode. Well, life goes on.
  5. Sound Chaser

    Screenshot Mega Thread

    That's one pastel coloured game.
  6. Sound Chaser

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    578 said:
    Waste of development, co-op games are boring in the long term and I'd rather have Taleworlds use resources on the glorious multiplayer so I can chop my friends' heads off.

    To be fair, I think death match is the single most boring game mode I've ever come across in any game. It's boring and repetitive, and I still don't get why people like it. I also dislike laser tag. Boo!
  7. Sound Chaser

    Random Media v.3 (Comedy Optional, Interesting Optional)

    It's a comparison of what people thought about the games when they came out. Suppose it's trying to say people are picky nowadays.
  8. Sound Chaser

    Fallout 4

    Bluehawk said:
    Beer!? Vittu mitä paskaa, what kind of hintarri only drinks beer? No liquor, no sisu, that is the suomi way.

    On the contrary. It's too much of a hassle to go to a liquour store, so you end up going to your nearest shop and buy a dozen cans of beer :wink:
  9. Sound Chaser

    Random Media v.3 (Comedy Optional, Interesting Optional)

    Temujin said:
    what is a mimic?

    If you get the reference, good for you!
  10. Sound Chaser

    Screenshot Mega Thread

    TheFlyingFishy said:
    Gangs of Glasgow.

    The sandbox one, not the story one. I prefer the story one, to be honest.

    Aww, man! That must've been my all time favourite mod :grin:
  11. Sound Chaser

    Fallout 4

    Teofish said:
    Oh what the ****e?

    CGI. Fun though :razz: Don't know what the "it just works" is about. Something he said?
  12. Sound Chaser

    Fallout 4

    Graphics are nothing more than a way to sell games anyway(or something to make taking screenshots nicer). The minute you start playing you ignore the ****ing Ultra HD water ripples under your character's fingernails, and concentrate on the general atmosphere. Games have been looking good enough since last gen. Design is what matters.

    Exaggerating a bit, but you get the point.
  13. Sound Chaser

    Random Media v.3 (Comedy Optional, Interesting Optional)

    Dodes said:

  14. Sound Chaser

    Elder Scrolls 5:Skyrim

    Link, pls!
  15. Sound Chaser

    Screenshot Mega Thread

    Wellenbrecher said:
    That second screenshot you posted makes it look like **** though.

    That's nice and constructive...
  16. Sound Chaser

    Svedupellet hassuttelee

    Aijoo kappas voi helvetti. Katoin että on uus ketju kun oli vastikään kommentoitu ja ponnahti näkyviin etusivulle :razz:
  17. Sound Chaser

    Svedupellet hassuttelee

    Oliko sulla Jhessail joku ajatus että tuo olisi huono juttu että SUPO ja SÄPO (tosta vois tehdä sarjakuvan) on twitterissä? Mietin vaan että ketjun otsikosta voisi näin päätellä :razz:
  18. Sound Chaser

    Svedupellet hassuttelee

    Nahkuri said:
    Mistä on kyse? Kieltä osaamattomana mulle ei jääny käteen muuta kun että tuon logon/vaakunan elementit on näköjään valittu tikkatauluperiaatteella.

    Ruotsin turvallisuuspoliisi (tai mikä lie terrorismin vastainen yksikkö) on avannut twitter -tilin. Toisaalta en tiiä onko Suomen tai muiden maiden vastaavalla samanlaista.
  19. Sound Chaser

    Svedupellet hassuttelee

    Aika jännä veto. Tietysti tyypillistä ruotsalaisille että pyritään pitämään yhteiskunta avoimena.

    Voisin kuvitella, että on ihan hyvä juttu että SÄPOlla ja normaaleilla ihmisillä on hyvät keskusteluyhteydet. Lähetetään ikään kuin viesti, että olemme kaikki saman yhteiskunnan osasia ja puhallamme yhteen hiileen. Tällä tavalla virkamies tulee vähän lähemmäs ihmistä, minkä en usko olevan huono juttu.

    Toisaalta, näyttää että tuollakin aika avoimesti ilmoitetaan poliisin tehoiskuista sille ja tälle alueelle, ja voisin kuvitella, että kasvattaa turvattomuuden tunnetta. En tiedä, toisaalta voi toimia myös niin, että koska annetaan kuva toimivasta organisaatiosta, niin se rauhoittaa ihmisiä.

    Olisi ihan kiva tietää, onko SÄPOn twitter-tili syntynyt tarpeesta, tai perustuuko sen luominen johonkin tutkimustietoon.
  20. Sound Chaser

    Random Media v.3 (Comedy Optional, Interesting Optional)

    Hip, hip, hurra!
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