Search results for query: *

  1. Searching for old warband version 1.100 OR 1.131

    looking also for old warband versions 1.131 and / or 1.100... google and that website cant help me there sadly
  2. Searching for old warband version 1.100 OR 1.131

    Hey folks, I just can't find these versions at all. If you got them somewhere or can upload it for me, it would be really great. I need them to play old mods... found only 1.100 to 1.131 patches
  3. Searching for old warband version 1.100 OR 1.131

    hey folks, title says it. I need old server files versions to host some old school mods for some phuns. hope someone got em still edit: now asking for old wb versions 1.100 or 1.131 no worries, i searched a while for it, but feels almost like someone was hiding their traces  :mrgreen:
  4. [Event Series]Space Romans - 2nd April 2017.

    Clan Name: 1stTHC
    Clan Thread(If any):
    Expected numbers: 10-15
    We have read and agreed with the rules: aye
    We understand and accept to be on the same teamspeak with other clans provided by the hosters: yes
    Preffered faction and group type: Rasenna, Spearmen or Heavy Infantry
    Leader Steam URL: swatosj
    Second Leader Steam URL: truemegu (u should have us both)
    Anything else: Just hoping we can get enough people on  :roll:
  5. MP Fantasy Game of Thrones Roleplay Module [RELEASED] [Source Code released!]

    domi, it would be very nice if you get some information about settings they use ^^ like vert sync or textures on demand... maybe it is cause my processor is an old intel celeron :grin:
  6. MP Fantasy Game of Thrones Roleplay Module [RELEASED] [Source Code released!]

    you want to tell me that this is for 64 bit ? Oh fml i tried all hours for no sense.. i need a new motherboard -_-
  7. MP Fantasy Game of Thrones Roleplay Module [RELEASED] [Source Code released!]

    > Info
    Time: 25/08/2015 09:12:34
    Type: EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN (0xE06D7363, 0x19930520, 0x0329DC90, 0x0085BEB0)
    > Stack trace
    0x75A2812F KERNELBASE.dll+0x812F (RaiseException+0x54)
    0x0062A5B3 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x22A5B3 (??+0x0)
    0x0062A56A mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x22A56A (??+0x0)
    0x00443B19 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x43B19 (??+0x0)
    0x00445108 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x45108 (??+0x0)
    0x00445196 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x45196 (??+0x0)
    0x006328DE mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x2328DE (??+0x0)
    0x00629BD0 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x229BD0 (??+0x0)
    0x004430A7 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x430A7 (??+0x0)
    0x00445E3D mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x45E3D (??+0x0)
    0x006328DE mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x2328DE (??+0x0)
    0x00629BD0 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x229BD0 (??+0x0)
    0x004430A7 mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x430A7 (??+0x0)
    0x00445E3D mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x45E3D (??+0x0)
    0x004460FD mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x460FD (??+0x0)
    0x004460FD mb_warband_vanilla.exe+0x460FD (??+0x0)
  8. MP Fantasy Game of Thrones Roleplay Module [RELEASED] [Source Code released!]

    Dude thanks for the link, but I already did that thrice before. I am no newbie in computer stuff^^
    So let me explain from beginning:
    I installed the patched version as you did in video.
    I run the run batch file, then I say yes as admin.
    Then I load the game, it says even WSE all right.
    Then I click on your server and the game crashes. Installed the mod already three times and tried to start with different settings but I never can join
  9. MP Fantasy Game of Thrones Roleplay Module [RELEASED] [Source Code released!]

    Hey I need your help.
    Always I join the server, my game crashes without any error, just the windows "program has an error" (or something like that, have not eng windows) but that one with the green bar from left to right ^^
    So what I can do against it? Halp me please!
  10. Projekt: Roleplay-Events mit Mumble - Roleplayfans gesucht!

    Super! Ich denke auch, dass die meisten Events schon aufs Mittelalter ausgerichtet werden, das mit dem Western war ja nur ein Beispiel  :wink:
  11. Project: Roleplay-events combined with Mumble - Roleplayfans wanted!

    Greetings! First of all: Sorry for my possible bad expression or grammar faults, I speak better english than i can write it! Okay, I'm looking for more people to start sometimes Roleplay events that are announced in a Steam group, or possibly here in the forum. I have several ideas for relaxed...
  12. Projekt: Roleplay-Events mit Mumble - Roleplayfans gesucht!

    Seid gegrüßt! Ich suche mehrere Leute, um desöfteren Roleplay-Events zu starten, die in einer Steamgruppe bzw. evtl. hier im Forum announciert werden. Ich habe mehrere Ideen für entspannte Stunden und freue mich auch auf weitere Vorschläge. Hier einmal meine Vorstellungen: Zum Reden wird Mumble...
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