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  1. CHIMouttathisplane

    Coup Attempt in Turkey

    Goker said:
    Someone had posted an image of US ambassador John Bass walking with someone high-ranked in the Turkish military on a goddamn street on the day of the coup attempt as proof of US involvement in the coup. They seem to have deleted the post because it was quite obviously from an edited security camera footage.

    The pro-government media is notorious for bad photoshops that "incriminate" people they dislike. Before you believe everything they serve, please consider this carefully: John Bass isn't an idiot. Why would he be walking around with people from Turkish military on the day of an attempted coup if he knew it was going to happen?

    They probably learned it from the Chinese and  Russian government. From memory, the Chinese government made fake press release photos to show government officials inspecting the safety of a road (blurry edges, no shadows, mismatched colours), and the Russian media and Russian government officials have already used images from videogames a number of times to implicate "American involvement" in the Ukraine (because they don't realise that videogame companies will put little alterations on "real" weapon models to avoid paying money to gun companies for using their likeness). The Russian media for example reported on America sending anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine... anti-aircraft missile systems that didn't look like real ones, but instead looked exactly like the ones in Battlefield 4. Another time a Russian government official used a picture from C&C: Generals to show that ISIL had chemical weapons.

    Isn't it fantastic? All those governments run by 40+ year old **** that don't even know what a computer is?
  2. CHIMouttathisplane

    Coup Attempt in Turkey

    Austupaio said:
    :lol: The English may be the only ones capable of rivaling the awful inanity of American tabloids.

    The former English colonies are pretty good too.

    I assume this one is from Nigeria. Look at the characteristic English style of "clickbait" headlines and multi-coloured typography and graphic design.
  3. CHIMouttathisplane

    Coup Attempt in Turkey

    Erdogan's reaction is pretty funny.

    It's like he's sawing off the legs of the table he's standing on.

    How many people are in jail now? How many lawyers, judges and teachers have been fired now? If the coup didn't do the APK in, the APK is gonna do itself in. You can't just start throwing so many people in jail, and fire so many people from important societal stations and expect things to go fine.

    Doesn't help that accusing your friends and allies of being a part of some conspiracy to take over your country is very dumb.  :fruity: :fruity: :fruity:
  4. CHIMouttathisplane

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 13 - Weekending

    kraggrim said:
    CrepperTVRO said:
    Back then it was very common that before any siege and unecessary personal to be kicked out of castle so they can last longer thats why you dont see them only soldiers

    Seems like that would be kinda bad for morale!

    You know what's even worse for morale? Having to throw the stableboy off the wall because he eats too much food.
  5. CHIMouttathisplane

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 13 - Weekending

  6. CHIMouttathisplane

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Rutha said:
    nerovergil said:
    4. Breast slider and bottom slider. I want bigger boobs sexy girl
    This. I want to make my crafted 2hander Anaconda and conquer the world as Nicki Minaj

    Brace yourselves. TES-modding is coming. :fruity: :lol:
  7. CHIMouttathisplane

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 12 - The Passage Of Time

    Water also doesn't explode if you accidentally forget to take your almost-boiling oil off the fire. Because oil starts to produce smoke before it boils. Oil smoke + open fire = BOOM.
  8. CHIMouttathisplane

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 12 - The Passage Of Time

    Grumpy181155 said:
    il Condottieri said:
    Still only four weapon slots... fu*k  :mad:
    How many weapon slots do you want?  I think the 4 slots that are available is a good choice because you can store as many weapons as you want in your inventory and kit yourself out before a specific battle how ever you want.  Those slots represent what you are carrying and you only have two hands anyway  :lol:

    Narlan said:
    Thats fine, but take a look on how a medieval knight or a steppe horse archer were armored, and you will count a media of six defensive/offensive weapons. The bow, the arrows, a lance, a saber or mace, the shield and shurely a knife for example.

    A medieval knight would have a sword/mace, a shield, a spear and a dagger = 4 slots.
    An infantry soldier would have a shield and a spear, maybe a knife = 2/3 slots.
    A mounted archer would carry a bow, arrows and a sword = 3 slots.

    4 slots are perfect. It gives a sense of planning and strategy, even more in multiplayer.

    Well, I for one hate it when I can't play a proper "dragoon" style knight. Main sword/mace/axe/lance/whatever. Sidearm sword/dagger/whatever. Shield. Bow/Crossbow. OH WAIT, I only have 4 slots, so I can't get any ammo.

    It really annoys me. As soon as you pick a bow or crossbow, you can no long vary between a main weapon and a sidearm, or you have to drop the shield. Either we need (the possibility to get) more slots (in singleplayer), or ammo shouldn't take up a slot.

    And I'm certainly not going to bother with a onehanded weapon, shield and bow and arrows. Having only one melee weapon bores me. I like to stab this guy, and smash that guy. Variation is key.
  9. CHIMouttathisplane

    Your Google-fu is required for 3.8

    Found some stuff for Elacrai. It's not hard to find medieval illustrations for magical towns. Just search "heaven". :fruity:










  10. CHIMouttathisplane

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    I'd like to add to the whole meatshield/cannon fodder discussion... you can always make troops that cost more or less "troop slots". IIRC, Light&Darkness has elite troops that count as more than 1 soldier for your party size, and one of the Lord of the Rings mods has orcs that count as less than 1 soldier for your party size (could be wrong about it, never really got into those mods).

    When you have weak soldiers that count as 0.5 or 0.25 troops for your party size, suddenly just spamming troops becomes a viable strategy.
  11. CHIMouttathisplane

    The enemies sure do run away a lot

  12. CHIMouttathisplane

    For those of you that love or hate archery in POP/Warband.

    The power skills aren't that bad. It's just that PoP stretches the statistic side of M&B to such absurd lengths that the system just collapses in on itself and you end up getting sniped at spawn by a Noldor archer while decked out in the finest armour.
  13. CHIMouttathisplane

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    I'd just like to say, it'd be sweet if Chaos Champions could get 40k Powerfists and Bolters, just like in Oldschool Warhammer Fantasy.

    How do Chaos Champions in Warhammer Fantasy get weapons from Warhammer 40,000? It's Chaos, I don't have to explain ****.

    Oh man, just imagine a bolt pistol, it'd be like having a one-handed cannon with a magazine housing 25 cannonballs.
  14. CHIMouttathisplane


    Like a reverse of the Light&Darkness trick to make elite troops cost 2 or 3 troop slots?

    It'd be nice to implement it in Phantasy Calradia, since there are a lot of troops that are weaker than the average Native soldier, and a lot of troops that are stronger than the average Native soldier.
  15. CHIMouttathisplane

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    polloio said:
    kraggrim said:
    Orc horses:
    From the 2009 printing of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Knights of the Grail.

    So if anyone starts an Orc kingdom near Bretonnia feel free to give horses to your troops  :smile:.

    Boars beat Carnivore Horses 100000 to 0.

    Also Orcs are one of the few factions in the settings not using horses at all: why should we destroy this unique feature of theirs?

    Just make some Orcish mercenaries on evil horses with a million points in manouverability so they can walk up mountains.

    All this muckin' aboot propa' Ork Kultur... :fruity: IF IT'Z GREEEN IT'Z GOOD QUIT MUCKIN' YA GIT!
  16. CHIMouttathisplane

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    Adding to the "how to balance giant units?" discussion... you could always use that Light&Darkness trick and let certain units 'eat' up 2 (or more) army size spots instead of just 1.
    I mean, it fits the whole Warhammery force organization thingie. If you want an army consisting completely out of Terminators and Landraiders, you're going to have a small army.

    I'm pretty sure it doesn't bothers the AI, so it's not a nerf for the already disadvantaged AI, and it prevents players from going full-on Swadian cheesetrain.

    Now that I think of it, didn't special units in Dawn Of War 1 and 2 really chew into your unit cap too?
  17. CHIMouttathisplane

    a posibly crazzy idea for yall to chew on

    Didn't you notice how much larger the worldmap has become after the last update? I might be remembering wrong because I haven't touched Phantasy Calradia in ages, but I'm pretty sure the worldmap was enlarged.
  18. CHIMouttathisplane

    a posibly crazzy idea for yall to chew on

    FrijolitoJR said:
    Morrowind Mod Man said:
    Clearly, in this Phantasy scenario, the Rhodoks and Vaegirs worked out their differences and agreed to become brothers to ensure their mutual survival. They were the greatest of enemies, but having to deal with an orc, zombie and dark elf apocalypse has made them the best of friends.

    It's like a buddy cop movie if everyone in the society had a new partner they hated but eventually grew to love.

    No , please no. That is even worse than a nightmare.
    Guspav only needs to enlarge the map if he wants to add new factions.

    The map has already been enlarged.
  19. CHIMouttathisplane

    Sarleon Black Ops

    >unsheaths katana
    >*teleports behind enemies of Sarleon*
    >*cuts their throat*

    Pssst... nothing personell kid. :fruity:
  20. CHIMouttathisplane


    Well, in Final Invasion, eventually the "zombie dogs" get killed, and the invisible rider dismounts and starts attacking you. Since the rider is invisible, the only way to fight the rider is hoping that the rider gets blood splattered on its invisible body.
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