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  1. Resolved Companions and clan members don't act as mounted archers

    They're equipped with longbows which can't be used while mounted.
    Yeah, you're right. Thank you. Wasn't aware of that.
  2. Resolved Companions and clan members don't act as mounted archers

    Summary: Companions and clan members don't act as mounted archers. They don't use bow and arrow, even with fire at will active, they don't register as ranged cavalry on the party screen. How to Reproduce: Give companion or clan member bow and arrow and horse. Have you used cheats and if so...
  3. Need More Info Nobles spawn without weapons

    Do you have a save file of session that you experienced this issue? With your save file, we can reproduce the issue much easier and faster. You can find your save file here:C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves
    You can send your save files to us via the ticketing system on the website. To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Yes, I just uploaded the save. An example of each within that save would be, 1. Erigai of dey Arromanc. He married into the clan from Oragur's clan, a rebel Kuzait clan. 2. Erdurand of dey Mowdec. A clan member who spawned after I turned my companion, Rothard the Brave into a noble. Both of these characters have no weapons and armour.
  4. Need More Info Nobles spawn without weapons

    Summary: not sure if a bug or an oversight, but some nobles from rebel or companion clans spawn without armour and sometimes without weapons, so I've got someone running around the battlefield in a merchant coat, punching people. Is there a way to equip them? Or will you be implementing...
  5. In Progress Problems with abdicating the throne

    I have tested it on beta e1.7.1 by abdicating the throne of a creatad kingdom on one save and abdicating the throne of an already existing kingdom on the second one.

    For a created kingdom I had the same two issues at first, but after waiting a little bit of in-game time I was able to join to kingdoms as a mercenary and as a vassal. However, the bug with the banner didn't go away.

    For an existing kingdom there was no issue with joining kingdoms and the one with banner was different. The new ruling clan and faction got my banner but it wasn't linked to the banner of my clan - when I changed mine after abdicating, the one for the kingdom and its ruling clan didn't change - so it might not be even a bug, but an intended design.

    While I was writing this post I have tested the problem with banners more on another save.

    It seems like a faction banner becomes yours when you became the king. It replaces your old banner. You can modify/change it to you liking, but after you abdicate, you leave this banner to the faction and the new ruling clan, and you get back your old banner from the time before you have became the king. All works fine for existing kingdoms.

    The problem occurs when you create a new kingdom, because it doesn't have its own banner yet. It seems like the game starts treating the player's banner as the faction banner instead of coping it or creating a new one for this purpose.
    Thanks for testing the problem a bit more. Roughly how much in-game time passed before you could join another faction?
    So they create the Kingdom's banner from your banner, the problem being that the link between your banner and the Kingdom's banner persists after Kingdom creation, even if you are no longer the ruler. Presumably then, this issue will also exist if you create your own Empire faction and you are replaced as Ruler without you having to abdicate?
    I guess they need to set it so the Kingdom banner doesn't change after creation, like the existing factions who keep their Kingdom banner even if a new clan becomes the ruling clan.
    Edit - or rather, they just need to copy and paste the banner on Kingdom creation instead of maintaining the link.
  6. In Progress Problems with abdicating the throne

    Summary: I have discovered a number of issues when abdicating the throne from a created Kingdom. I don't know if the problem is the same if you become the ruler of an existing kingdom. Firstly, the new ruler's clan that wins the election will take the same banner as my character. If I change my...
  7. Resolved Female clan members can't marry

    Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Just to update, problem is the same in 1.5.8 main
  8. Resolved Female clan members can't marry

    I was able to marry off my sister as long as I wasn't asking the person I wanted her to marry. For example, when I approached a single lord (I can't remember if he was a head of a clan) and chose the option "that we could unite our houses in marriage", I ran into the same issue as mistersir6, but when I asked a lord that had a son who was single, I was able to marry my sister off to the son.
    Does it have to be a son then? Because I tried marrying my sister Alda to Vipon. He doesn't have a son, but he has an unmarried male clan member Varymos(may be spelled wrong) but there was no other option.
  9. Resolved Female clan members can't marry

    I have uploaded a save file. I am right next to Vipon in the map, who I was hoping would marry Alda.
  10. Resolved Female clan members can't marry

    I have version 1.5.8 and the exact same issue when I trying to marry off my brother or sister to a clan leader.
    @Yojimpo89 can you upload your save so they can solve it faster.
    Upload Save
    okie doke
  11. Resolved Female clan members can't marry

    I am married and both of my brothers are married but my sister won't. One of the clans in my kingdom has no heirs and I'm trying to get the leader to marry her. I propose marriage, he says, who's hand are you offering? I say, the hand of Alda (my sister) he says, well yes I was looking for a...
  12. Resolved Disrupt supply lines bug 1.5.7

    Hi, i have updated your save file with the new one. Thank you for taking the time.
    Thank you for always being helpful and responding quickly. I'm loving the game, and I'm grateful for how helpful these forums are. Just felt that needed saying as I've only listed problems so far. ?
  13. Resolved Disrupt supply lines bug 1.5.7

    Hello, i have forwarded the issue to the QA team. Thank you for reporting it in and for your time.
    same thing happened again, so I was able to upload another save right after the mission came through if that's helpful
  14. Resolved Disrupt supply lines bug 1.5.7

    Hello, can you please send us a save file so we can further inspect the issue? You can upload the file to address. Please paste the link to this thread as description so i can identify it.
    OK, I sent a save of after the even, and you can see in the quests that they came through at the same time.
  15. Resolved Missing family member after ransom (holding) 1.5.7 main

    When it says they are "Holding", it's like the NPC is in a time out, they aren't actually available for you interact with. When it changes to "staying" then you should be able to find them, tell them to create party from clan menu, or assign them as governor. They usually teleport to a new location when they change from holding to staying, very annoying. How long have they been holding? I'm not sure what determines how long but I've seen it last like 5 days before.
    Do you have a save file of session that you experienced this issue? With your save file, we can reproduce the issue much easier and faster. For more information regarding how to send us your save files, you can check this thread out. You can find your save file here:
    C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves

    You can send your save files to us via site. Please write your username and this threads URL into the description box so that we can find it easier. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    The issue eventually solved itself. I don't know how long, the earliest save I have of her holding says Winter 16 and I think she was released 2 days earlier, but not sure. I waited and I checked the clan tab everyday until spring 6 then it said staying at Rovalt. I tried to recreate by loading a save from winter 19, except this time, by winter 21 it said staying at Ocs Hall. I tried it a third time and it said staying at Nevyansk Castle by winter 22. Do you still want the save? What is supposed to happen in that situation?
  16. Resolved Missing family member after ransom (holding) 1.5.7 main

    My sister had been captured, and she was ransomed back. Then for days she has been, "holding," but says, "last seen at Rovalt today." I went to Rovalt and she isn't there. If I try and make a party with her it says, "this hero has just escaped from captors and will be available after some time...
  17. Resolved Disrupt supply lines bug 1.5.7

    So the message from Arzagos tells me that the caravan will be moving from Varcheg to Makeb in 5 days. A second bullet point below it that came through at the same time says, "Caravan is moving on to Omor from Varcheg." I think, maybe it means in 5 days? I start moving towards Varcheg. A day...
  18. Resolved Banner Editor Not Giving An Option To Change Background Color

    Are you still experiencing this issue?
    In 1.5.7 main, you can't change banner background colour after creating a kingdom.
  19. Resolved Banner Editor Not Giving An Option To Change Background Color

    I know this was a long time ago, but I just had the same problem, and figured out that you have to change the banner before you create your new kingdom, as the option is missing afterwards. So I leave kingdom, then change banner, then create kingdom and speak to Arzagos
  20. SP - General Clan members won't enter tournaments

    I like that party members can increase their skills in tournaments, however, only companions will enter. The only way clan members will enter is if I leave them in the keep or if they have their own party. They won't join from my party. Is this as intended?
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