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  1. aG3NTo

    In Progress Clan Members do not recruit at owned Fiefs garrison any more

    I think i needs to be a percentage. I posted this using the new ticket system and they confirmed it is a bug.

    You can still let them travel to another city and start a party there if you want them to recruit "like normal". But i think also npc faction characters recruit from their garrison first, then wander through villages and cities to recruit more.
    Or you can just send them to your own party, then create a party from there and let them go through the usual process.

    When you have a huge kingdom and multiple fronts it gets really annoying to travel back to your cities and manually do all the work for 5 parties....
  2. aG3NTo

    Need More Info Grandkids do not reproduce

    Done! It seems they DO reproduce, but just at a super sub 1% chance. Even if you put them together in the same party, the same fief, or owned clan fief.... but it means my clan will die out in some years .. i did provide a save through the ticket system.
  3. aG3NTo

    In Progress Cannot convince clans to join my Kingdom after their destruction

    Summary: When i try to convince other clans that recently lost their Kingdom because it was destroyed, i cannot invite them or propose to them to join my faction through discussion with their leader. Is there another way to invite them into my Kingdom and offer them recompense? In another...
  4. aG3NTo

    Need More Info Grandkids do not reproduce

    Summary: It is the game year 1143 . My main character died of old age and i have continued the game playing as my son. He has lots of children and his brothers and sisters too. Now i married my grand children to other clans members and they do not have children. My clan size is 57 now. Is there...
  5. aG3NTo

    In Progress Clan Members do not recruit at owned Fiefs garrison any more

    Summary: When creating a clan party with a member of the clan through the clan menu, in previous Patches, the clan member recruited a certain amount of the garrison of the fief you created the party from. Now no garrison units are used. This was a good feature to provide your clan member parties...
  6. aG3NTo

    In Progress Assigning hero to formation causes wrong audio when giving orders to formations

    If the Hero is classified as Infantry ( you can set that for your heroes in your party screen) then the whole formation is called infantry. If the hero is the leader of a party and you didnt change his class when he was in your party, it will always be infantry.
  7. aG3NTo

    In Progress Family members dont stay in keep(town) when left there

    With the lack of feasts this is really an issue to get the players Clan growing without ordering all the family members and their spouse every night to spend in a town to have some couple time.... NPC clans however get going very quickly ... I understand the mechanic is that our family members move magically from fief to fief, to meet with other nobles, but it would make sense to move spouses always together....
  8. aG3NTo

    Resolved Mix up of the Khuzait Horse Archers Bows making tier 4 a down grade from tier 3 in accuracy and damage

    I reported that in couple months ago, answer was balance is made otherwise, through accuracy etc. BUT the bow that the T4 horse archer is using is in all stats worse than the bow that the T3 Horse Archer is using. Important one for Balance to be fair.
  9. aG3NTo

    In Progress Verecsand Castle spawns defender Militia outside the castle walls when besieged and assaulted by player

    uploaded a save file. not sure if its the correct one, because i took the castle.
  10. aG3NTo

    Resolved Beta 1.5.10 Cannot marry my sons / daughters to other nobles

    I was now able to marry them, but lots of nobles refused cause of no reason.... i didnt get any information what is causing the refusal
  11. aG3NTo

    Resolved 1.5.10 Cannot make peace with Rebel Clans - Cannot invite them to Kingdom

    Summary: Cannot make peace with Rebel Clans - Cannot invite them to Kingdom, even though they exist for more than 30 days. No option is given to make peace or to convince them to join the player kingdom. How to Reproduce: have a kingdom, be leader, have rebel factions created that were not...
  12. aG3NTo

    In Progress Verecsand Castle spawns defender Militia outside the castle walls when besieged and assaulted by player

    Summary: Siege Verecsand castle as player, destroy both wall segmets, launch attack. The enemy will charge out of the 2 broken wall segments and a third of the defenders will spawn outside the castle walls in front of the gate. How to Reproduce: Siege Verecsand castle as player, destroy both...
  13. aG3NTo

    Resolved Beta 1.5.10 Cannot marry my sons / daughters to other nobles

    The brother worked, after talking to a lot of peeps. He is also older than my kids, obviously.

    i uploaded a recent savefile. It even doesnt work with ladies of Clans that are part of my kingdom....
  14. aG3NTo

    Resolved Beta 1.5.10 Cannot marry my sons / daughters to other nobles

    Summary: My sons are 18 and 19, i can start the conversation to forge alliance through marriage, the NPC will then answer which of their family is looking to be married. So in the case its a 20 year old noblewoman, i can only chose "that might not work out". However i have good standing or bad...
  15. aG3NTo

    In Progress Family members dont stay in keep(town) when left there

    I think this applies to all of the NPCs , not only to your family. Only governors stay in place. It maybe guarantees that Nobles mix and meet each other, sometimes to couple and have offspring. A neat "feast" mechanic like in Warbands would fix that :wink:.
  16. aG3NTo

    In Progress Excessive recruitment in fiefs

    uploaded a recent save file
  17. aG3NTo

    Resolved Companion Stance vs War behavior Stance

    uploaded a recent save file
  18. aG3NTo

    In Progress Excessive recruitment in fiefs

    Summary: When i set a wage limit on my fiefs the wage actually decreases and more troops desert I think it is because some troops are automatically upgraded (great!) , but then the wage increases, recruitment stops beforehand, but as the total wage now exceeds the set amount, the troops desert...
  19. aG3NTo

    Resolved Companion Stance vs War behavior Stance

    Summary: I set all my 3 companion led parties to be Defensive in Party Screen, but as i am King i set the War behavior to Offensive. I am not sure if there is a conflict between these 2 functionalities or what the interaction should be. However, my parties seem to focus on defending my own...
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