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  1. The_Schwarz

    Where are the Blood decals get stored on the Agent objects?

    If a dev has a moment and could answer what I hope is a simple question for me....

    When a blood decal/pattern is applied to an agent aka soldier on the battlefield is that pattern information set somewhere within the agent object somewhere or is it accessible?

    My assumptions so far are:
    1. That the pattern is randomly created via the "CreateBloodBurstAtLimb" method as the applied blood pattern varies
    2. The applied blood pattern must be stored as it stays persistent and unique to each unit on the battlefield.

    Thanks in advance.
    Just looking to re ask this question

    I have the same question with regard to Face Tattoos.
    If I was looking at a Agent Object where can I find what tatoos are applied to the Agent?
    Where can I find was blood splatter patterns have been applied to a agent?


  2. The_Schwarz

    Community Tales #2

    Thank you for the recognition and shout out on DismembermentPlus.
  3. The_Schwarz

    Suggestion General Customized assets accessible in Custom Battle Mode

    Have you tried looking at your submodule which loads the file?
    Maybed you dont load it on customgame?

    If you are referring to the section in the submodule.xml where you declare "IncludedGameTypes"
    I believe I have that set accordingly.

          <XmlName id="Items" path="spitems"/>
            <GameType value="Campaign"/>
            <GameType value="CampaignStoryMode"/>
            <GameType value="CustomGame"/>
            <GameType value="EditorGame"/>
  4. The_Schwarz

    Suggestion General Customized assets accessible in Custom Battle Mode

    I know it's not a solution, but have you considered using the Enhanced Battle Test mod, which as it's loaded from a campaign makes custom troops and presumably custom assets available.
    Thanks for your response. @NPC99
    I am guessing my over arching issue wouldn't be a problem if I had "Enhanced Battle Test" loaded. But if as you said its loaded from campaign, then the custom assets should automatically present if that is the case. It's something I would have to validate.

    You are also right in the fact that the main goal of my ask is to provide a way for the users of Custom Battle mode to use mods that have altered or customized library references.

    In my specific case with (DismembermentPlus), I have parted out native armors and given them their own custom reference id so that I can call and return the varying bits of armor that I need to make the effect of cutting of limbs render in battle.

    It would be great if we could get a method to load a custom library if Custom Battle mode was selected.
  5. The_Schwarz

    Where are the Blood decals get stored on the Agent objects?

    If a dev has a moment and could answer what I hope is a simple question for me.... When a blood decal/pattern is applied to an agent aka soldier on the battlefield is that pattern information set somewhere within the agent object somewhere or is it accessible? My assumptions so far are: That...
  6. The_Schwarz

    Hi, i'm getting crashes using dismemberment plus.

    As far I know this mod hasn't been updated to the latest ver. e1.8.0.318937
    This mod was last updated on 20 Jun. The latest 1.8.0 came up on 26 Jul or so.

    Its a bit confusing as both version of the game are shown as 1.8.0 but they are not the same and mods need to be reworked.
    Not sure exactly what you were experiencing.. I haven't needed to update the mod since June as the it was running stable after hotfixes.

    What I can perhaps elaborate on is:
    If you installed the 1.8.0 version of the mod and your game version was still 1.7.2 you might have needed to completely delete the mod from your modules directory and install the version for 1.7.2.
    There were changes between the two versions that required some new files to be added into the localization folders.
    If you reverted the mod by simply doing a directory copy the new files would have not been removed and you then you could have experienced a crash.
  7. The_Schwarz

    Hi, i'm getting crashes using dismemberment plus.

    damn.. okay thanks!
    Dismemberment Plus is completely Plug and Play its addition or removal has no bearing on your save files whatsoever.

    If you crash on load when DP is enabled it can be a few different things,
    1. Wrong mod version to game version,
    2. Out of Date Support mods = Harmony, ButterLib, UIExtender, Mod Configuration Menu (make sure they are updated to your current game version)
    3. Make sure the DP dll file is unblocked on your machine. Just locate the file in your Module\DismembermentPlus folder, right-click, and if it shows you an option to click a button to UnBlock, click it.

    If you have any issues with the mod hit me up on Nexus or my Discord which is linked from the mod page.
  8. The_Schwarz

    Need More Info Bannerlord'da "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." hatası

    This issue is a result of trying to use the mod in Custom battle mode.
    That mode does not load the custom libraries of armors I built to handle the dismembering of limbs etc.

    If there exists a way to load custom armor libraries while in Custom Battles I would love to know how it can be done.

    Campaign and Sandbox will work fine.
  9. The_Schwarz

    Suggestion General Customized assets accessible in Custom Battle Mode

    Hello, I was wondering if it is possible or could be possible to have custom assets recognizable while in CustomBattle Mode. If it already is possible can someone please shine some light on the solution for me? I currently have not seen or found a way to have customized assets that I have...
  10. The_Schwarz

    Discussion General Removal or Relocation of SlowMotioMode in 1.7.2 (beta)

    Had my Questions Answered:
    System is changed to support more than one slowdown request.(cheats, order, mods etc.) You can refer to AddTimeSpeedRequest and RemoveTimeSpeedRequest
    If you're referring to slowing down the mission.
  11. The_Schwarz

    Discussion General Removal or Relocation of SlowMotioMode in 1.7.2 (beta)

    Hello, I was just curious as to where the slowmotionmode went? Was it moved to a obscure location or was it removed alltogether? I would think its still accessible as its enabled when issuing orders. It used to be public bool from TaleWorlds.Engine.Scene public bool SlowMotionMode {...
  12. The_Schwarz

    Playing an agent animation via code

    In DismembermentPlus, a while back I was able to force the death animation of a agent by using the following. Where activeAgent is your target and xxNameofAnimationxx was name of animation.

    My case I was using "act_fall_hard_legs_hold_left".
    activeagent.SetActionChannel(0, ActionIndexCache.Create("xxNameofAnimationxx"));

    It worked for my purposes
  13. The_Schwarz

    Xorberax's Shoulder Cam Mod needs to be in the base game as toggable alternative third person camera.

    its not in the game but I update Shoulder Camera and several other of Xorberax's mods to run on the latest versions of the game.
  14. The_Schwarz

    [Tool] TpacTool - An unofficial asset explorer [0.4.0]

    Said it once .... Say it again ... you are a HERO!!! Thank you!
  15. The_Schwarz

    Hello, do you suppose you could work some magic on TPAC Tool again?

    Hello, do you suppose you could work some magic on TPAC Tool again?
  16. The_Schwarz

    [Tool] TpacTool - An unofficial asset explorer [0.4.0]

    Looks like its broken again for 1.7.0 @hunharibo 's fork in no longer doing the trick

    Can't say as how to fix for sure ...

    But buy running the code locally and putting a break in on line 96 of the AssestDependence.cs in the TpacTool.Lib project
    I was able to manually skip over the "throw new ResolveFailedException<T>(this);" Once clear of that exception I was able to grab the two new
    empire armors I was after and export them... however none of the rigging, materials came along for the ride. Damnit

    public T GetItem(IDependenceResolver resolver) { if (Item != null && !Item.Invalid) return Item; if (resolver.Resolve(Guid, Name, out T res)) { Name = res.Name; Item = res; return res; } throw new ResolveFailedException<T>(this); }
  17. The_Schwarz

    Usage of Custom Armor in Custom Battles

    Question: Does there exist a easy button to get custom items accessible during a custom battle? I would hope that it wouldn't/shouldn't be an issue. But whenever I try make a item request using "Items.All." and the id name of a custom armor component, the return is null. But this only happens...
  18. The_Schwarz

    Please, help me about THIS

    What Dismemberment mod are you using?
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