Ristridin said:
I find posts like the above to be extremely frustrating to comprehend because they almost completely ignore the legitimate criticisms against the dev blogs and focus almost entirely on being supportive about the blogs for all the reasons except for the sole reason that they supposedly exist: Telling us about the game. I'm fairly sure there wasn't even the slightest bit of an attempt to argue in good faith but i'll try my best.
The previous dev blogs have told us nothing new. And barring that they might be well written or well structured the actual information in the blogs - which is their exact purpose - is completely devoid of anything that tells me what the game is going to be like. Plainly put, I don't ****ing care how well they read as long as it's bearable, I care about what they can tell me. I'm not irritated with the blogs solely because of how little new information is in there, because i'm also irritated that they're so god damn vague about ****
that's already in Warband that it seems like they have somehow stagnated if not
regressed from what we had in Warband. 5+ years of development, and they can't tell us more than "These weapons are in the game".
That's what irritates me. And if that's what we call entitled now then i'd wager just about everyone on the planet is entitled. Though to answer - and here's where I stop arguing in good faith - I will like a game on its own merits rather than how new it is to me, and frankly if you don't understand why someone would play something they know a lot about then I honestly don't know how to respond other than "**** off".