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  1. How to downgrade 1.161 Steam version to 1.158 Pls Help!

    Gylve said:
    Also, I don't understand what does that "keys not working on older versions"? Does that mean that if I buy a new PC, Steam won't allow the keys to be used if I want to play the game I bought from them? I'm quite new to Steam, I had another version before and never had to worry about these things. Yet even that version is f*cked up....

    If you bought it on Steam, it'll work in any system that Steam supports. That's not the problem, if you like playing "Native" or one of the DLC packs.

    The problem is that Steam automatically updates to the latest version, and the modders stopped supporting many things past 1.153 because at one point that was advertised as "the final final version".  So in order to play with some of the more popular mods, you have to be able to use an older version.

    Which wasn't a problem, since once upon a time, TaleWorlds allowed people with newer versions to download older versions and use those instead. The keys worked for validation, even Steam keys.  Then came the newEST version, and the keys were broken. Worse, the company decided that these new keys would NEVER work with the older versions, and lied about the technical aspects of doing so - even though many of their fans are also software developers themselves and could see through the marketing lies.

    So anyone buying it recently (for certain values of "recent") has just gotten massively screwed by the company, because they CANNOT play those older versions. The versions that the best mods work for. The versions that made the game so popular in the first place, because of those mods.

    So the only recourse is to crack the older versions. Which is a really silly thing for a company to force people to do, in my opinion.

    Of course, others might have a different "take" on the whole sequence of events, so they might decide to chime in at this point. The above is my take on the sequence of events.

  2. How to downgrade 1.161 Steam version to 1.158 Pls Help!

    Gylve said:
    thinking about asking for a refund.

    Didn't you know? Games are "no returns, no refunds". Make the best of it.

    Did you get it on Steam or elsewhere? I found that several mods, including Diplomacy and TweakMB, *kind* of work on the 1.161. But yeah, it was very disappointing. That said, I've spent a lot of time in the game at this point, and I'm finding it quite nice to play. It's a lot BETTER with the mods though, something the company completely screwed over.

    What I did was I found ways to crack 1.153, which was once the "final version", and then installed the appropriate mods. Although I'm usually quite down on "piracy" I have no issues doing that here since (a) I've already paid for the game and (b) the company has said that although it used to work, new keys no longer work on older versions. Which they could fix if they wanted, but won't, for whatever reasons. The fact they've LIED to me about it being "impossible" to fix helps me justify my use of a cracked version.

    Works great (apart from known bugs in the mods themselves, but hey, that's life).

  3. Steam Key activation denied

    Epicrules said:;area=statistics;u=431358
    cool, I didn't know that.

    Epicrules said:
    Don't you think if it were that easy they would have done it?
    No, because accountants rule. Saying it's "impossible" is not the same as saying "we chose not to do it because we didn't see the profit in it". One is an outright lie. One is probably closer to the truth. They did not choose to say the latter, they chose to lie.

    AnnoyedCanuck said:
    Another way that's more future-proof would be to make changes to the validation function to have the system check if they've registered the software on the TaleWorlds.  We already need to be online to validate, apparently, so why not? If it's registered, then validate. No key check required in the software, and it allows them to validate keys on the website, which is more under their control. Again, release this change as 1.153a or something.

    Epicrules said:
    Woohoo, always-online DRM! :roll:
    No,  "check once" DRM.  If you don't know the difference, you should keep quiet until you learn the difference.

    Epicrules said:
    Then surely you will not be insulted by me repeating my original statement;
    Epicrules said:
    God you're dense.
    Only if you don't mind my repeating myself as well:
    AnnoyedCanuck said:
    What's insulting is people lying and claiming it's "truth", either through ignorance or hubris.
    Although I'm going to go with "ignorance".  You obviously don't have a clue.
  4. Steam Key activation denied

    Epicrules said:
    Seeing as a good deal of my posts, especially the recent ones, are on the off-topic section of the forum, which is not meant to contain any useful info 95% of the time, that's not a good argument to fall back on. Forum ranks are given by time spent online, not posts.

    Interesting, because although I'm fairly familiar with Simple Machine Forum (SMF) forum software, I wasn't aware SMF 2.x had the option to track total time online on a per-user basis, or that it could be used for ranks. But it's an option I might have missed, or an interesting hack if I didn't and that's what they're actually doing.

    Epicrules said:
    If you had bothered to read the thread before spouting your drivel, you would know that it is not something they meant to do and that it is literally impossible for them to make the new types of keys work on older versions. Nowhere did they ever sit down and think "haha if we make these keys not work on old versions we will make more money!" which is what your original post had said. Also, they didn't 'abandon' a 'half-finished' game. TaleWorlds is an indie studio and when Warband and the original M&B were made, they were working with a very small team. If the truth is insulting, you're doing something wrong.

    Beg to differ on that "literally impossible" shtick. They have the source code. Presumably it's in source control. (if it's not, they have more serious issues). 

    The simplest way would be to take the original "final" version, add the ability to use new keys AND NOTHING ELSE in what is presumably a single discrete unit (function, class, what-have-you) if they're at all competent programmers. They change the version to 1.153a, and release that.  There, problem solved. That's assuming they ever wanted people to be able to use the older versions and the mods that go with it.
    Is it extra work? Yes. Does it make them more money? Maybe, depends on several factors. Does it keep their community happy? Definitely.

    Another way that's more future-proof would be to make changes to the validation function to have the system check if they've registered the software on the TaleWorlds.  We already need to be online to validate, apparently, so why not? If it's registered, then validate. No key check required in the software, and it allows them to validate keys on the website, which is more under their control. Again, release this change as 1.153a or something.

    There's a few other options as well.

    But did they even attempt this? No. They up and tell us "it's not possible", which I simply cannot believe.

    Also, having played native, and having played now with various mods, I can say that "mount and blade: warband" wasn't all that finished. It's the mods that finish it, and I applaud their previous support of said modding community. However, I don't judge a product by who made it, I judge a product by the product itself. OK, they were a small studio with limited resources. That might explain why they did what they did, but it doesn't change the fact that the product was less than polished.

    As for the rest, truth is never insulting. What's insulting is people lying and claiming it's "truth", either through ignorance or hubris.

    [edit: added another solution to key issue]
  5. Steam Key activation denied

    Epicrules said:
    God you're dense.

    Care to expand on that? Without context for all we know you posted in the wrong thread, or you're replying to any one of the six pages of replies to this thread.  If you have a solution that doesn't involve finding generated keys that work on 1.153, or a cracked version of 1.153  mb_warband.exe, then spit it out. If you don't, why the gratuitous insults?

    Oh, never mind. You're one of THOSE. 408 pages of posts, and the first 10 pages only contain one-line insults and other very non-useful tripe. I didn't bother checking further. It's a pity forum ranks are done strictly by volume rather than any useful content.
  6. Steam Key activation denied

    Einwolf said:
    But because TaleWorlds showed a remarkable lack of foresight, I've found myself in the position of having to actually do a google search for a random CD Key. This actually worked. Because you can just download the game and new keys don't work for the primary reason people are buying the game this has resulted in a scenerio where TaleWorlds has actively forced people to either fix their game for them, or pirate it. That is far less than ideal. Far far less than ideal.

    This is what I was forced to do as well. Bought it on Steam based on recommendations, but obviously those recommendations hadn't caught up with this little fiasco.

    I'll keep playing the older version because that's where the mods are. To say I'm disappointed with TaleWorlds is an understatement. There were several ways they could have reached out to their very loyal paid-up fan base, but they chose not to do that, instead choosing to abandon that fan base to try to sell more. I'm somewhat puzzled as to why they think people will continue to buy their games when they've shown that
    (a) they only make half-finished games that require an extraordinarily dedicated modding community to make them awesome and
    (b) they're willing to throw away all that effort with little to no warning.
  7. How to downgrade 1.161 Steam version to 1.158 Pls Help!

    Issue has been resolved. I went with option (2) since another thread has categorically stated that newer Steam keys will never work with older software, and TaleWorlds won't do anything to resolve it.
  8. Unable to get in contact with Press Team?

    Yeah, great game, having lots of fun with it, but you can add "completely unresponsive company" to that review. Tech support is the same, it's a black hole.
  9. Weapons dropping in battle

    sirballington said:
    AnnoyedCanuck said:
    Are you doing that for some reason, perhaps muscle memory as you try to throw a grenade or something?
    I want a grenade!! *stares at hilltop archers with scorn*

    I don't! They'd use them against me!
  10. How to downgrade 1.161 Steam version to 1.158 Pls Help!

    Ra'Jiska said:

    You do not need to 'pirate' anything, simply download the non Steam version at the following link: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/mb_warband_setup_1158.exe

    You're now able to play non Steam without paying again, your game CD Key is already registered so no need to put it in again.

    Odd, I thought I'd tried that, and it insists that I enter a key if I want to play anything other than trial mode.
    I'll try again, maybe I did it wrong the first time?

    Downloaded it.
    Installed it.
    I get the Activation screen where it asks me for a Serial Key. A serial key from Steam DOES NOT WORK. I get "Activation Denied".
    This is the same serial key that's on my account of "registered games". Do they check the key when you register, or do they allow any 4x4 combo?

    So what step am I missing if it's that easy?
  11. Questions about Warband

    Serendell Honortatta said:
    I wish i could just join the kings army and be a normal grunt. Being a general is really stressful.

    There's a mod for that. Doesn't Floris have something for that, where you join as a grunt?
  12. Weapons dropping in battle

    In 164 hours of game time I've NEVER had a weapon "fall out of my hand". I've accidentally rotated the weapon out, and during siege battles attempting to pick up another weapon causes all sorts of issues, but I've never had one fall or get knocked out of my hand. And I've been hit a lot ('cause I suck at blocking). 

    The only way I know to "drop" a weapon is to press (by default) the 'G' key. Are you doing that for some reason, perhaps muscle memory as you try to throw a grenade or something?  You might try re-mapping "drop weapon" to something else to see if that helps?
  13. Tournament manual tweaking?

    k61824 said:
    I would have thought 1 couched spike (the one right at the start where you run your horse to him) would be enough to kill mostly anyone

    Oh, absolutely. IF I can get a couched spike on the guy I'd win. I tend to aim for the horse, but for some reason a lot of the time he either dodges or blocks. Also he often just turns his horse enough to meet mine head-on - which makes everyone stop. And once that first attempt is passed... have you ever tried to do a couched spike on a guy whose horse is just as fast as yours, but he doesn't need to be at a full gallop and is therefore more manoeuvrable? Oh, and any time he comes close he can hit you, but you can only hit him if it's ahead of you?  I've never managed the trick yet, and I've tried many times now. Hmm, someone else posted the scripts - wonder if I can modify it to always give that practice dagger to everyone? THAT would let me take him out. Works when I get given a bow anyway.
  14. Tournament manual tweaking?

    Phoenix VII said:
    ... the AI is bad at running into walls and that should give you enough time to circle around and hit him with the lance.

    It might be bad for running into walls when they have lances and have to be at a full gallop, but it's actually pretty good at missing walls when chasing me with a sword in hand. I've tried this as it seemed to the be only way to get far enough away from him to turn around and charge,  and either it's a very narrow "sweet spot" between "moving out the way and having him hit the wall" and "not moving out the way fast enough and he gets a blow in", or that sweet spot doesn't exist, because I've never managed to get it right (yet?).
  15. Tournament manual tweaking?

    zajuts149 said:
    Not sure how you do this. However, you can still stab with the lance without galloping, and attack the horse to dismount your opponent. That gives you time to get into a gallop on the next pass. Also, the better your riding skill, the faster you get into a gallop. Polearm skill also helps in getting in good hits with a stabbing lance.

    Stabbing with the lance seems to do about 3 damage. I've never seen it do more than 5 even when it connects.  Also, it's really slow, so I can't block while he's wailing on me at 10 to 15 per hit.  Finally, I have to keep him at a distance to hit him. If he's too close it misses, but he can crowd me easily since he's also on a horse. I have a 230 polearm skill. I'm very good with the lance. It comes down very quickly. But he's on a horse, he can stay closer.

    Are you saying you've WON in this scenario? Or are you talking "theoretically"?

    [EDIT] tried it some more. In a lot of blows, I've never done more than 10 damage with a thrust jousting lance.
  16. Tournament manual tweaking?

    Is it possible to manually modify the game so that a tournament matchup of one on one mounted lance vs mounted sword is impossible? Because it's a completely one-sided event: the lance will ALWAYS lose, since it doesn't have a backup weapon and can't pick one up.  The sword mounted opponent...
  17. How to downgrade 1.161 Steam version to 1.158 Pls Help!

    I've tried here - no reply that works.
    I've tried contacting TaleWorlds support - no reply, or even acknowledgement that any query was received. That's just poor service.
    I've tried PM to Daegoth - no reply (heck, he might not even exist any more, it was an old post).

    I'm going to give it another week, and muddle through for a while longer.  Then, if no answer is forthcoming, and since it seems that most of the work is being done by the modders working for free these days, I have a feeling I'm just going to have to go for option (2) above. I've PAID for the game already. I'm not going to pay again when, by all accounts in other threads by people who should know (Daegoth), the key provided by Steam SHOULD allow me to enable a downloaded version so I can play an older version without Steam. At least that's how I'm interpreting the whole 4x4 vs 5x5 Steam key thread.
  18. Playing the victim

    Phoenix VII said:
    Bordering incidents will occur between factions that share a border as time passes which gives a casus belli to one of the sides everytime it fires. While there's no guarantee the AI will use it, you can. Maybe that's what you're looking for?

    Yeah, someone in my kingdom generates those fairly frequently, but they just won't attack. When I'm not king, I can get a quest to "fake" an incident and make it look like it came from someone else. However, now that I'm king, I don't seem to have that option any more.

    Basically looking to manufacture an incident that looks like THEY are at fault to which I can respond without losing influence. However, there doesn't seem to be a way, so I'm just taking the hit and declaring war myself.  Maybe I'll find a mod in the next game that'll let me be more slimy.
  19. Playing the victim

    k61824 said:
    If it is native or similar to native, Caravans, villagers, villages and enemy lords.  Convince some less honorable lords of yours (given they actually like you) to take hostile actions on them and they should declare war on you in no time.  I would be inclined to think Diplomacy has a similar mechanics as well.

    Hmm, I only seem to have that option if I'm already at war with the other nation.  I don't seem to have any kind of "generate an incident" option. Pity.

    Oh well, I got impatient. Rodock kingdom is no more.  I now own the entire west half of the map. Next up: Vaegirs probably. We'll see what happens. I don't think there's a way for me to "lose" at this point. I have 46 lords of which 20 are "Devoted" (at 100). The other kingdoms have about 3 lords between them. Plus their kings.
  20. Questions about Warband

    Serendell Honortatta said:
    yeeaaahhh about that....i dont fight on horseback, Im a one handed and crossbow user, I fight on the ground with my sergeants. same with my companions, i use them as a bodyguard unit that i can use to help me defend the archers when my sergeants are engaging the enemy. my polearms skill is up to 89 though.


    Well, in that case, good luck! I can't think of way to be truly effective on the battlefield while walking.  What I've found is that in this game you're a general, not a grunt. If you're "stuck in" with your troops, you can't see the big picture to move forces around because you're about to get flanked (for example). You can't take your quick-reaction force to break up knots where your guys are getting mauled.  You need to be moving around. Sure, it's fun as heck to just be bashing away, but in my opinion that's not my job on the battlefield. Without a general, your troops aren't going to be that good. Which is probably why you're losing.

    To be fair, I started out thinking I could just do ranged combat and "mix it in".  Only when I learned to step back and be a general rather than a grunt did I start doing much better in combat in this game.
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