Epicrules said:
Seeing as a good deal of my posts, especially the recent ones, are on the off-topic section of the forum, which is not meant to contain any useful info 95% of the time, that's not a good argument to fall back on. Forum ranks are given by time spent online, not posts.
Interesting, because although I'm fairly familiar with Simple Machine Forum (SMF) forum software, I wasn't aware SMF 2.x had the option to track total time online on a per-user basis, or that it could be used for ranks. But it's an option I might have missed, or an interesting hack if I didn't and that's what they're actually doing.
Epicrules said:
If you had bothered to read the thread before spouting your drivel, you would know that it is not something they meant to do and that it is literally impossible for them to make the new types of keys work on older versions. Nowhere did they ever sit down and think "haha if we make these keys not work on old versions we will make more money!" which is what your original post had said. Also, they didn't 'abandon' a 'half-finished' game. TaleWorlds is an indie studio and when Warband and the original M&B were made, they were working with a very small team. If the truth is insulting, you're doing something wrong.
Beg to differ on that "literally impossible" shtick. They have the source code. Presumably it's in source control. (if it's not, they have more serious issues).
The simplest way would be to take the original "final" version, add the ability to use new keys AND NOTHING ELSE in what is presumably a single discrete unit (function, class, what-have-you) if they're at all competent programmers. They change the version to 1.153a, and release that. There, problem solved. That's assuming they ever wanted people to be able to use the older versions and the mods that go with it.
Is it extra work? Yes. Does it make them more money? Maybe, depends on several factors. Does it keep their community happy? Definitely.
Another way that's more future-proof would be to make changes to the validation function to have the system check if they've registered the software on the TaleWorlds. We already need to be online to validate, apparently, so why not? If it's registered, then validate. No key check required in the software, and it allows them to validate keys on the website, which is more under their control. Again, release this change as 1.153a or something.
There's a few other options as well.
But did they even attempt this? No. They up and tell us "it's not possible", which I simply cannot believe.
Also, having played native, and having played now with various mods, I can say that "mount and blade: warband" wasn't all that finished. It's the mods that finish it, and I applaud their previous support of said modding community. However, I don't judge a product by who made it, I judge a product by the product itself. OK, they were a small studio with limited resources. That might explain why they did what they did, but it doesn't change the fact that the product was less than polished.
As for the rest, truth is never insulting. What's insulting is people lying and claiming it's "truth", either through ignorance or hubris.
[edit: added another solution to key issue]