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  1. ? Alpha & Beta Branches Feedback

    Totally agree my game is the same as yours seems like an endless loop and going nowhere. The only solution I can think of is to be able to imprison Lords for a lot longer or reduce the penalty for execution. I am with Vlandia only Kuzhait, Aserai and Western Empire left, yet we are at war with all 3. I cannot even move to other areas to sell my gear as my towns are attacked as soon as I move away.
    Yeah imprisoning lords for longer is another elegant solution I hadn't thought of. It does become very frustrating when you capture someone, put them in a dungeon. Go to siege someplace and then when the enemies amass an army to deflect it (which they nearly always do before trebuchets brake walls) - there is that same lord amongst the army. Another particularly annoying thing is when these pests keep raiding your villages (especially neutral factions who are mercenaries as they particularly love doing this it seems) despite repeatedly capturing the culprits and imprisoning them. It makes it feel like chopping off their heads is the only solution!
  2. ? Alpha & Beta Branches Feedback

    I've been on latest beta 1.4.2 for like 100-200 hours now and I have some feedback for it. Im at day 2545, im lvl 21 and aged 60 something and my kids are all grown up :smile:
    Its been a lot of fun but it does feel never-ending.

    The main culprit imo is the fact that my faction (valadian) continually has had 2-3 wars going at the same time most of the game. Its very hard to make any progress when its like this. One suggestion to perhaps alleviate this problem a little would be to allow players to spend more influence (if they wanted) on certain votes, such as war votes. Being only allowed to spend 100 influence means its virtually impossible to affect the outcome on whether we go to war or make peace. Personally, I think the AI should factor in whether we are already at war, and if we are, then they should be much less inclined to sustain or start another war. Also in a similar vein, I feel like the sheer scale of the game - specifically, all the neutral factions and the number of parties each faction inevitably can have, has a detrimental effect on the overall flow of the game. For example, in order to simply move across the map in my game as it is currently, I would have to kill 10's of thousands of troops.
    A better example would be when I had something like 30+ kuziat prisoners in my town seonopa (i think its called) and yet I still was not able to leave the city in order to go north to Osor (my other city) without having to swiftly turn back around because seonopa was getting seiged again by yet another 1000+ army. After awhile the battles feel like a bit of a chore simply because they feel endless and your victories fruitless.

    I do encourage the game to try and become as difficult as possible (when the player has selected realistic options and good AI combat etc), but I would much prefer it if the battles were simply harder but less frequent - so quality over quantity in other words.
  3. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Clan parties cost influence to invite into existing army, bug?

    Not sure if this is intentional, usually it costs 0 influence to invite your parties ( i think only 0 when creating a new army). I was abusing the fact that you can dismiss & then re-invite your 0 influence team-mate parties back into the army as a way to maintain my army cohesion but I noticed...
  4. Inviting clan parties into army costs influence when in big army?

    Not sure if this is intentional, usually it costs 0 influence to invite your parties into an army. I was abusing the fact that you can dismiss & then re-invite your 0 influence team-mate parties back into the army as a way to maintain my army cohesion but I noticed that it was costing me 30...
  5. SP - General I prefer Warband to Bannerlord, and here's why.

    I wouldn't form conclusions yet.. it still got like 8 months of beta to go. They haven't even implemented the traits and perks into the game. Can't judge a finished game to this..
  6. Resolved PC crash to hard reset no bsod

    Fair enough. No way known I can be bothered going to anywhere near that amount of trouble lol
  7. Resolved PC crash to hard reset no bsod

    I have same issue. For me the game is much more unstable in 1.4.2. It has BSOD a couple of times as well as restarting my computer 3 or 4 times too (this hasn't happened before this patch). I have a GTX970 and i5 cpu too so maybe its something to do with that. Ill try lowering my game to 60fps limit (think i've been using 144) and see it that makes a difference.
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