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  1. [WB][M] Full Invasion 2: Osiris 1.03 {Co-op Survival}

    I cant download it, it downloads as a rar file that i cant do anything with
  2. Commander Battles - Permanent Death or Respawn as Bot?

    Yes for two reasons: I don't want to have to wait and in real life, there would be a second in command and not just one commander
  3. Hosting a Dedicated Server Guide

    I can not tell you how much this helps
  4. Suggestions

    I would like to see a option in the United Kingdom faction to be part of the Royal Marines. It would be an infantry unit and I think that would be good because they were and still are a very large part of the British army. A buff that they can have is that they walk faster and can breath longer under water because the Royal Marines were a very see based group. Also an option to turn on or off that alows you to deside to hear the regimeantal song of the class you are playing as, so if i was playing as the 42 Black Watch or the Coldstream Gaurds or the French Grednedier Gaurds and so on than I would here there song.
  5. The mount and blade wfas CD Key i got was the the wrong format

    i donwloaded mound and blade with fire and sword and i got a cd key that looked like this: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx when i beilive it is suppost to look like this: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. I tried the cd key i got and it did not work. please help me fix this without purchasing another copy!
  6. Tips on melee?

    spend time on dule survers
  7. how do i map for napoleonic wars?

    What program do i need to make maps for napoleonic wars and mount and blade warband?
  8. Tips for getting good at mellee

    captain lust said:
    LittleGuy said:
    Find your favorite way to play and play it. It's a game, skill will come with time. Besides, it's the people you meet and the fun you have that actually matter. As long as you're having fun, who cares how good you are?
    :cry:  That was beautiful.
  9. Suggestions

    in cammander battle when to tell the npcs to charge they dont charge they just stay in 1 spot and shoot than reload then shoot and they just keep on doing that until they run out of shots, until they get a new order or until they are killed.
    they coding under the charge cammand should be moved to a new skirmish cammand and the charge cammand should be 1 shot, no reloading and only baynot after the 1 shot, and they actuly rush the enemy. (maybe they stop charging if they get the order to follow the cammander or if the closest regiment to them when they got the order to charge is all killed than they also stop charging)

    Also the option to not ony make rows in cammander battle but to make a line liek if you think about follow the leader or a line in a school were the npcs dont just follow you in their rows but they follow you in a line that you can pull up somewere and tell them to fire, (If you want an example just searche on youtube "battlegrounds 2 linebattle or Napoleonic wars line battle (the battlegrounds 2 option might work more becouse some of the napoelonioc wars linebattles dont do the option that i want)

    I really love napoelonic wars and the whole moutn ans blade serries, keep up the good work!
  10. Tips for getting good at mellee

    LittleGuy said:
    I never learned by playing in a duel server. I learned how to melee, block, and shoot a bow in a Battle server and I became quite good at it in a relatively short amount of time.

    Forget dueling, the best way to learn is to throw yourself at as many different opponents as you can and learn from every death. Dueling is great and all, but you only learn how to duel. Get in to a battle/tdm server and charge people who look like they know what they are doing. Eventually you will be able to block one, then two, and then three attacks and so on.

    Find your favorite way to play and play it. It's a game, skill will come with time. Besides, it's the people you meet and the fun you have that actually matter. As long as you're having fun, who cares how good you are?
    i guess we both have diffrent ways of learning but i agree with the bottom paragraphe 100% (not that i disagre with the first part it is just a diffrent learning tacic)
  11. Napoleonic Wars Pin Code

    Col_streetsurfer said:
    The one who sold it from amazon prolly used the cd key and sold the box after...
    no it was a download
  12. Tips for getting good at mellee

    TARDIS said:
    I can't see where I am blocking when I use first person...

    sometimes it helps see the corect block direction, but it does not work for everyone
  13. I can't find naval battle servers

    look for the map called roxford
  14. Tips for getting good at mellee

    crazyboy11 said:
    ZanderDogz said:
    The first thing you want to do is spend about 1 hour a day on the duel servers. They might not be most fun but they are very, very good for your skill.

    I wouldn't say improvement is limited to specifically duel servers, spending an hour a day on any server with good players is beneficial. Duel servers are great for getting manual blocking up to scratch, but they don't help you with shield technique or general battle awareness.

    ZanderDogz said:
    A good weapon combo is a 2h axe or 2h sword and a speare. if your are fighting someone who does not know to always block down when going againts a speer than it will be very easy to win, if they do know than try sidestepping before attacking or to start a speer attack and quicly switch to another weapon and do a side or up attack.

    Some spears and spear like weapons can attack in all four directions anyway, so down blocking isn't going to cover any more than any of the other blocks. It is a smart move because thrust attacks have the most range.

    However, thrust attacks get stunned for longer when they are blocked. If you hold down block an alert opponent simply won't use a thrust, not holding any block or even the wrong block might lure your opponent into making a stab/thrust attack which you could then simply block anyway because they're not exactly fast and take advantage of the longer stun when making your next attack.

    ZanderDogz said:
    Just a quick tip: when playing an archer always choose a 2h weapon if you are playing as a faction that alows it (like nords) unless you are planning to pick up a shield later.

    I generally avoid the 2h axe because of the unbalanced trait, I also find that competent players tend to block the 2h axe more easily than the 1h options available which at least give me speed. (This one is more a preference than actual advice though).

    ZanderDogz said:
    a very good way to win 2h melle fights is to trick your enemy into blocking 1 way but than attacking the other way.

    Another trick is to hold your attack for slightly longer than your opponent expects. A lot of people lower their block quite quickly in order to start their attack earlier, they don't always pay attention to whether your attack actually connected.

    ZanderDogz said:
    You also might find that switching to first person (using r) might be very helpful duting practice.

    The most important thing to remember in melee is to keep your opponent in the centre of your screen, otherwise your attacks will miss and your blocks won't stop anything. Switching to first person often limits your capacity to follow your opponents movements. They will try to get behind you.
    thank you for the tips
  15. Tips for getting good at mellee

    The first thing you want to do is spend about 1 hour a day on the duel servers. They might not be most fun but they are very, very good for your skill. If you are very new try suing a sword and sheild before 2 heanded (2h) weapons. (always start out on blocking with mouse movmeants, most servers...
  16. How do you unban someone from a server?

    I started a poll to ban someone as a joke but everyone said 1 and not 2 (dont know why) and we need to unban this guy. Is it a perminent ban? How long is it if not a perminent ban? how do we unban him? (we have people with admin powers trying to unban him so we have the admins on our side)
  17. Napoleonic Wars Pin Code

    I tried to enter a surver but it said i need to enter my pin number, i tried about 30 other survers and it was the same, this has never happened before and I played the game totaly ok the night before. I downloaded this game from amazon and i dont know were to find this pin number
  18. Suggestions

    I would really like to have a voice chat made in game so i dont have to use teamspeak and I would also like the ability to make the bots make lines not rows in cammander battle so i can leade them around in a "follow the leader" fasion that lots of games do in a linebattle. (search battlegrounds 2 line battle for a good example of this) One more thing i would like is maybe a change of reloading system, maybee somthing were people can reload and walk but they move slowing and it takes longer to reload. Also it is kind of annyoing how you cannot reload on a hourse, especially with a pistol.
    (I understand that I have a lot of thigns i would like in the game but dont get me wrong i really love this game, keep up the amazing work!)
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