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  1. Regular system crashes (Win 8.1)

    Hey all, I'm faced with a frustrating problem and after looking around on Google and these forums for a few days I haven't been able to find a solution. I put in a ticket with TaleWorlds support yesterday but haven't heard back from them yet. Basically, my game will randomly have severe crashes...
  2. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    I was banned over a year ago for something that didn't break any rules. I tried for months to appeal my ban, but my case was never even considered. They didn't care that I had been playing for months without issue, they didn't care that I wasn't trolling, and they didn't care that their policies are draconian. They clearly don't care about the community; no, the only thing they care about are their egos.

    This server itself was great while I was allowed to play on it, but the events since have shown that its admins are incompetent, power-hungry idiots.

    inb4 I get banned for voicing my opinion
    inb4 "get your own server"
  3. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    TheOneThatGotAway said:
    Oh right I don't know if this was the case or not when this ban was issued. It was a long time ago around 6 months?
    I've served quite a punishment for this and its the only server I'm banned from on any game and any mount and blade game/mod. I don't troll and don't think I was at the time although its possible I was being a tit at the time!
    Anyhow I'd love to get unbanned and I could possibly go on some list where if I do one thing wrong I get perma banned straight away? Been really bummed out about this for a long time so thanks for any consideration!!

    There are a great many people in this same situation, myself included. I was banned for barricading an entrance, which didn't block my team's movement and helped fortify the spawn. The admin assumed I was trolling and banned me with no warning, and my explanations and requests were dismissed out of hand when I tried to appeal the ban here. I also didn't appeal until months later; any reasonable server administration would take that into account in dealing with this. Prepare to be ignored, ridiculed, and looked down upon for a crime you didn't commit.
  4. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    TheOneThatGotAway said:
    Hi guys first post on taleworlds just because of this server! Took me a long time to find out how to go about this! I was perma banned somewhere between 6 months - 12 months ago or longer from this server.

    From my memory of what happened I was a sapper and blew up some explosives I had put down on the flag. I'm not sure if I was warned or not about this so cannot comment if this this was the reason I was banned.

    Anyway I really love this server and I stopped playing Napoleonic wars because of this. Hopefully I can get a reply on what I need to do to get unbanned.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    EDIT: My in game name was Sam if that helps!
    2nd EDIT: Sorry just re read the post about the server and it's comment about bans. Could you point me in the right direction of who to contact?

    The admins on this server are bat**** egotistical powertrippers, unfortunately. They're not going to unban you because it would take admitting wrongdoing on their part, a feat which they are incapable of.
  5. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    MaHuD said:
    So what? It is their server.
    Stop posting in this thread and cluttering it with the same posts. They won't listen to you so there is no need to post.
    Plus, they will certainly not unban you if you continue to whine.

    Take a look at this screenshot.

    If this game were as popular as TF2 or CounterStrike, I wouldn't care. But when I buy a game, play it like it's meant to be played, and get banned from the one server with a significant number of players, I care. It's grossly unfair, and I don't think calling my legitimate complaints "whining" is a very accurate thing to do. I'm mostly this insistent because the admins are some of the most immature people I've ever been forced to deal with.

    Someone has a complaint? Call the forum moderator on him; silencing the opposition is the best way to win an argument.

    He refuses to be brushed aside, as he's in the right? Ad hominem, name calling, and victim blaming.

    He has legitimate points that threaten your fragile ego? Ignore him entirely.

    And like I said, I don't have the time, money, or relevant knowledge to host a server of my own. I am perfectly entitled to play this game, as I bought it myself and didn't do a single thing wrong, ever.
  6. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Tha Epic Lazor said:
    Cenkris said:
    I banned Tha Epic Lazor personally and i watched him destroying planks on earthworks and my own defences...not  multiple fortifications that were perfectly valid forms of defence. Also he was reported by multiple players for having trolled as a sapper on the server for some time WHAT I NEVER DID ANYTHING BEFORE THAT before an admin turned up. He will remain banned until the end of time as will you! :wink: A bit harsh for someone who's only been on for like 5 hours and had no warning at all.
    I don't see what else I destroyed except for Planks on earthworks.....I mean you could just jump over them? and I destroyed a few of my own defences,thats all.I mean seriously?And I also built earthworks myself.
    *EDIT* I think this is what I destroyed. 1-3 of my own sandbags and multiple planks that were on earthworks.I can't believe people said I was a troll sapper when I wasn't trolling.

    This is pathetic, your administration is a farce, Cenkris. I've done absolutely nothing worth a permanent ban (or any punishment, for that matter), and apparently neither has this guy. I normally wouldn't be inclined to side with him, but you've made it abundantly clear that you don't give a **** about whether the people you see banned actually did anything or not.

    I didn't do ANYTHING. I am completely innocent. Keeping me banned does nothing but bar someone who was once a server regular from playing, which actually decreases the quality of your server. It's insane that I could be playing on a server for weeks with no problems, then get banned out of the blue for doing absolutely nothing, then get insulted, ridiculed, and ignored by your unprofessional staff.
  7. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    Tha Epic Lazor said:
    Can you please unban me? I got perma-banned for destroying planks we didn't need.My name ingame is Tha Epic Lazor.

    Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!

    Rule 6 - Anyone trolling the defences or wasting sapper points will be dealt with by the use of permanent bans.

    Jesus christ, did you even read his post? He was destroying planks that the team didn't even need, not destroying important defenses. You keep quoting this rule in situations where it clearly doesn't apply.

    How can you think that you're doing the right thing, that your moderation system is fair and just? Your sense of justice is screwed beyond belief; I bet you'd support the death penalty for petty thievery and vandalism if it weren't so looked down upon by everyone with a functioning moral compass.
  8. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    MrItalianSpartan said:
    I was banned, and so was Saint_Theodore_The_111 were banned and we did nothing wrong. We would like to be unbanned because your server was allot of fun. My in game name is The_Italian_Spartan. Thanks

    These people don't care about justice or what's right. They'll never unban you because they're too full of themselves to admit that something could have gone wrong on their part.
  9. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Please unban me, I've done nothing wrong and just want to play on your server again.
  10. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    Seriously 15th, I challenge you to find another server that has anywhere near this number of people raising points about unjust banning.  simple enough 84e Siege Server

    I have no idea how you can still be so blind as to think this many people are all legitimate trolls. because they are really going to say "yes, i'm a troll, yes i was in the wrong, your admin was completely right about me, but unban me anyway"

    Really, you'll respond to him but not to me? A large part of my complaint isn't the fact that I'm banned, but that you and Cenkris are consistently rude and unprofessional to those who attempt to appeal their cases. Ignoring people who criticize you is NOT how you run a fair administration.

    And I have at no point said that I did anything wrong, because I haven't done anything wrong. I was unjustly banned, and would like to be unbanned now.

    Neuron said:
    I haven't got the time to read the ongoing argument, and to be honest it's not my problem; I'm not the administrator involved in it. However, I'd ask that those launching criticism at the HvB administration have the decency not to lump us all in the same boat. If you feel slighted by someone, address them directly.

    Don't fault the majority because you feel as if you've been wronged by a minority, regardless of whether or not they are to blame.

    If you want to get a quick overview of my complaints, read my post above. Basically, I was banned because the admin thought I was trolling when I actually wasn't, and then treated rudely or ignored by Cenkris and Vixen when I attempted to get unbanned. They totally dismissed my case out of hand, assuming that I am guilty for no reason other than that I'm banned.

    Neuron said:
    Don't fault the majority because you feel as if you've been wronged by a minority
    Fair enough. Would you be willing to discuss my case with me at some point? Just from this one post you seem like a much more reasonable person than the other two admins who have posted here.

    MaHuD said:
    If you don't like their administration policy, go play on another server. Perhaps make your own. It's not hard, it only costs money. Then you can run whatever legal system you want, and who knows your server might just be better than the 15th.
    Normally, I wouldn't care so much about being banned like this. However, this server is one of the few actually populated servers in M&B: Warband, as well as my favorite. It sucks being banned from playing on one of the three public servers with more than 20 players. As for running my own server? I don't have the time for that.
  11. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    you, yourself have just in this very post admitted to breaking the rules and denying it in the same sentence, WASTING BUILD POINTS IS AGAINST THE RULES, YOU BUILT UNNECESSARY "DEFENCES" especially considering, on the very vid you linked, you can quite clearly see the gates that are in place to be shut for defence! so yes, you are a troll sapper, yes you will remain banned!!

    I admitted to being guilty? I didn't, but I'm curious about which line of my post you're referencing.

    I was not wasting build points or building unnecessary defenses. I thought that the fortress would be more secure if I blocked off that unnecessary exit; how the hell is that even remotely akin to wasting build points or blocking people's movement? I don't see any gates there, but that's completely irrelevant as lowering the gate would do exactly the same thing as using build points, except it wouldn't allow defenders to shoot or go out.

    Regardless, attempting to justify my ban based on my skill level is absurd. The point is, I was playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Trolling would have been blocking both exits, building random structures with no purpose, or spamming one thing.

    Seriously, I wasn't trolling. I am not a troll sapper.

    It's that simple, regardless of the tactical value of the fortification in question, or if there was a gate there, or whatever. Even if I were building unnecessary defenses, does the punishment fit the crime? Is it fair to me and to your community to give out permanent bans to server regulars on the very first offence?

    Furthermore, you have failed to address a great number of points I brought up in my post. Let me make a list for you:
    [list type=decimal]
    [*]You have been consistently rude and unprofessional in your dealings with others.
    [*]You have shrugged me off and ignored me multiple times.
    [*]You have told me that this is the wrong place to appeal my ban, but you have not told me where the right place is.
    [*]Using bold font and underlining your text doesn't make what you're saying any more legitimate.
    [*]Your system runs on the principle of "guilty until proven innocent", as evidenced by your claims that I am a troll simply because I am banned.
    [*]You continue to repeat the same thing (Specifically, "YOU ARE A TROLLLLLLLLLLLL!!") over and over, expecting that to be sufficient in absence of evidence or reasoning.
    [*]You refuse to even consider the possibility that you could have made a mistake.
    [*]Your punishments do not even remotely fit the crimes.
    [*]You have no respect for or trust in the players of your sever, even regulars such as myself.
    [*]You don't seem to care about anything other than protecting your ego. I doubt anything I say will help me, because you're the kind of person who refuses to admit that he's wrong.
    [*]You have been doing everything you can to silence me, instead of trying to refute my points or provide evidence for your claims.
    [*]You don't use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, showing an even greater lack of respect for me and your community.
    [*]I'm not an idiot (as shown by my relative eloquence), which increases the likelihood that I'm not a troll.
    [*]Me appealing my case makes it less likely that I will get unbanned. That is stupid and doesn't make any sense.
    [*]It's been 5 months, anyway. Do really you think that, if I were guilty, I would do it again after all of this? Have I not been punished enough?
  12. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    Muckknuckle said:
    I haven't done anything wrong, and I am banned.

    I just sent you a friend request on steam. If you have even an ounce of respect for the players of your server, your moderation system, and the M&B: Warband community, you'll accept it. In so doing, you'll stop ignoring me in an attempt to hold on to your admin's rapidly dwindling legitimacy. Real justice does not fear discourse.

    right, you have been told NO multiple times now, if you do not stop spamming this thread, which states that players are not to post unban requests here in the 1st place, we will be left with no choice other than to report you for your spamming and not following the rules of this particular forum thread. take the hint and stop, you have been told NO, this decision will not be gone back on and your constant hastling is not doing you any favours! we have respect for the players, hence the rule breakers are not being unbanned, we have respect for the moderation system, hence you were banned in the first place, we have respect for the community here and ingame, hence you have been told repeatedly to stop!

    Yes, I've been told "NO"; in fact, that's basically all that I have been told. But not, however, because I'm a rulebreaker who's crawling back to you in an attempt to be reinstated on your server and create more chaos, but because I'm an innocent player who was wrongfully banned. You're too prideful and narcissistic to do anything other than brush me off, because any admission of error on your part would damage your fragile ego and rapidly dwindling legitimacy. Feel free to prove me wrong, but right now it seems like you're just stifling dialogue in order to discredit me and give an impression of fairness on your part.

    You've said that I shouldn't post unban requests here. That is fair, and I am willing to respect that: if you tell me where I should post this. I've asked this before, suggesting steam chat, private messaging on this forum, and email, but I've gotten absolutely no answer other than a passive-aggressive brush-off. I think you'd do well to not be so rude to people without warrant; I've been nothing but polite up until this point (when it's become clear that you're mistaking my politeness for a lack of conviction) and gotten nothing but disdain and crudely typed out insults in response.

    I'm not a rule breaker. I have explained time and time again why this is not the case, and I have also explained why your admin thought I was trolling when I actually wasn't. So why, then, am I not being unbanned? You can see from the relative eloquence of my posts that I'm not the average idiot who posts unban requests here, and would be more likely to commit such acts. I think that that serves as corroborating evidence for my innocence in the very least.

    Is it because of my persistence in pursuing my case? I don't think it's fair that refusing to be rudely shrugged off automatically prevents me from being reinstated, especially when you have yet to address many of the points I have brought up. For example, the video that I linked to that shows the map I was banned on. That is a wonderful piece of evidence which you haven't even mentioned or considered. I refuse to stop appealing my case until you give me a solid reason (in light of all evidence and events) why I am banned.

    Is it because there is no evidence that I am not a rulebreaker? Assuming I'm guilty before I'm innocent is not a way to run a justice system.

    Is it because you assume that all people who are banned are troublemakers? This is a logical fallacy, called "circular reasoning", where the implicit premise (that I am a bad person) entails the conclusion (that I am a bad person). This is the equivalent of someone being summarily executed for an offense he did not commit, then being vilified for being executed. It's also akin to victim blaming (such as in rape cases). I mean, hell, even Nazi Germany sometimes gave fake trials out of respect for their institution of law. What you've done here is the real-life equivalent taking me out to the woodshed and putting a bullet through my brain.

    You have respect for the moderation system? If so, you're doing an awful job of showing it. Even systems that have been in place for hundreds of years, handling millions of cases throughout their lifetime make mistakes all the time. Your refusal out of hand to even acknowledge the potential legitimacy of my grievances shows that you value your own perceived impartiality and moral superiority over admitting that you're human and can make mistakes. This shows me that your set of rules is there only to give you a false air of legitimacy.

    You have respect for the community? No. I'm sorry, but just no. Your draconian policies show that you have very little trust in or respect for the community. Permanently banning people for ridiculous things like blocking one of two exits, or disagreeing with the admins isn't how you show anything but contempt.

    Sure, call the forum moderators to enforce your arbitrary, totalitarian, self-imposed forum rules. Using force to drown out criticism makes your position so much more legitimate, and is a sign of the utmost maturity.
  13. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Cenkris said:
    Barry Lyndon said:
    Its absurd that nearly a third of your entire forum posts consists of people complaining about unjust bans, and yet you refuse to admit that there is any kind of problem other then the "banned players"...  I like all these other people am also back to complain about my completely unannounced and unjust ban, I still have no idea what the reason for my ban was in the first place, could you at least tell me that please?? I would very much enjoy to play on your server again as I have done nothing wrong and never to my knowledge violated any rules.
    Well if it`s any consolation all the rule abiding players are very much enjoying the server without you all! :wink:

    I haven't done anything wrong, and I am banned.

    I just sent you a friend request on steam. If you have even an ounce of respect for the players of your server, your moderation system, and the M&B: Warband community, you'll accept it. In so doing, you'll stop ignoring me in an attempt to hold on to your admin's rapidly dwindling legitimacy. Real justice does not fear discourse.
  14. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    Muckknuckle said:
    So, has my case been considered?

    how many times do you have to be told NO before you get it into your skull that you will not be unbanned? seriously, take the hint

    Is it your usual policy to ban those who have done nothing wrong, then refuse to allow them to appeal their case?
  15. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    So, has my case been considered?
  16. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    After looking on Youtube for a few minutes, I found a video of the map that I was banned on. Here is a link to this video:

    I understand that this is on a different server, but the map is the same. I recognized it immediately, as I had been playing on it for at least 30 minutes without issue prior to my ban.

    About 30 seconds in, you can see the player in the video walking through the left door on his way out of the fort. I was banned for sealing the right one, despite the fact that people could easily have done what was shown in this video and taken the directly adjacent left door. I don't know why there was so much confusion about the other exit, but the important thing is that I was banned for nothing, as I was simply playing the game strategically and not trolling anyone.

    It has been mentioned that I should not attempt to appeal my ban unless there are extenuating circumstances regarding it. I think that being banned for a crime I did not commit is an extenuating circumstance.
  17. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Cenkris said:
    Just a reminder to those people too retarded to follow a few simple rules that posting a load of bull**** on this forum wont get you unbanned. :wink:
    Yes, those who have failed to follow the rules should have gotten the message by now. Their conduct ruins the game for people like us and should not be tolerated.
  18. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    I just attempted to connect with the server, and noticed I am still banned. As I have done nothing wrong and violated no rules, I hardly think it's fair that I'm not allowed to play. I can assure you that I have never caused the slightest problem, and that I am not deserving of this ban. If reinstated, I would play on the server as I did before: as a server regular, enjoying the game and its community.
  19. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Mad Vixen said:
    Muckknuckle said:
    Hello, all. I would like to appeal my ban from this server.

    I was banned from this server following a misunderstanding which occurred in early January. I was playing as a sapper, and in order to better fortify the entrance to the fort I had blocked one of the two exits (which were about three feet apart), with the intention of creating an easily defensible choke-point. For some reason, a buildup at the exit occurred as people did not look to their immediate left to see the other exit.

    I was asked by the admin to deconstruct the fortification I had built, to which I pointed out that there was another exit mere feet away from the one I had strategically blocked. At this point, three or four observant defenders had already taken the adjacent exit, and more had begun to upon seeing my message.

    Nonetheless, while I thought the admin's request unreasonable given the circumstances and utter lack of maliciousness on my part, I began constructing a plank which my teammates could use to walk over the barricade. This was even better than an unreinforced exit, as it would have allowed my teammates easier access to the exterior of the fort while denying the enemy the use of that entrance.

    Unfortunately, I was banned before any further dialogue could take place between the admins and I. I believe that the admin thought I was maliciously attempting to reduce the enjoyment of others on the server, which was not the case. It also seems that the admin thought I was violating a rule of the server, which I was, again, not doing.

    I had expected the ban to wear off after a day or so, but it is now April and I am still banned from playing on what is my favorite server.

    Thank you for reading through all of this, and I hope that you will find my case compelling enough to lift my ban.

    Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!

    6 - Anyone trolling the defenses or wasting sapper points will be dealt with by the use of permanent bans.

    it would be wise for you to follow the direct request of an admin and follow the rules, your ban will remain in place as the admin obviously decided that what you were doing was against rule 6.

    I was not breaking rule #6, as I was not trolling the defenses or wasting sapper points. All I was doing was barricading one out of the two exits, which is perfectly legal as it in no way restricted my teammates from leaving the fort. I was playing the game with no intent to troll anyone, or cause any problems with the flow of the game whatsoever. It is not my fault that people were unable to rotate their camera 90 degrees to see the other exit.

    As far as your admin's decision goes, admins are people too, who are imperfect and make mistakes as easily as anyone else.  In this case, I believe that the admin reached for the banhammer hastily and without an accurate analysis of the situation. I don't blame him for his mistake, and I am not interested in pointing fingers; I just want to play on this server again.

    Mad Vixen said:
    Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!

    Very well. If this thread is not the proper channel for ban appeals, what is?

    Keep in mind that your server accounts for about half of the total online population of M&B: Napoleonic Wars, and by banning me from this server without good reason you are effectively banning me from playing the game.
  20. 15th Humans vs Bots Server (NOT A PLACE TO ASK FOR UNBANS)

    Hello, all. I would like to appeal my ban from this server.

    I was banned from this server following a misunderstanding which occurred in early January. I was playing as a sapper, and in order to better fortify the entrance to the fort I had blocked one of the two exits (which were about three feet apart), with the intention of creating an easily defensible choke-point. For some reason, a buildup at the exit occurred as people did not look to their immediate left to see the other exit.

    I was asked by the admin to deconstruct the fortification I had built, to which I pointed out that there was another exit mere feet away from the one I had strategically blocked. At this point, three or four observant defenders had already taken the adjacent exit, and more had begun to upon seeing my message.

    Nonetheless, while I thought the admin's request unreasonable given the circumstances and utter lack of maliciousness on my part, I began constructing a plank which my teammates could use to walk over the barricade. This was even better than an unreinforced exit, as it would have allowed my teammates easier access to the exterior of the fort while denying the enemy the use of that entrance.

    Unfortunately, I was banned before any further dialogue could take place between the admins and I. I believe that the admin thought I was maliciously attempting to reduce the enjoyment of others on the server, which was not the case. It also seems that the admin thought I was violating a rule of the server, which I was, again, not doing.

    I had expected the ban to wear off after a day or so, but it is now April and I am still banned from playing on what is my favorite server.

    Thank you for reading through all of this, and I hope that you will find my case compelling enough to lift my ban.
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