Patch Notes e1.8.0

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I find I have to stop playing Bannerlord since the last update. The campaign AI is totally busted. As a vassal of Vlandia, Clan tier 3, owning 4 fiefs already, the ruler of Vlandia (Derthert) gives the player EVERY SINGLE CAPTURED FIEF, "with the support of his council". Nonsensical, and breaks any immersion as I have to constantly hand fiefs back to avoid financial ruin being unable to maintain so many fiefs with low clan strength.
Off to Sika I go
TW upper management looking at the forums:

1000% truth
Proper weather simulation adds a lot to general atmosphere of the game. I like the way Kingdome Come: Deliverance devs did it. Loved to have proper thunderstorm from time to time..people hiding under roofs, fleshes of lightning and roaring of thunder
Well, which do you want? Rain, or AI pathing during sieges? Because you can only have one. Neither, I meant to say. You can only have neither.
Not worth updating for this.
Forcing me to play with Steam in offline mode as I hate the fact that I do NOT get the option to DECLINE an update until I have read the patch notes. Automatic updates on UNSTABLE editions should be OPTIONAL.
Other than some minor hotfix patches, you can always revert to a previous version:

太好了,自从你更新了1.8,我玩多人模式就再也没有一次完整的游戏体验了,每次都是游玩中途游戏崩溃,而且还会掉到游戏大厅,然后我重新连接的时候要等很久,因为我居住在东亚,我不得不说,你们的更新一次比一次差,我玩这个游戏的第一代已经十年了(2012-2022),mount&blade 2 让我感到失望透顶!USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE TO READ THIS COMMENT PLEASE !--------------FROM A OLD PLAYER.
太好了,自从你更新了1.8,我玩多人模式就再也没有一次完整的游戏体验了,每次都是游玩中途游戏崩溃,而且还会掉到游戏大厅,然后我重新连接的时候要等很久,因为我居住在东亚,我不得不说,你们的更新一次比一次差,我玩这个游戏的第一代已经十年了(2012-2022),mount&blade 2 让我感到失望透顶!USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE TO READ THIS COMMENT PLEASE !--------------FROM A OLD PLAYER.
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