All right, so who asked deaths to be removed from the score board?

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It isn't a bug. If you look inside the libraries and check pre update and after update you can clearly see the array in which the data in the xml is derived from doesn't include the deaths anymore.

Pre update


After update


You'd have to be a very special person to make such a "bug". It's a design decision and it was confirmed by NIN3 on discord, they are still discussing it apparently though, so there is still hope i guess
Let me dream please
It's a design decision and it was confirmed by NIN3 on discord, they are still discussing it apparently though, so there is still hope i guess
I’d really like to know what and with whom NIN3 has to discuss this bull****. Definitely nobody out of the 300 remaining mp players.
I'm glad TW fixed all the issues with Bannerlord MP by simply removing deaths. Who knew this was the only issue and now all the veterans and the noobs are all happy playing this game. Nothing else is wrong with the MP experience except that deaths were visible. Now that they are no longer visible we can enjoy the game as intended.
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