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The ability to remove all lords goes against the new system for constant generation. It will end the supposed improved end game that heirs are supposed to equal.
Regardless what's the point of heirs and executions if there are permanently infinite lords? Either way it shows flaws in the new generational system.
Wars being seasonal was due to the amount of levies that were used historically.

Those levies are the militia in villages (not so much towns). Hence, your army is professional (they do nothing but kill on your orders), and are not as seasonally biased. The way the game mechanics work in my observation, is the militia is generally more effective in simulated combat.
1- Steps should be taken to stop snowballing. Wars should be more of a seasonal thing (wars during harvesting season would be avoided), with castles having better defenses/garrisons. Other possible solutions could include attrition, WAR EXHAUSTION desertion after too long campaigns, and similar mechanics to prevent a deathball. The possiblity of hit and run attacks that hurt cohesion, so smaller forces can actually bleed a big force.
Armies (AI included) could actually have food stocks, and succesfull hit and run attacks could destroy some of them.

2 - You should be able to court anyone. The pickings are slim, with most women being ugly as sin or old. Why couldn't I woo that merchant girl or tavern wench? Or that simple farmer girl? And I should be able to marry BEFORE getting my kingdom. After all, if I'm a buisness owner with property, I already have the basics. The wife can wait for me in town.

3 - Units deployed should be prioritized by order in your party list. Not random. Seriously, WTF????

4 - Too many items MP locked. Age and build sliders should be brought back.

5 - You should be able, at least in the dev/cheat mode, to edit the apperance of anyone.

6 - Tournamnets should grant XP, bring back training skill. I don't care if it's nerfed compared to Warband, but chasing down looters to level up troops is NOT engaging. Maybe have it as a camp/rest option that takes time? Or have a cap on it? Or have the abiltiy to train troops in arena and training camps. Costs time and moeny(?) and your troops can get injured.

7 - Why are lords so easily captured? Why do they escape so easily? Retreat should happen more often and the more escape, the greater the chances for a lord to avoid capture.

8 - Lords shouldn't be auto-replaced ad infinitum. There should be a minimum (like 40 lords), but up to that point, it would be random if the lord was replaced (assuming no heirs). So you could thin the ranks a little.

9 - It would be nice if we could send a trade-savy companion to scout the markets for some market info. Talking to every person in a tavern again and again is tedious.

10 - Don't load town when talking to people in them trough the town menu. Utterly unnecessary to have a dozen loading screens. Just have a 2D background and load only the person.

11 - Tying into 1, lords should have more things to do other than wage war. Where are the feasts? Why can't I, as a tournamnet winner, go visit the lord? Shouldn't there only be a tournamnet when the lord is there?

12 - I wouldn't mind women mercenaries (as a troop). Rare, as it should be.

13 - More random events. Things that could happen in bars or in streets. A good reason to explore the towns and villages. Brawls, thieves, public hangings, desease outbreaks, assasinations, fires, accidents, etc..

14 - Javelins/arrows should snap/fall off shields/despawn after a while.

15 - Weren't we supposed to be be able to interact with gang leaders and tavern keepers more?

16 - Encyclopedia lacks important info. Especially on lords and kingdoms. What grievances do they have, what war goals, etc..

17 - Have age affect pregnancy chances. A 50 year old hag should be infertile, while a 20yo peasant girl should be very fertile.

18 - branching/more diverse quests. That means quests may start the same way, but diverse. Example: Find missing daughter quest. Instead the always running away with her lover to a nearby village, maybe she could actually be kidnapped. Maybe they could have been captured by bandits/looters while running. Maybe they fled to a nearby town. Diversify. Make it so that one quests can take you in several different directions.

19 - Add ability to make TRULY custom wanderes/companions. This includes fixed appearances. (DONE!)

20 - Small armed patrols to help with bandits.

21) More clan positions. Like bodyguard. Right now, the first companion you recruit is the one that follows you around. In my case it's the healer, so a bad choice. OR ability for more than 1 person to hold a position. Why can't I have 2 scouts?

22 - Training skill. Only active when camping/in town. You could set up camps and start a train action. Time would pass and your units would get some XP. Since training was OP in Warband, I suggest putting a cap, so you can only train up to level 3 (or diminishing returns the higher the unit level). Troops need ACTUAL combat experience, practice training can only get you so far.

23 - Child rearing. Since children are a thing, how about assigning a clan mentor that would slowly increase your childs skills? Basically mother stats +mentor stats (+ player input) would influence the childs stats.

24 - the number of troops that you can bring on hideout attacks could be influenced by the rougery/tactics skill

25 - add a "desired children" option in the character/clan window. OR change the mechanics so it's more controllable in some way? A "try for child" option when in camp/town/keep when your spouse is present?

26 - animals should consume food. Food in general should be MUCH more important for armies/sieges.

27 - villages should have mills, slaughterhouses and simillar enterprises for producing grain, meat and so on.

28 - towns/castle should have food stockpiles for sieges. Food can be bought at a markup in emergencies when you want to fill up.

29 - tournaments should have unified equipment back. Everyone gets the same armor. They are already easy enough, as is.

30 - you should be able to control the stockpiles of your town/castle and expand them. Divert some money to buy/import more, build new granaries, etc. That way you can prepare for a sige and bad times.

31- connected to the above, you should be able to sneak into enemy towns (or send spies) and sabotage some of their supplies, making them more vulnerable to long sieges.

32 - The entire courtship thing is broken. Either you get a perfect score or you're locked out forever. That is utter bullcrap. Ease up the requirements, give us more chances to impress.

33 - For the love of all that's holy, allow us to talk to a specific lord in an army. Only being able to talk to a party leader is terrible design, and makes getting o lords that are constantly in armies nigh impossible.

34 - Allow us to talk to prisoners. Bring back prisoner rescue quests (also allow us to break them out without a specific quest)

35 - ability to grant lesser noble titles and fiefs to our companions and arrange marriages for them

36 - Individual relations separate from clan. Clans are nice, but the entire clan defecting makes the entire war balance whack. It is also stupid that everyone in the clan just follows along, like they have no agency. Defection should be decided individually for each clan member, depending on their individual relation AND the clan relation.

37 - more sensible war AI. Actual reasoning for war. Actual war goals. If the goal is to re-claim city X, then peace is offered after that is taken. Faction should prefer re-taking their soil over capturing new and should prefer bordering settlements rather than trying to siege a castle on the other end of the world.

38 - Ability to REJECT A fief.

39 - SMITHING. Remove stamina. Make it so that every smithing action advances time by 1 hour. Make parts far easier to unlock.

40 - AI should be able to KNEEL with a shield for better protection from arrows.

41 - either unit upkeep or unit upgrades should be a lot more expensive. The gear cost should be a factor. Perhaps upgrading is equal to 20% of the gear cost or something similar?

42 - Semi-random global events. Something like Rimworlds storyteller basically. It would trigger specific events, like border incidents (would reduce relations between 2 factions, give casus belli), desease, nomad/bandit warlords coming (big bandit army, lots of prestige for defeating it), freak weather, and similar.
Something to add a bit more life and unpredictability.

There's more, but my mind is drawing a blank now.

42 apparently took from some forum on CK 2, because the game has no prestige, unlike ck. I have nothing to this, I myself draw inspiration from the game Paradox.
(big bandit army, lots of prestige for defeating it)
Weather, battle horns going off during battle, more responsive troops, more sounds in general for both battle and town scenes is a must! +1 for this thread and many other threads in general, this game needs to be beefed up!
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