Recent content by Wehveechen

  1. [POLL] When did you last play Bannerlord?

    I have last played like five months ago, played for almost 100 hours and got to a nice place where my lady controls a good portion of land with a bunch of kids ready to carry on the family legacy. That's where I kinda quit. I got what I wanted and now am content to wait for TW to finish the game.
    Edit: realized may wasn't two months ago
  2. [UNPOPULAR OPINION] The amount of "mods" on nexus will KILL the game

    No, not what im saying. What im saying is that the Devs shouldnt rely on Mods to "take care" of certain parts of the game that i deem essential the developers make themselves to keep the game calibrated to a high standard.
    That is... a bit pretty offtopic, then, since neither the original post nor any devs implied that they are relying on mods to fix their game. "I use mods while the devs are doing it properly" and "I expect the devs to deliver a good, well adjusted and finished product in the end" are not mutually exclusive stances.
  3. [Poll] Just for fun

    Thats kind of the pain about M&B, it's a pretty unique recipe. I assume you're asking what to play next so the bigger question is: which aspect of Bannerlord do you enjoy most? Ultimately M&B is a mix of different genre elements where none excels but is still present.
  4. [UNPOPULAR OPINION] The amount of "mods" on nexus will KILL the game

    Because you have to look at how the gaming industry has changed. Releasing incomplete games and allowing modders to do the rest is becoming more and more common -especially in sandbox style games ie Arma 3 -guilty of same Business practice. Your logic is too simplistic -"Oh well yeah we'll just have fun with the little parts until hopefully they give us better parts..". I cant help you.
    I'm sorry, but am I understanding this correctly? You believe players should not be making and using mods because it's the devs' jobs to deliver a good product and we shouldn't modify the game to have fun playing it until the Devs did their job?
    Don't be mistaken, I'm as annoyed and unsatisfied as anyone else but sitting around and rejecting mods and tweaks that make the purchased product fun and playable sounds pretty unproductive because me not playing the game isn't making the Devs fix their mess any faster, you know.
  5. What do you think about population?

    After reading a bit... No, I don't think the Devs could pull of such a feature, I agree with the people who can't really see that happening
    What would be interesting though: once a faction reached casualties of a number dependent on the prosperity of their remaining fiefs, it's extremely likely to accept peace and a truce because the population potential is kind of depleted and needs to rest and replenish for the duration of a truce.
    That needs polishing without end but ultimately it's one way to prevent the AI from throwing 10.000 dead men at you in a single war. I used that setting in the war Attrition mod a lot to shorten wars by making casualties way more impactful
  6. [UNPOPULAR OPINION] The amount of "mods" on nexus will KILL the game

    Bro my son can have a ball with a stick and couple rocks - doesnt excuse the the baseball gear maker if we pay money for it. When you buy a game with strategy in the genre title, it is peer expected you have a completely fleshed out system whether it says Sandbox or not
    Again, still not the best analogy, because that's still more like your son already playing with the baseball gear during the construction in after work hours. Sure one day he can play basketball properly as intended but until then, might as well play the sticks and stones way.

    The game's unfinished and those small mods and tweaks just let us have fun already even before it's done. I really don't see how that's hard to understand.
  7. [UNPOPULAR OPINION] The amount of "mods" on nexus will KILL the game

    Problem with all these mods/tweaks (and i do appreciate the work!) is just that they easily create imbalances in the game when used with other mods. So you really have no idea if your doing a good job or not in the strategy portion because your mod made have made the game too easy.

    Again i use the Chessboard analogy - if you buy new chessboard but there are no rules with it or maybe some half-a**'ed set of rules - thereby you create your own with different movement patterns etc -is that a good game? Or is it not expected that you're given a game with highly calibrated ruleset in which you know that if you've won you've done a good job.
    The chessboard analogy is a pretty poor comparison though, since a good game is a game you enjoyed playing. So if you end up completing the missing rules in a way that results in you having fun, it's good enough. It's the same with mods ultimately.

    Trust players to know what they like and enjoy.
  8. First person view, I am the only one who use it?

    I wasn't actually aware there IS a first person view. But then, first person makes me extremely motion sick so I'm grateful for any game that gives players the choice (since first person is still useful when I want to look at details while stationary. Sad Bannerlord doesn't really have details worth zooming in on)
  9. [UNPOPULAR OPINION] The amount of "mods" on nexus will KILL the game

    Oh I'm sorry I refuse to play this full price EA title with small tweak mods that happen to fix everything I'm not happy about to improve my own experience.
    We're early customers who ideally contribute to bug finding etc. But we're not beta testers whose job it is to find them. And if those tweaks are what sparks joy then I don't see why we shouldn't get to use them.

    Also, I like to tell myself any mod user has the common sense not to upload bug reports about issues caused by mods. Or, as said above, since the report also includes modules, it'll be fairly easy to weed out modded versions.
  10. Developer communication request - weekly short dev diaries

    I ended up uninstalling recently once I realized that additions that'll revive the game aren't coming anytime soon.
    And I am still pretty annoyed that we don't really know the artistic vision of what bannerlord should be when it's done. Or what they're focusing on right now. And most importantly, annoyed that we have to scavenge for bits of information across various threads
  11. So they took Mexxico down

    Just to nib this in the butt - nobody was shut down. Developers engage the community at their own leisure. That is to say that we are neither prohibited from nor obligated to discuss things as our work responsibility is with developing the game.
    Hey, sorry for the question. So essentially, when we see the Devs posting and answering threads, they're doing this in their free time, rather than this being part of their tasks in any way?
    I just wanted to make sure I understand that correctly since it does make a difference whether y'all are actually supposed to be showing up here from time to time vs this being a voluntary choice on top of your actual work
  12. SP - General Potentially controversial mechanics (interrogations, rape, torment and bastard children)

    And here I was hoping for some kind of reasonable explanation why anyone would want that.
    Are you okay OP? It feels like you thought more about the "how" than the "why".
  13. Just remove horse archers from the game

    Dunno how to break it to you but usually, when playing on the highest difficulty and struggling with certain enemies, one is sort of supposed to lower the difficulty and see if that gives them a more enjoyable experience...
    Edit: just to be clear, I'm not saying "git gud", I'm saying that asking for changes to the games balancing instead of adjusting your own difficulty is sort of not the most logical order of actions imo
  14. Are you trying to make the game slow and boring at all costs after every patch, don't you?

    I have news for people: This is a slower paced game that includes generations of your offspring. It ain't over in an evening.
    Which would be cool if the first generations were more than a tedious grind. The pacing is all over the place because as is, it's more work than fun imo. The transition from early game to mid game is very iffy with essentially hardly any passive income for landless people.
  15. How to become one of the candidates to get the new fief?

    In my first sentence, I was saying, some NPC clans with no fief sometimes also don't get elected on the candidate list
    That's strange, I've never seen that happen. But it's also like two months since the last time I played so maybe there have been changes since then.
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