Recent content by viralhybrid1987

  1. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    My suggestion here is that whenever you break a game by cheating, to resist posting bug reports out of respect for those whose job is to process them. If there is a real bug unrelated to the cheating, someone else would have reported it and nothing would have been lost.
    So again, you're not done?
    i thought when you first comment, "wow so many comments, you must be really dedicated to the game" i now realize your actually just a pain in the ass.
  2. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    It's possible that the problems are connected in a way you can't imagine. For example, a money overflow generates a huge save file (for some obscure reason in the code) and you get slow loading of saves. If I would be QA and a similar problem is not reported elsewhere, I would dismiss it. They are not sitting around waiting for someone to break the game with cheats or autoclickers so they could help him fix his game, they do have plenty of other stuff to do.
    I don't know why you're trying to white knight this dude, I submitted a bug request that is all. I have no expectations of what they will or won't do with the information, but.. just because you feel it has no merit doesn't mean that is the case. This could be a link to a much larger systemic problem and this could be a sign of that, and therefore lead to helping the quality of the game.
    It may also be exactly as you've put it, useless **** that isn't worth their time, but that is for the developers to decide, unless I'm wrong and you are on the team, in which case... it is your choice to do with it what you will.

    Furthermore, there is a specific banner for "cheat" which I clearly listed, I'm assuming that isn't there without reason. I also wrong in the first line that it was in fact cheating, so I've been 100% transparent.

    Lastly, if you have nothing to generally contribute to the thread I believe you know where the door is!
  3. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    Here is the root of the money problem:,147,483,647#In_computing

    It's fair to say that you can't get that much money without cheating and that any problems arising from this are your fault.
    Can't say if this is related to your other problems, but it's likely.
    I'm not here for the problem to be fixed, I'm here because it's clear something is wrong, and I thought it may be useful for the devs to look at it.
    Also it's not directly linked to the money as when i "gift" it all away i still have the same issues. and it is ONLY the save files that did the cheat that load poorly.
  4. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    Hello, i couldn't find the file. Have you copied the link to this thread as a description?
    I've just done it again. the file name is (don't laugh) Naughty Anthony.sav

    Let me know if it doesnt work, but it is going through the "upload1-100%"
    with a link to this forum post in it.
  5. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    Hello, sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please share the troubled save file with me so i can forward it to the QA team for further inspection? You can upload the file to address. Please paste the link to this thread as description so i can identify it.
  6. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    yeah, I def think it's stacking something because the game runs fine. It's only when I load or save that it ****s the bed.
  7. Resolved Soooo i cheated... And game running REAL choppy!

    Just want to say I LOVE THE GAME and have put in over 250hours, just tinkering with different things on this save atm, thus the cheating. Summary: Ok so the problems are after leaving the game running for about 12 hours and it click spamming on the sell tab I have 2.14billion gold (not the point...
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