Recent content by VicbossOG

  1. Cavalry downgraded in 1.8.0

    I'm dead serious (I was always a tactical prodigy in Warband, so I know how to exploit these things, secret here is that almost no one thinks about Cataphracts as infantry xD).
    I bet you smell your own farts too.
  2. Not looking for battles in Skirmish and Captain

    Imagine implementing a ranking system to a game with 200-400 player base, and have unbalanced factions and mechanics, what could possible go wrong
    Not even mentioning the most glaringly broken aspect of a matchmaking system that small forcing clan and solo rankers to play together.
  3. Shields are OP (combat balance)

    However, gives me the possibility to express my opinion that shields do not need a nerf at all. Many archers and wannabe twohanded users during history surely discovered that shields were an unfair advantage for their users, therefore shields were used. They were one of the main reasons that twohanders and archers did not rule the battlefields from the invention of shields in the Bronze Age till the advent of the firearms (one of the last of such events being for example the battle of Flodden where the heavy use of pavises, and some good armor, nullified any effect of the English bowmen on the Scottish central battle during it's attack).
    The English infantry were equipped with traditional polearms, mostly bills which were their favoured weapon. There was also a large contingent of well-trained archers armed with the English longbow.[54]

    The English won that battle. This is a terrible example for why not to use polearms or bows for shields. The Scots in that battle would also not have been using shields, but polearm weapons.
    "Flodden was essentially a victory of the bill used by the English over the pike used by the Scots. "

    "An official English diplomatic report issued by Brian Tuke noted the Scots' iron spears and their initial "very good order after the German fashion", but concluded that "the English halberdiers decided the whole affair, so that in the battle the bows and ordnance were of little use."
  4. This is why cavalry in captains mode is trash.

    Man.... Tiger Knight brings back memories, that game was actually awesome.
  5. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    I know a few individuals who reached conqueror solo due to how busted the sytem is so your argument is invalid yet again.
    Also keep in mind party of 2 must be allowed to allow people to play with their friends as the community and players played together until now and most people are in favor of duo being a thing. Also almost all games offer premade ranking experience so trust me stacks will return, but as I said more likely as groups of 2 and never bigger than that.
    At this point I would cry tears of joy if they limited it to duo stacking, at least it would be one of the many ways they could improve this objectively terrible ranking system.
  6. 20 Minute plus wait time for captain mode

    That's what happens when Taleworlds stupidly allows people to get the highest ranks possible both from queuing up into parties to stomp new players and from their initial 10 placement matches.
  7. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    Imagine listening to a guy who doesn't even play or test the new ranked system. Since patch 1.7.2 came you must wait 30 minutes + to get into a game with a group or you won't even get in one to begin with(Technically the game is solo que right now). I agree that big stacks are bad (with 3 or more people), but at the same time if you want to play with friends almost all ranked games allow you to play comptitive with your friends.Duo stack must be allowed to keep the balance between fair games and allowing players to play with their friends. It's a win-win situation.

    Speaking based on 40+ games on the new Ranked mode.
    You realize that waiting period is because when the ranking system came out, people grouped up into their premade groups of 6 and artificially boosted their rank to a level where they have literally 0 opponents at a level they would never reach themselves queueing up solo, again, because the population of the game is FAR too low for a system like this to actually work without messing up the entire queue.
  8. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    Well that 's the issue that a lot of people don't seem to understand. I saw this same thing happen in another game. There where some toxic noobs getting screaming hysterically every time someone killed them, to the point it got so bad that the experienced players started leaving. Once all the experienced players left the game, the game was literally dead. Like, you need an active players base if you want to attract new players. Even if that active player base kicks your ass, it 's better then having no active games to join at all. Noobs can always do some effort and get good at the game and that would fix their problem about feeling like a loser, but no... Instead they want to destroy the entire community.
    That game never came up to it's feet again... It was literally destroyed by toxic noobs, while it once had a vibrant community that was very fun to play with. I can't understand how people fail to grasp the fact that you need an active player base for a game to survive in the first place.
    It 's not like losing a game every killed anyone besides their in game character :razz:
    Personally I never bother posting on these forums because I am to busy having fun with the actual game instead of crying like a little ***** on the forums after losing a game... But it seems we need to let our voices be heard before it 's to late.
    I guess you never read my initial post where I stated I haven't played a single game of Ranked mode yet nor do I intend to. Why would I play in a ranking system where there are less than 300 people who have actually completed their placement matches, in a system that is completely skewed in favour of those who group up against those who do not? You're also arguing against the community here you realize that right? Look at the poll results. The minority destroying the game and community here for everyone else are those who are actively grouping up with experienced players to curbstomp new players without clans in modes where there aren't enough players for the two to never meet. Please argue the strawman further though that removing this would destroy the active player base. Please tell me more. :grin:
  9. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    Is this vote for real? You wanna destroy BL multiplayer?

    Personally I'm in a steam chat where we match-up 24/7, community is flourishing - you wanna destroy that?
    I would rather you solo queue for ranked modes than have ranked modes not be a thing as this system is currently heading down the road towards.
  10. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    I invited you to use your brain, you dodged the chance.

    By the way, i don't clanstack.
    The forum equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I". Go tell it to the 4chan forums.
  11. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    If stomping noobs was the goal, ppl would go for artificial low elo. Stacking is the exact opposite, it artificially raises elo. At least use your brain before accusing people please.
    If stomping noobs wasn't the goal, why did clanstacking exist before ranked was even a thing? At least use your brain before trying to make excuses for your terrible sportsmanship. Not to mention the fact that even a group of 6 highly ranked players can, and will, end up playing low rank soloers with the current system not having nearly enough players for partying to mix well with solo queueing.
  12. 4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    Could work but with the small amount of players we currently have, queue for ranked would be insane.
    I think it would be much better than it is now, we have more than enough players willing to queue into a solo ranking system and many players who want absolutely nothing to do with a ranked system, at least until they understand how to play the game.

    Also the big other issue, being forced to go solo, you have 0 guarantee your team in ranked will have good players, it's always a coin toss. People don't want to wait in lobby for X amount of time just to be paired with a bad team and bad faction.... The reason why people join friends in the first place is to avoid random people.
    Over time, your rank would accurately reflect your own individual ability on the team. Over time, you would rank up assuming you know what you are doing and be paired with individuals who have similar levels of skill to your own. This is the entire point of a ranking system.
    Ask any player in the past few days if they're enjoying being paired with 5 other strangers, losing the game and rank versus before when they could play with their friends and have a good time and actually win something.
    From what I've been reading on forums, this is the exact opposite of what happened when ranked was released. People were partying up with friends, curbstomping 6 unorganized players with a cumulative playtime far less than their own, and gaining easy ranks because of it. I sincerely doubt that has changed since there is not yet a ban on partying up for ranked modes.
  13. 4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    Also main problem is that people will quit the game if they're not together with friends and it will draw the match, also they see how unbalanced the factions are( in captain) and they quit.
    Being forced to play solo with people that have no clue how to play is a punishment, so they rather leave.
    Ranking system is a big mistake in such a small community
    Here's a thought. You can only queue with a party for nonranked Captain games. Your problem is immediately solved and you can enjoy playing with friends while ignoring a ranked system you don't want to participate in. Ranked should only ever be Solo queue, until we have enough players to justify having parties in the mode.
  14. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    @Callum @Dejan @Duh_TaleWorlds Bump with 80% in favour of removing partying up for ranked. I almost guarantee the only 'No' voters are those directly reveling in how unfair the ranking system is, i.e., the same groups partying up to stomp players who just bought the game.
  15. Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    I understand you. But in this logical structure, I do not see a connection with another necessary element - an incentive / motive for users to increase their gaming skills. My doubts about the effectiveness of this exaggeration of the game advantages of experienced players for the sake of "to breathe and actually figure out how the game works" is based on its contradiction with the goal of the game developers motivating players to improve their gaming skills. And this is the main prerequisite for the formation of relatively long-term loyalty to the game.
    But, of course, this is just my IMHO, nothing more.
    The incentive to increase your skill is the incentive to increase your rank. Only with Solo queueing it's actually a fair system and not a skewed one. Other competitive MP games have the ability to group up with others and join the same ranking system as people joining a Solo queue and it works because there are more than enough people for those who are grouping up to more or less never play those who are playing solo at a far lower skill level than them. Counterstrike uses this, along with LoL. There is simply not enough players right now for either Captain or Skirmish for group queueing to mix properly with solo queueuing. In the future, this system would be ideal, but for the low playerbase of either of these modes it's inevitable you will have top rank group players against low rank solo queuers.
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