Recent content by Varric

  1. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    But it has less range than his Q(?) :[.
    Would it not make more sense to just put 1 level in it for the stun at 4 and max Q for the damage/harass?

    Edit: Q also applies his DOT passive, reapplying this every 10 seconds or whenever you want if you catch it rather than getting in <autoattack range to throw his stunaxes seems to be much better in every aspect for his laning than to consider levelling E first, or am I missing something where you have to play him to understand first?
  2. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Levelling a skill first just to push before 15:00?
  3. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    ColonicAcid said:
    if the jarvan is just as competent he would freeze the lane in his tower.

    which means warwick can't farm and if he does, he will get harrassed heavily.
    Not really, Ww benefits when the lane is slightly pushed to not that pushed and exchanges well at level 3 onwards, also you make freezing the lane at your tower for more than 1 wave easy, Ww is countered by heavy pushers who are on par with his harass and sustain, not someone who farms at his tower for a wave or 2 because exchanging with him after that is hard and is more than likely to have you getting denied instead.
  4. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Technically Ww should be able to outlast and beat Jarvan in lane after he gets a couple of levels in his Q.
  5. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends


    Hemorrhage (Passive): Darius aims his attacks strategically, causing his to target bleed. This effect stacks up to five times.
    Decimate: Darius swings his axe in a lethal circle. Enemies struck by its blade take more damage than those struck by its shaft.
    Crippling Strike: Darius's next attack severs a crucial artery. As the target bleeds out, their movement and attack speeds are slowed. Crippling Strike's cooldown is lower the more bloodied its target.
    Apprehend: Darius hones his axe, granting him passive armor penetration. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe's hook and pulls them to him.
    Noxian Guillotine (Ultimate): Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed.

    A really strong assassin/bruiser that sounds op and fun, I know who I'm getting once I'm done with exams :>.
  6. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Maboobs said:
    Meh, I hate this support **** anyhoo. I really wish Riot would make it less about farming and more about fighting in the bot lane, that way we might see people take cool combos like Teemo and Cassi bot(poison triggers her E :grin:), or Renekton/Lee Sin bot(dat mobility tankiness). It's boring and stale as support and even AD carry is getting boring when you farm for 40 mins, get one ace, and the enemy surrenders >.>

    That's what they've tried and kinda failed to really do after all the support sustain nerfs.
  7. Varric

    Jagged Alliance : Back in Action

    Jhessail said:
    Do yourself a favor and get the original JA2. Gold version (1.12), preferably, though there are those who prefer 1.07 over it. It is superior in every aspect and the challenge isn't in the AI cheating like mad. GamersGate for example sells it for peanuts nowadays. Later you can add the 1.13 mod which redoes many aspects of the GUI and some game mechanics as well.

    Oh and sorry for calling you a heretic. You obviously can't be one if you have never seen the light in the first place. I guess you haven't played the original X-Com/UFO Defense either?
    Won it in some Steam giveaway a while back, most fun and time consumed since I first played M&B.
    So it seems this one's a total flop, sadly :sad:.
  8. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    I prefer AP Soraka with 0 cs, 5 kills and no assists.
  9. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Iirc her ult is target whereas Morg's is aoe, he should be able to dodge it.
  10. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Maboobs said:
    Ilex said:
    Shen + Twitch combo would be helluva scary if Twitch was actually a viable AD carry.

    Heh, I remember a game a while back. I played as support with Tryko's Miss Fortune, while Varric went jungle twitch. I can't remember who was mid but Calodine was Jarvan top. We made a perfect play when Calodine managed to trap all their squishies into his ult. Wait, that's who it was, Vlad was mid, who then ultied them all. Twitch and MF ult and goodbye all those squishies :lol:

    I think I might have been Leona. It was a pretty damn strong team actually, if you could get everything to plan. Jarvan and Leona can disable the whole enemy team to let Vlad MF and Twitch do their AoE damage.
    I remember that as well, I think we lost that one.
    Iirc unfortunately their team was actually decent and I ended up dying to an Udyr thornmail and couldn't carry the game in the end :sad:.
  11. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    Having teleport over your opponent top gives you free dragons.
  12. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    That's why I don't use it to last hit early game, I only use it for a second before turning it right back off continually to convert some mana into life, and yeah it's more mid-late game, or whenever you get your ap items on him.
  13. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    He is very bad at farming until mid game, nevermore doesn't do enough damage and using your ultimate to farm constantly at that point early game heavily drains your mana.
    He doesn't have a great aa animation either so that doesn't help, so yeah he is quite bad at farming for an AP carry imo.
  14. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    You guys seem to be confused over the definition of ganking, the only true people who are ungankable are the ones that are fed enough to have guaranteed kills without dying if they were ganked.
    Lee Sin's a great ganker because all of his skills go together perfectly in every ganking situation, every champion that you've claimed who are ungankable are certainly gankable if your ally baits said skills that makes them 'ungankable', there's a reason why your ally initiates on the person you're ganking first until they commit and use their skills before you start going in, the idea that said skills that makes champions 'ungankable' including summoners only works if the person plays defensively and runs as soon as blowns are traded without using any of their skills. Even if they're tower-hugging if they get harassed low enough you can just gank and tower-dive which is the jungler's job (Lee Sin excels at this).
    Also a successful gank isn't a kill, it's one where you leave the enemy at a more unfavourable position than your ally's, so unless they manage to kite you while using no mana, no summoners, and do more damage to your team then that's still a gank and a successful one at that.

    Tl;dr: Lee Sin can gank anyone.

    Except Singed.
  15. Varric

    LoL-League Of Legends

    ColonicAcid said:
    He does, but yeah, it probably will be used once in a fight, but I dunno, Bruiser build Junglers without good ganking potential are dangerous in the new jungle, this guy seems to have some pre 6 and some as well post 6 gank potential, (also Fear is a double edged sword, its hard CC sure but sometimes it goes the way you dont want it to go.) but against tanky team comps (I get this sometimes with Lee Sin, I have to disregard my normal build and go HoG and Avarice blade, then a Aegis and then a Shurelias, this dosent happen often mind you, only against ungankable lanes, Jarvan, Morgana, someone like Janna and Ez bot.) he seems useless laning phase/ganking phase which is why I want to build him as a support jungler, Sure I might go damage if I'm going against "PUSH ALL DAY, WUT ARE WARDS?" type of players.
    Lee Sin can gank anyone.
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