Recent content by vadimuha

  1. vadimuha

    Can we get a bannerlord demo pls?

    I would be really cool if they let us play demo versions they used in E3 and PC Gamer
  2. vadimuha

    Has anyone completed the main quest?

    As you reform the Dragon Banner for the main quest, you got choice to...
    1: Create an new kingdom - Get an non-imperial fief by any means, and from there onward to your own kingdom.
    2: Support a Kingdom - Give the banner to the faction leader of an non-imperial kingdom, and join as a vessel.
    3: Create an new imperial faction - Get an imperial fief by any means, and from there onward to be an new imperial faction.
    4: Support an imperial faction - Give the banner to one of the 3 imperial faction leaders, and join as a vessel.

    But you can form your own Kingdom or Faction at any given moment in the game anyway, the form kingdom/faction part in the main quest were only listed out the basic guide line for you to follow as a new player who have NEVER played M&B before.
    Everyone got to that moment. I'm interested in what happens after you destroy or unite empire
  3. vadimuha

    Has anyone completed the main quest?

    Well, you obviously care about it, otherwise you wouldn't have created this thread.
    Curiosity is not caring
  4. vadimuha

    Has anyone completed the main quest?

    How about you complete it yourself to find it out? And how about a spoiler warning in the title?
    How about no one cares about bannerlord story? How about it's boring AF to complete yourself?
  5. vadimuha

    The dev is beating around the bush

    This tread was active for 5 DAYS! Come on why is it always this kind of posts that gain attention?
  6. vadimuha

    Has anyone completed the main quest?

    What happened at the end?
  7. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    It leads to relations diving into abyss and currently I don't know any way to fix relations. Thanks though.
    There's no other way as of right now, and I doubt that declaring war through screen would yield different results. But you can attack and release lords. This way you won't have relationship penalties
  8. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    BTW is there any way to declare war on other kingdom when you have hatched your own? The button "declare war" is grey and no one is going to attack me.
    The only way is to harass a kingdom. Raise a village or attack a lord (Sometimes you'll have to attack a few lords or raid a few villages)
  9. vadimuha

    Has telling a lord "Actually, I think you're the one ought to surrender" ever worked?

    But this option only comes when the enemy lord catches you or is willing to fight and not run away from you. So in that case why would he surrender right away?
    In cases where you catch them the dialogues are different
    1) This option exists
    2) They are bold enough to attack armies that are way bigger than they can take
  10. vadimuha

    Has telling a lord "Actually, I think you're the one ought to surrender" ever worked?

    That's one of my main issues with the game and to a degree, with Warband. The NPC don't follow the rules as the player do; Ghost armies out of nowhere, unlimited money, no attrition in sieges, no surrender, etc.
    And that's why executions are essential
  11. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    Then it could be the executions changed your traits to dishonorable or something, and this triggered a chain reaction when some honorable lords defected? I really don't know. We should know how the power level is calculated as well.
    If it were because of my honor trait they shouldn't have joined in the first place. I was committing genocides way before creating my creating my own kingdom
  12. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    Ok. Another question is if the fiefs were distributed among clans. I wouldn't be surprised if clans without fiefs switched kingdoms.
    They were evenly distributed. I didn't want to risk having one overpowerd clan that's going to deflect. Aserai though. They had all their fiefs belong to a ruler. Every single one of them. He inherited them after his clans got destroyed
  13. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    This sounds interesting. But first what does it mean a weak kingdom? Having less lords than the enemy overall, or having less fiefs + parties + money, or having less clans, or having lower tier clans....

    Another question is if developers added a rule to balance power. I.e. in Warband there is a fixed number of lords and there is a tendency to distribute them evenly among kingdoms, although it isn't perfect. In Bannerlord I think the number of clans is fixed so to balance it they would tend to distribute clans evenly. Or to hire minor factions / mercenaries.

    I don't know yet how this works
    I meant how many lords they have and what their power level in diplomacy tab is
  14. vadimuha

    One Step Ahead perk just doesn't work

    Anyone else?
  15. vadimuha

    Is there a correlation between how weak enemy kingdom is and how likely clans will leave your kingdom?

    Well, if you did have 100 relation with all of them prior to them defecting you, it does sound strange.

    Only thing I can think of is personalities (if the lords defecting you were disonhonorable) and the Aserai were paying them good money... at the end of the day, it's the same thing you can do to them back and forth... it's all about the money. With 100 relation I would assume an honorable lord wouldn't defect you, but I suppose disonhorable ones will not care for relation value if offered enough money/fiefs?
    I think is just stupid to defect to a kingdom that's basically almost destroyed and have no chance of winning even offered a ton of money
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