Recent content by Ulfhedinn_

  1. Ulfhedinn_

    It's 2024. Spears still suck


    Spears in Warband are much superior.
  2. Ulfhedinn_

    Please FIX the Couched Lance Animation

    Will forward the feedback, thank you.

    Thank you!

  3. Ulfhedinn_

    [SP-MP][Poll-Debate] Performance of the fallback command


    Nah... I'm still the bastard mother****ing gollum... what I'm hiding behind the bushes now... lurking. :lol:

    Joking aside, Piconi has brought the issue to the attention of the devs... maybe we will have an answer soon.

  4. Ulfhedinn_

    Am I the only one thinking that the targeting system is not good enough in it's current state ? (1.2.X)

    I fully agree.

    As I already pointed out in the past; it's an addition that many of us are looking forward to... however when you test it as a player in the first 5 minutes you realise the shortcomings of this mechanic (Fracas shows)... it need work and fine tuning. But if this fine tunig is limited for the corseted limitations of console... well we knot how this ends...


    Hey Terco! Maybe you need to be a YouTuber for them to listen to you...
  5. Ulfhedinn_

    Please FIX the Couched Lance Animation

    I don't understand this sloppiness. How can you make things even worse than previous game?


    Bannerlord: One step forward and two steps back!
  6. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Obviously late game isn't important to Console kiddies.
    Obviously late game isn't important to Console kiddies...
    Obviously late game isn't important to Console kiddies...

    It is precisely this "console-friendly" approach that ruined the entire game!
  7. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Minor Factions, as they are right now, are solo independent clans, much like the player`s clan. They are not on the same plane as Major Factions, which have multiple clans as part of their structure.
    Having that in mind, and the fact that joining, exiting or switching clans isn`t a current feature, do you have any suggestions on how you would like to interact with them, within the existing framework?
    Absolutely, and I've been making this suggestion for years!

    There are older posts, but well, here are my thoughts. Minor Factions are an EXTREMELY underrated and wasted feature!
  8. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    @Dejan or @Piconi , can we have a final say on the minor factions?
    We don't expect any changes anytime soon, but could you at least tell us if there is any intention to improve this feature in the game?
    Minor factions should represent alternative gameplay options, each type with its own unique characteristics and objectives...
    For example, I would love to join the Wolfskins and lead an insurgent force in Battania!

    If you could tell me that, at least that, I could stop holding onto that hope and give up on the vanilla game completely. Thanks.
  9. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    @Dejan or @Piconi , can we have a final say on the minor factions?
    We don't expect any changes anytime soon, but could you at least tell us if there is any intention to improve this feature in the game?
    Minor factions should represent alternative gameplay options, each type with its own unique characteristics and objectives...
    For example, I would love to join the Wolfskins and lead an insurgent force in Battania!

    If you could tell me that, at least that, I could stop holding onto that hope and give up on the vanilla game completely. Thanks.
  10. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

  11. Ulfhedinn_

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Ikr, I'm convinced they have like 3 Devs actually working on the game, we're actually gonna hit the 6 month mark of waiting

    That is sad. Very sad. Mainly because we wait for things that we know won't come...
  12. Ulfhedinn_

    Bannerlord is really just a broken game.

    Without modding capabilities this game would be dead... No joke.
  13. Ulfhedinn_

    Roadmap? Features in the future? Anything?

    Oh look, no further reply in the thread from Dejan. Well, what a surprise. Five Bucks gave him the answer that TW doesn't want to know about.

    Honestly, what's really amazing is that Taleworlds seem to think that their game is pretty much complete.

    They are like : " What's the problem? it's a pretty good game right? "

    What an absolute joke of a company they have become.

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