Recent content by Uşaklı™

  1. Uşaklı™

    I Can't Take Any Lords Into My Kingdom Anymore

    My kingdom have 49 clan now, now I can't take any lord again. There are 53 city and I want 53 clan. What is the probability that there is a clan limit?
  2. Uşaklı™

    I Can't Take Any Lords Into My Kingdom Anymore

    Now I can get the lord I want, I discovered the solution. It is necessary to have three times the amount of money the lord will ask for at the end of the speech. If there is enough money, the persuasion speech begins.
  3. Uşaklı™

    Artık Hiçbir Lordu Krallığıma Katamıyorum

    Artık istediğim lordu alabiliyorum, çözümünü keşfettim. Lordun konuşmanın sonunda isteyeceği para miktarının üç katı kadar paraya sahip olmak gerekiyor. Yeterli para varsa, ikna etme konuşması başlıyor.
  4. Uşaklı™

    1.1.0 I Can't See Already Met Heroes's Infos In The Encyclopedia

    I find it logical that don't met heroes' infos are hidden, there's not much of a problem with that. But I playing this game long time and I met all heroes. Why is it treated like I don't know about hundreds of people I've talked to dozens of times?
  5. Uşaklı™

    I have concerns over the Mid and Late Game in v1.1.0 Beta and feel the gameplay has been degraded from previous versions.

    There is something I noticed. Nobles's (lords or ladies) ransom are very low now (before 3000-5000, now (300-500) dinars.
  6. Uşaklı™

    Lingering Factions

    This has been complained about all of early access. I think it was just not thought about at all, but then they decided to pretend fix it by saying that they should change faction (but not to YOURS) when they run out of money, but they don't run out of money fast enough (or ever?)so you can finish the whole map and they're still running around in the same faction. Also, there's no advantage to the player if they do join other factions as they will still be running around raiding and attacking you forever since they won't defect to you on their own. AND once you have a certain amount of clans, clans will always refuse you so you can't recruit most of them normally. The whole thing is awful and seems to be banking on the player just getting stuck at the vassal stage of the game forever. In previous versions the counter was just to create or recruit as many clans as possible, once you had enough they would beat down the small land-less clans, HOWEVER in 1.1.0 the vassals seem to not do as much to catch/defeat them so they still get raids off too much and even take back fiefs easily, so it's even worse.
    This is

    This is perfect comment
  7. Uşaklı™

    Will there be information-gathering dialogue in future versions due to the new Fog of war for the encyclopedia or is this the famous BL "vision"?

    I met almost all heroes on my savegame before last update. I know coming with 1.1.0 new Encyclopedia feature but I thought it wouldn't be a problem because I met all heroes. I can't see anyone's information other than my family members now. Do I have to meet everyone again or is there a way to fix this?
  8. Uşaklı™

    1.1.0 I Can't See Already Met Heroes's Infos In The Encyclopedia

    I met almost all heroes on my savegame before last update. I know coming with 1.1.0 new Encyclopedia feature but I thought it wouldn't be a problem because I met all heroes. I can't see anyone's information other than my family members now. Do I have to meet everyone again or is there a way to...
  9. Uşaklı™

    komplo görevi başarısız olursa ne olur?

    Komplo görevinde başarısız olman yerleşkelerin savunan sayısının artmasına neden oluyor galiba, benim başıma gelmedi ama bir yerde izlemiştim. Komplo görevi başarısız olsa da yazdığın "13 şehri alma" görevini tamamladığında sıradaki görevler açılır yüksek ihtimalle.
  10. Uşaklı™

    Lords' Factions Must Have an Influence on Fief Voting

    After a fief is conquered, a vote is held to determine which clan will become. In these votes, criteria such as the number of fiefs owned by the clans, the proximity of clan's other fiefs (you can specify if you have any criteria you know) are effective. I think that among these criteria should...
  11. Uşaklı™

    I Can't Take Any Lords Into My Kingdom Anymore

    Thanks for comments. I was trying to do a regular job such that each clan would have one castle and one city same to their own faction, but it doesn't seem to happen. I'll try my luck some more.
  12. Uşaklı™

    I Can't Take Any Lords Into My Kingdom Anymore

    I progressed a lot in the game, I completed the main quest and destroyed the empires, the remaining empire clans joined the Sturgia kingdom. Khuzait and Aserai have no fiefs. Sturgia has a castle and a city owned by the one clan. There are 92 fiefs and 33 clans in my kingdom. I am merciful...
  13. Uşaklı™

    Komplo Görevi Sorunsalı!!!

    Görevi tamamladım. Ama nasıl:

    - Neretzesin budalalığını araştır görevinin süresi yaklaşık 2000 gün. 9 kişiden bilgi aldım, birini sona bıraktım.

    - 2000 gün içinde krallığımı kurdum, Güney ve Batı imparatorluğunun yerleşkelerini fethettim veya başka krallıklar fethetti, bir sürü imparatorluk lordunu kendime çektim, kısacası imparatorluğu bayağı zayıflattım.

    - Sürenin bitmesine yaklaşık 50 gün kala son kişiyle konuştum, Argazosla konuştum, sancağı birleştirdim ve imparatorluk karşıtı bir krallığı destekle görevi aktif oldu, ardından Istinianın planı aktif oldu.

    - Daha ilk haydutları öldür görevi bile açılmadan önce imparatorluğun şehir sayısı dördün altına indi ve yeni görevler (imparatorlukları yok et) açıldı, imparatorluklar bana savaş açtı.

    - Güney ve Batı imparatorlukları hemen pes ettiler ve yıkıldılar, kalan klanları kuzey imparatorluğuna geçti.

    - Kuzey imparatorluğunun da son şehrini alınca görevler bitti ve kalan klanların hepsi Sturgiyalılar'a geçti. Hangi krallığa geçtikleri her oyunda değişir büyük olasılıkla.
  14. Uşaklı™

    MB Bannerlord-Kuşatma'da Karşılaştığım Hata

    Son zamanlarda neredeyse tüm kuşatmalarda başıma geliyor bu. Bazen, eğer son düşman gözle görülebilen bir yerdeyse askerleri geri çekip, kendim okla öldürüyorum. Eğer olmuyorsa tek yol geri çekilmek ve asker gönder diyerek kuşatmayı tamamlamak.
  15. Uşaklı™

    Ordular sürekli batıda

    Krallığının haritanın ortasına doğru genişletmesinin sonucu bu. Şu aşamada yapabileceğin şey, diğer krallıklarla imkan dahilinde barış imzalayıp, Vlandiyanın bütün tımarlarını alman.
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