Recent content by Tovias

  1. Tovias

    Why would I use a crossbow?

    What's the point of using a crossbow if it requires as much investment as a bow? In Warband I could choose a crossbow over a bow since it did not require skill investment. What's the point now?
  2. Tovias

    Your combat system is retarded

    Don't do it friend, they added autoblock recently. You can play now!
  3. Tovias

    The one thing modders cant fix: Voice acting: While the world it self feels extremely alive due to how the A.I will interact with everything like the

    Voice acting is an unnecessary money sink. It actually takes life from the world since you will inevitably end up with a single actor doing multiple people. You get results like Bethesda games where some old man is the priest, the king, the bandit and the dog.
  4. Tovias

    Give us a new Roadmap, or re-affirm the already existing Roadmap.

    About banners, Armagan himself said we simplified banners because the player should understand kingdoms quickly (like when you see a caravan, whose caravan is this etc.)
    But I differentiate kingdoms through color not banner design.
  5. Tovias

    Give us a new Roadmap, or re-affirm the already existing Roadmap.

    Bannerlord is a prequel not a sequel.
    I see so that's why it is losing features instead.
  6. Tovias

    Give us a new Roadmap, or re-affirm the already existing Roadmap.

    Having said that, I do not think that all warband features will find their way into bannerlord and those that may are likely not a high priority at this point in time.
    That's like the opposite of what a sequel is supposed to do.
  7. Tovias

    Tactical decisions on the battlefield should play a bigger role in deciding the tide of battle

    The game leans more on the action RPG side, with just elements of strategy sprinkled in here and there. The video in the OP is great, and I think that it is awesome that people are making these types of mods and that the game supports them, even at this early stage, but I think that something along those lines would be too complex to use as a player and draw the game out too much, ultimately detracting from the fast-paced action and gameplay.
    what the **** man
  8. Tovias

    Statement Regarding Plans For MP

    Clans are gross tho
  9. Tovias

    How the Hell do I defeat Horse archers

    I was using a lot of archers and a square formation. It helps if you have a hill, not so much for the high ground but because the horse archers will be forced to attack you from specific directions instead of having a full circle around you.
  10. Tovias

    Block Alt+F4?

    Wow, your situation was really difficult. Personally, I would suggest taking a moment to review your actions and think what to do in the future to avoid such unfortunate event.
  11. Tovias

    Mount and now seperate.

    Acquire proficiency through effort.
  12. Tovias

    Should we be able to marry non-nobles like Companions, Merchants & Gang Leaders?

    I'd like that even if just to have a mercenary family. Don't even need the dowry money, just give me a source for children without political commitment.
  13. Tovias

    More variety in troop trees?

    If anything the current units should reorganized. Thinks like the Palatine guard have no place on the basic troop tree and the Sturgian troop tree is terrible. Before adding some wacky tabaccy two handed wielding horse archer, I'd rather they fix the current things.
    Rather they keep it simple but balanced than bloated.
  14. Tovias

    should there be a cultural variety of armor and weapons in the game?

    They haven't added a plague mechanic yet.
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