Recent content by Thesaurus Rex

  1. Thesaurus Rex

    TaleWorlds News: New News Necessary for the OT Neophytes

    Might pop a xan blood vessel and forget about her
    I thought you were incoherent before, but now it's reaching astronomical levels, you meet the requirements for working as an astronaut? I literally don't know what to make of your post, I have seen spaghetti in more order than your words
    Then maybe an actual apology is in order? And not just one that's "I'm sorry you were offended".
    I apologize to whomever was offended.
    I have no words

    this really is the state of this forum isn't it ****ing lmao
  2. Thesaurus Rex

    TaleWorlds News: New News Necessary for the OT Neophytes

    It's funny because when I said the modern internet was a cesspit I wasn't thinking of any particular ideology, I was thinking more about people making baseless assumptions and leaping headlong into a vitriol-laced fight over the smallest of provocations. Thank you for an excellent illustration of why I maintain that particular view.
    that sounds really horrible :sad:(((((

    no one should talk angy about anything at all especially when it's about stuff that actually hurts people, those kinds of things are completely neutral hypotheticals :sad:(((

    I hope ur ok bb
    Oh fug. you just ZINGED! me!!

    Share and tag all your friends to totally ZING! them! :grin:
    - please daddy I want my status quo -
    Hoohoohoo wow, nice one my bro. My favorite part is when you took a snippet of my quote and deliberately omitted the one thing this whole debacle is about.

    "Allowing people the right to a healthy, happy life and not questioning their very existence? sounds like sum librul bs haha ok sjw enjoy ur self righteousness high"

    yeah ok. I think you'll find I can summarize a quote much more effectively :wink: Also, fun fact related to your bs example.

    in recent decades we have begun to call our neighbors, loved ones and associates assholes for being racist, especially the ones that refused to listen to more reasonable arguments

    and then they...stopped trying to be outwardly racist?? whoa. Could they still be racist in their homes? Probs. But guess what, they're significantly less likely to hurt people out in the open and if we can't change them outright we can at least have that.

    it's almost like when enough people make it very clear that something is unacceptable those with tiny egos try to not do that unacceptable thing around them! wow!
    Someone here needs an attitude adjustment. Seriously.
    will you adjust me, daddy? ;3
    I'm actually left wing (member of a socialist party) and support policies that protect the rights of transgender/-sexual people.
    Oh good for you! You support political policy! Well shoot I guess that does give you leeway to degrade trans people in your personal life! Because only a real trans ally would say things like "they're turning gender into a fata morgana" or "this patient says she's a woman but 'she' has...snicker...BALL GERMS! hehehe diseases don't care about ur gender identity just like facts don't care about your feelings! haha they're so delusional".

    Then you backpedal all of that **** and pretend you're not being a literal ******* right now. If you actually support trans people, not just trans rights but trans people, you're doing a piss-poor job of actually coming across as that and not as literally every single pseudointellectual bigot on the Internet trying to cover their tracks.

    It's been Attenborough-levels of captivating watching you all huff each other's farts. Why keep that to yourself, though? There's big money in that.
  3. Thesaurus Rex

    TaleWorlds News: New News Necessary for the OT Neophytes

    Alright, just caught up with this...discussion. To say I'm disappointed is a massive understatement. I've lurked on this forum barely half a year and I can already tell I've made a mistake.

    Turns out, TaleWorlds is exactly the same orgy of basement-dwelling dudebrohistorygamer pseudointellectual slug****s as the rest of them. Y'all gonna stick to your edgy crusader and attack helicopter memes and not give a single damn who it hurts because deep down you don't think the people you make fun of deserve your empathy anyway.

    And then the second someone calls any of y'all out on it, suddenly the jokes get quiet and everyone's uncomfortable? What's the matter, did Antoine and Evelyn hurt your feewings? Listen, I've seen a thing or two. I've seen righteous fury before. Those two are Mr. Rogers and Mary Berry as far as y'all are concerned, but even that slightest tinge of actual opposition to harmful viewpoints is enough to get you people uneasy and start throwing the overhand and underhand attacks. That is bull****, plain and simple. What's even more disturbing is that Eveleyn apparently has been at this for literal years trying to talk to y'all about trans rights and not only has it been the same nonsense every time, but moderators have done nothing?! What. The. F U C K!? I guess it's not explicitly written against in the Code of Conduct, that makes it not an issue???

    And boy hey golly-geez-holy-bullfornicating-damn-howdy it sure is fun seeing the exact same [garden fertilizer] taking place in this thread just like it has every other damn forum. You got your instigator @Adorno backpedaling from preaching outright after being called out, going for the tried-and-true "open-minded" poser route where he attempts to "understand the facts" while in reality he's been exposed to and had the opportunity to do JUST THIS for a LONG time and is only attempting to appear rational so he can not-so-subtly shoehorn his own beliefs from the safety of fortification. Then you've got @Abraxium coming out of the woodwork to be a ??????? concern troll, like, this is exactly what I'd expect from someone who I told to pretend to concern troll to demonstrate to students of forumology. True to form we've got little fish like @Cyborg Eastern European trying to join the dogpile and chip away at the main threat, @Evelyn, who as if by coincidence seems to be putting in the most effort in actually trying to defend trans people (though not to disparage the effort of others).

    Ain't it nice how the Code of Conduct says "We don't want to offend or corrupt anyone" but transphobia, the defense thereof and attacks on people trying to call it out are 100% okay for the kiddos? Yeah, ah ha, okay.
    Well, I could try taking a dump on the General History Questions thread, but frankly, I was never that good at riling her up.
    Which is a shame, since it's a thing of beauty to see. :cry:
    You've got things in this thread like literal advocating of trolling people, going unattended. So the mods really don't seem to give a damn about behavior supporting the status quo, do they?
    I look back on the internet of 15 years ago and find it such an innocent place compared to this cesspit we find ourselves in. Social media is a true evil.
    From the rest of your posts, it sure sounds like you're not talking about the people trying to suppress human rights and the physical, mental and spiritual well being of others, which includes not allowing people to determine their own lives. Y'know, actual cesspit dwellers.

    It actually sounds a lot like you're talking about the people trying to fight exactly that, which somehow makes both you and your fragile juvenile sense of control uncomfortable, for some reason. Are they the "cesspit" you implicitly dogwhistle about? How fascinating!

    You seem to prefer that bygone age of when you were a literal child and nobody talked about the tough realities of life and wish to return to that state just so you can be comfortable. The disenfranchised masses be damned, it's your peace of mind that ultimately matters. You poor little privileged human equivalent of Season 9 of Scrubs. It's time to grow up. You don't want "peace", you want people to shut up and I've had it up to here with that kind of cowardice. Peace and order for peace and order's sake will get you neither.
    that's complete nonsense. aren't you supposed to be a nurse? how do you not know even the most basic thing about trans folk?
    I've noticed nursing school seems to be significantly less focused on critical thinking and the details of things like biology and psychology so much as learning how to directly apply care by the book. Not ****ting on how hard of a job nursing is, but there seem to be a multitude who are anti-vax or anti-GMO or some other self-inflicted brain injury. As such, outside of the subject of straight up caregiving, I'm highly skeptical of people who rely mainly on "I'm a RN" as ethos for their opinions.
    As a nurse I've only met very few trans people, but that's irrelevant since it's about physiology.
    What. A. Shocker. You mean someone would willingly run their mouth about something they know absolutely nothing about, about people they know absolutely nothing about, which also means they have no idea what it's like for trans people when some Dunning-Krueger ******* tries to explain away their right of existence? Surely if they did, and assuming their parents raised them up right, they would realize the horrible and real pains they caused and quickly deem themselves a dirtbag in need of self-improvement. This is assuming an ideal world where "a sense of decency and basic empathy" is something everyone chooses to have.
    Some of it is nonsense, yes.
    We do not live in an ideal world.

    @Zombie Warrior Okay, I'll make an exception for you because 1) you seem genuinely interested in learning instead of just pretending to be and 2) you remind me of me in the past when I had those same concerns, questions and views. Hopefully that means what I have to say will be easier to understand from your perspective.

    First off if you haven't seen someone so "combative and passionate" then that honestly just means you're unexposed to...well, actually activism in general. Evelyn is being overwhelmingly tame and civil here, you can trust me on that.

    Second, your heart's totes in the right place, but it sounds...inexperienced, I hope is a good word, and I hope I'm not patronizing because this is important. I actually agree with you on a lot of the philosophy you seem to hold, and I'm willing to bet some of the other people in this thread do, too. Do we have a "war of words"? Yes! A war of ideas, however, is more accurate. Do wars of ideas require special rules of engagement? Yes! Do I think it's important to be self-aware of how the other side perceives you? Absolutely! Your own behavior in this thread and its effects are proof of that. However...

    "civility" has its limits. At the point where 'civility' just becomes a state of being that can easily be ignored, it simply becomes a tool used by oppressors to keep the oppressed from interfering with the status quo. You can be "civil" all day long and they can rest easy knowing that whatever they're trying to keep from changing isn't in any danger at all. At that point, if you want change, you have to make noise and get in faces. No, they're not going to like it, but that's tough, they had their chance to listen and be empathetic. 'Civility' only works in the context where the people you're trying to get to embrace change are open to it to begin with. If your civility is ignored, especially as actual harm continues to happen, then you have to go one level up. If power is all they're concerned about, you need to take it away from them.

    Your idea that "revolutionaries" as you put it can't change society is, however, patently false, and a lot of history is built around direct action bringing about change when civil reform routes were held back and suppressed. John Brown is a terrible example for you to use that tells me there's more about the American Civil War you need to catch up on. Basically, it would be very naive to think slavery would have been abolished peacefully or that it would have been a quick and easy process. That's straight out of the Lost Causer's book trying to make the North look like an aggressor. Take it from a Southerner -- there was no way in HELL plantation owners were going to give up their slaves simply by telling them it's wrong. The Civil War ENDED with the formal abolition of slavery - it literally took a violent act for people to bring about change because of the incomprehensible resistance to the civil route.

    I'll give you a better case study in the civil rights movements of the 60s: the NAACP had been around since 1909; their approach was to civilly work within the system and rely on the decency of white lawmakers and politicians to get things done. Since the majority of those people had no decency, every trick in the book was put against them to ensure that any social progress tried by the NAACP was at an absolute snailpace, and could easily be pushed back. It took groups like the SCLC, SNCC and the multitudes of brave individuals to rebel against the status quo, open their mouths and occupy whites-only areas to force the system to listen to them. Make no mistake, it got ugly. Pro-segregation news outlasts absolutely dropped the "uncivil rioters" label on the protesters along with many other more disgusting ones, but! Things actually start to happen! Segregation ends! Interracial marriage is legal! No more "literacy tests" specifically aimed to prevent African-Americans from voting! It's not cool to say the N word anymore! All these things that should have happened a long time ago if the people in charge were willing to listen, but they gave no other choice. So yeah, revolutions can work, riots can work (they're even working today!), being rude can work, if the peaceful options have been exhausted.

    And in our case, they have. Adorno, for example, hasn't actually learned anything, nor is he actually "receptive to ideas which are foreign to his understanding." He's been using a very boring tactic in which he sounds like the open-minded civil one just 'trying to learn', but the "questions" he gives are actually statements of his own beliefs in disguise in attempt to discredit his opponents. It's a common strategy used by people to sneak in without being immediately detected, find cracks and then start attacking that crack in some kind of "gotcha!" moment in which they declare that X now has no merit. I've seen it in discussions of racial issues, sexuality, religion, and here we've got transphobia. The very least that's warranted is him getting called an *******. I'm sure his ego is strong enough to handle it. Right?

    I'm so sick of this. Every ****ing den of sheltered right-wing nerds, it's always the same.

    Conversations like these should never be happening. The existence and right to identity of millions of people shouldn't be something that has to be explained, debated and justified. And this kind of behavior definitely shouldn't be condoned by any mod team.

    If only you people ****ing knew the kind of pain that this bull**** causes. But you have absolutely zero plans to even begin to understand because it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect your monolithic group of friends, it's out of sight and out of mind. That very fact alone should mean that you have nothing to lose by not being a transphobic bigot, but isn't human behavior fascinatingly chaotic?

    I'm just gonna put this out here - at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you think about gender or sex.

    It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense to you.

    It doesn't matter if you think people are wrong.

    What matters is there are living people who want nothing more than to spend the short time we all have on this Earth, beautiful as it is cruel, in some level of comfort with their own existence. Instead of actually having the basic empathetic skills to allow them this, everything including the kitchen sink is thrown at them to discredit the very concept as a whole and label them all freaks, and y'all have absolutely contributed to this. All of you are subjected to the same damn mortal life and denying a group the right to peacefully enjoy theirs is how you decide to spend it?

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
  4. Thesaurus Rex

    [BoP: The Fifth Sun] Main Thread

    Now what good would a bunch of stolen Chulultek idols possibly bring someone? Hmmm...
  5. Thesaurus Rex

    [BoP: The Fifth Sun] Main Thread

    The gathering at Tlaxcala would have seen many delegates sent by their lords for a rare opportunity to exchange information 'directly'. Some, such as Wey Taketzani Tilputunki of Kushkatan, had very specific messages to relate to the other ambassadors...

    Tell me, speak to me with your hearts, may truth be found in its breath the true fate of Chululan. Has rumor choked its way to Kuzshkatán like a foul weed? Behold, my kingdom is distant, my kingdom is on the edge of the world, from my kingdom I can see the waters that lead to Talukan. The travelling breath grows cold, its truth is a picked flower that fades. Even the breath of my own heart is not like that of the Culhua*.

    And so I, Tilputunki, lord of the Kuzshkateku and the Xinka, captor of the lords of Pokomam, beseech you, lords of the White Way**! I implore you, Ladies of the Black! Give the Great Speaker of the Jewelled City the words that do not fade, give them to his emissaries. Has the Place of Running fallen to a mad Speaker? If the stories are true, does he truly speak for Tiyut? Why does he seek to deny them the most potent gifts, the most filling meals, the greatest power that can only come from the human spirit?

    Few towns can carry the burden of the offering up of men, few towns can partake in the flowers of its ceremony, and the song that is made for those who give their service. It would be too much to ask this of every town, and so the putting down of the knife by Cholollan, though earning that place no good fortune through its betrayal of the gods, and bringing sorrow and mourning to those who loved it as the holiest place of our ancestors, a place where people are as numerous as reeds, faithfully carrying the fire of the Toltecs but no longer, may not bring too much harm to that which is surrounded by the waters. If the place of those who ran vowed to focus all of its worship and adoration on Kitzekowat alone, that would be a thing I could easily understand, it may even be a thing to respect.

    But that blasphemous Speaker, that intoxicated revelrous lord of the Chololtecs, if the stories reach us true, does not simply abandon his own city to his own madness, but steals the clout earned by his ancestors to coerce the whole world into his foolishness. I tell you now with no flowers in my speech, this is that which will end the Fifth Sun.

    The speaker of the Chololtecs, he became bored of his excessive pulque! In pursuit of pleasure he consumed the peyote alone, he did not take the counsel of his priests. And the speaker was visited by Weyweykuyut, who wished to amuse himself by destroying the world, he saw a great opportunity. The god filled his heart with lies, the lies were sweet like Cholollan's incense.

    Lords of every direction! Do you plan to follow the corrupted counsel of a blasphemer, simply because the holy and wise once wore his crown of turquoise? I have full faith that you do not. The libraries of your towns are vast, you know of the consequences if the gods are denied their blood. How shall Tunaltiyut gain the energy and protection needed to travel through the sky without the aid of the warriors? How shall Taluk make the fields fertile with no blood or tears to strengthen the rain, and how could anyone possibly convince him to send rain to their own fields without proof of such devotion? How could we possibly repay the gods for their own sacrifices without blood? What insult this would be! Such betrayal they would feel! The farmer toils for his maize, and the maize gives itself up, for they both need the other to give sacrifice. So too must we give ourselves as yield of the gods' toil, that we may receive their care and blessings.

    But the Chulultek taketzani is unwilling to give anything, he wishes only to take. We do not always need to give these offerings. Our gods rarely require much from the fountain of the life of men. Behold, the land is plentiful, I see no reason to take more hearts than necessary. Even our own blood can be pricked, threaded and spilled at no cost of our life. O, woe! Does Cholollan's selfish Speaker refuse to part with even a single drop of blood? How many quail feathers can approach the power held in our own hair? How many mountains of frogs must be offered to the Lord of Rain? Can the peccary, as close as her spirit is to a human being, defend the Sun and help it to rise? Would you let deer suckle your women as the Maya do just so you could have enough of their hearts to match the value of a single human heart? O, woe! The Speaker is so averse to death that he cannot stand to sacrifice a mouse! Does he not know our time on this earth is only one step in our lives, our time on this earth is only for a little while? Speaker, you cannot feed the Lords of the Earth and Sky with incense alone! Did the wise men of the esteemed Cholollan not teach you this? Did you, in your youth, refuse to listen?

    Behold, the people of Cholollan are forced to feed on thistles, onions, and other weeds of the field, because the benevolent Speaker, who loves all life and eschews killing of any kind, cannot bear to see the sight of a precious maize stalk cut down, except perhaps that it then goes to increase his storehouses of pulque.

    My friends, I see no bright future in a world that neglects its duty due to some superficial idea regarding the despising of death. Refusing to offer up blood ourselves, safely and with reverence and reward, will not cause the end of bloodshed. If we do not aid the gods willingly, then both in their wrath and in their pains of starvation, they will make it happen. We will have elected the way of pain. Taluk will not give any rain, the crops will fail, and children will die to give him a more meager amount of power. The gods will drive enmity between us and cause us to kill each other. In our empty gardens will be scores of hummingbirds. Our fertile fields will have a multitude of butterflies. Tunaltiyut will be unable to complete his journey out from the land of the dead, surrounded by enemies. Kuyulshawuhki will kill the Sun.

    The Tzitzimime will come, they will devour us all.

    Even now, the world is beginning to be choked by war and conquest. Friends, choose peace, choose life, choose sacrifice!

    And so does Cholollan live to its name twofold: once as for those who fled from Tollan's fall, twice as for those who now flee the responsibilities taken up by their ancestors, those who flee from righteousness.

    I mourn for the fallen Tollan, I weep for the end of that great history, my fists clench at the perfidy of man. O, what a terrible age of darkness! O, what a terrible opinion!

    *Even though IOTL the Mexica had become the dominant force in central Mesoamerica (which time will tell if the Triple Alliance gets that big ITTL), everyone not close by just kept calling them the Culhua after the traditionally dominant polity of the Valley of Mexico. Since they also absorbed that title that further linked them to the Toltecs, the Mexica welcomed the connection.
    **West and north, respectively.
  6. Thesaurus Rex

    [BoP: The Fifth Sun] Main Thread

    Crassius "Biggus Dickus" Curio said:
    Thesaurus Rex said:
    1. Kushkatan
    Good choice! Now tell Alma to "gib Luxortl!".
    @Almalexia, give Lex Luthor.

    I don't know who you're supposed to give it to, so you can probably just give it to yourself.

    *EDIT* Guys I think I broke Pixel. In delegating my difficult primary and secondary choice I think I also transferred my indecisiveness and now I think I can see him start to emit smoke and sparks. Please keep your distance.

    Who knew picking Baby Aztecs w/ Bits Of Maya vs. Lots Of Trade But Little Info was such a tough choice?
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