Recent content by Thelior

  1. Running down enemies on world map

    Great, thanks for the info. Yea first thing I tried to do was split my part and send a bunch of foot soldiers off with my companion but, as you said, that left me with tons of extra horses and a massive herd penalty which slowed me down significantly. And my companion just took off in another direction.

    Is there a way to transfer inventory items to your parties the way you transfer troops? I could try to create a party and then transfer all my extra mounts to that party and that should allow me to speed up.

    It does just seem silly that you can move non-stop on foot for over a week at the same speed as a mounted party without ever having to rest...
    Have you tried sending off a companion with a small cavalry party? Even a handful of soldiers will usually try to attack since you are nearby, and they should be able to buy you enough time to join the battle.
  2. Disappointing progress.

    Yes, this is the way EA should be. But the Bannerlord release was more an alpha version of the game (Placeholderlord).
    There is sadly no minimum standard for EA, it simply means you're paying for something that is usable but incomplete. In fact, EA during alpha is most common, especially if you exclude the AAA studio quick cash grab releases, to make profit before the release reviews get published.

    If we were strict with Bannerlord it should be called alpha, as it is far from being complete enough to warrant the beta status, but that maybe a misunderstanding on my part. If a company sticks to the "usual" release stages is up to them, and the real status is always a bit fuzzy in agile projects.

    There are some rumors that the console version will be released in october and if this is true, the PC version will also release then. And if this happens we can just hope most major bugs are fixed and the missing announced features are added. Sounds unrealistic to me if I consider TWs pace for releasing updates or fixing bugs.
    I was most times very optimistic with the development, as I know the usual problems in big ambitious software projects firsthand. I hoped for TW getting their mess sorted out and upping the pace. But now I simply must agree, that the development speed is way too slow to hope for big features if the October release rumors are true.
  3. Statement regarding Singleplayer IV

    Can someone link what and where he is referring to here?
    Duh probably just answered Consul_Kaiser's question about spear attack variations/vectors (adding swing and throw):

    We really need a re-work of spears in general. Spears were one of the most versatile weapons of their time. Its a shame we can only thrust up and down when they have also been used to swing and throw. Is it possible a change can be put in motion?
    I'm not as involved with the combat system details, but I wouldn't expect fundamental changes at this point. (To me, new attack vectors seem like a rather significant adjustment.)
  4. Doctors Oath (lvl 75 medicin) perk should give Surgeon's XP

    As this thread is already dug up:This perk should be working correctly since Beta v1.5.5. Can't say if it is still working since I'm not playing atm.
  5. Keep Fights after Sieges - Good Idea, but

    If a few players are to experience a particular feature rarely, it becomes less worthwhile to pursue than a feature that more players are likely to experience often - all else being equal.

    Keep fights are set up to favor attackers (as a bit of a reward to a successful siege - not something that is likely to lose them the siege).

    It's been a while since my last play through, so maybe things changed, but as far as I remember your points would count for defensive sieges as a whole.

    The only time I played a (hopeless) defensive siege was while resting in town with a small party and not paying attention to the approaching army. Every time I would be able to reinforce a besieged city and win the battle, the enemy AI immediately breaks of the siege once I get near the city and tries to siege elsewhere.
  6. Less xp in simulated battles?

    AI gets free XP. I don't know how but I know it does. When you wipe out a lord army and he comes back after a while, the amount of "experienced" troops it has is bigger than the normal recruitment allows. Maybe I'm wrong. But I think not. Since lords can't avoid being captured constantly if they have experienced troops is for sure some kind of dev gift as a bandaid.
    Afaik the AI receives around 30 T3+ troops as “bodyguard units“ so that they don‘t get instantly killed by looters before they can recruit additional troops and the AI can recruit from all recruitment slots, as a fix to the broken AI relation system. Additionally they take troops out of garrisons to stock up.
  7. Any update on when siblings can marry?

    Theres already mods that address dynasty aging and prevent clan extinction. Its pretty sad that one modder can do more than TW, a professional studio, is seemingly capable of.

    A single modder is always faster than a studio, because he can focus on the problem. He doesn’t have to discuss his changes with fellow devs, designers or his boss, he doesn’t have to stick to a project plan or release cycle, etc.

    Even if you have a simple change, that doesn't affect other subsystems, your boss agrees to and which can easily be added to the next hotfix or release you are still dependent on your fellow devs. If there are issues that must be resolved before the next version gets released your change simply sits there.

    I'm disappointed with the slow dev cycle myself, but you can't just compare independent modders to a studio and its organizational structure. That's like comparing a small print shop that sometimes makes a few flyers with a newspaper publisher.
  8. Playerbase shrinking rapidly -10% in the last month

    People arent whining that the game at its core is bad, they are complaining that development seems very slow for a game charging AAA price.

    And I was thinking most of the people are whining, because they somehow expected a complete game as suggested by the ridicoulus AAAA+ price tag, despite all hints of missing content or the dev recommendation not to buy if they wanted a complete experience or they were upset for devs not focussing the multiplayer part of this singleplayer game as it should be.... My bad... /irony off

    A lot of people just bought the game with sky high expectations after waiting for many years. I’m disappointed by the lack of content and the slow dev cycle too, but there is not much we can do about it. TW afaik always had their own pace. Why should they suddenly change?

    I’m pretty certain TW will deliver a decent game and not simply stop development like many EA titles. It might just take a good while, but that‘s always the gamble with EA.
  9. Vlandian Sharpshoorter has his pavise shield. Could he use it as a shield in front of himself?

    So there is an small negate right ? If so then i wasnt seeing it wrong with my sword or miss calculated the hit with armor in mind which i also had in mind that it could have been...But does this affect arrows to if so ?

    As far as I can see it affects all weapons. Of course only lords, companions or the hero can get a high enough crossbow skill to use the pavise perk.

    So all other units are always damaged and only get a small damage reduction.
  10. Vlandian Sharpshoorter has his pavise shield. Could he use it as a shield in front of himself?

    Well as you can see in the last snippet there is a flat chance to negate all damage if you have the pavise perk (which is 75% at the moment).

    If you miss this roll the damage calculation continues and the only direct effect of a shield on the back I'm seeing is a small increase in armor effectiveness:
                if (collidedWithShieldOnBack && shieldOnBack != null)
                    num += 10f;
                float absorbedDamageRatio = victimAgentAbsorbedDamageRatio;
                float num2 = Game.Current.BasicModels.StrikeMagnitudeModel.ComputeRawDamage(damageType, magnitude, num, absorbedDamageRatio);
                float num3 = 1f;
                if (!attackBlockedWithShield && !isFallDamage)
                    num3 *= damageMultiplierOfBone;
                    num3 *= combatDifficultyMultiplier;
                num2 *= num3;
                inflictedDamage = MBMath.ClampInt((int)num2, 0, 2000);
                int num4 = MBMath.ClampInt((int)(Game.Current.BasicModels.StrikeMagnitudeModel.ComputeRawDamage(damageType, magnitude, 0f, absorbedDamageRatio) * num3), 0, 2000);
                absorbedByArmor = num4 - inflictedDamage;

    So it simply reduces some damage depending on damage type:

    public static float ComputeRawDamageNew(DamageTypes damageType, float magnitude, float armorEffectiveness, float absorbedDamageRatio)
                float num = 0f;
                float bluntDamageFactorByDamageType = CombatStatCalculator.GetBluntDamageFactorByDamageType(damageType);
                float num2 = magnitude * bluntDamageFactorByDamageType;
                float num3 = 100f / (100f + armorEffectiveness);
                num += num2 * num3;
                if (damageType != DamageTypes.Blunt)
                    float num4;
                    if (damageType != DamageTypes.Cut)
                        if (damageType != DamageTypes.Pierce)
                            return 0f;
                        num4 = Math.Max(0f, magnitude * num3 - armorEffectiveness * 0.33f);
                        num4 = Math.Max(0f, magnitude * num3 - armorEffectiveness * 0.5f);
                    num += num4 * (1f - bluntDamageFactorByDamageType);
                return num * absorbedDamageRatio;
  11. Vlandian Sharpshoorter has his pavise shield. Could he use it as a shield in front of himself?

    Ah so youre angling it to, got it ^^ since this wasnt from the beginning with his comments in it as he angled me we

    I would say you are forcing the victim position on yourself, when you're not getting your opinion approved and start to throw accusations. But whatever...

    I respect you for contributing and trying to improve the game, but your oversensitive reaction to opposing opinions just drives me nuts. Not everyone here is your enemy or trying to trick you. But we shouldn't derail the thread any further.

    Fact is: If you don't have the pavise crossbow perk, a shield on the back does almost nothing. That leaves us with the op's problem as turning the back to the enemy while reloading won't help. Either there should be a mechanic to deploy the shield or turning the back should make a difference. For that the skill requirement of the pavise perk must be lowered.
  12. Vlandian Sharpshoorter has his pavise shield. Could he use it as a shield in front of himself?

    Of course, you always admit that you maybe be wrong. But if they don't provide proof they are trolls, lying or don't know what they are talking about. You just can't be bothered to check it yourself:

    Dissabled!? then i must heard things wrong and seen things...dont think so...Are you sure you have seen the code right and know how to read one ? Sure you have even looked at the right code im talking about ? Please post it so i can have a look which one it is so i know im wrong and it should be from 1-5-4. Im a bit rusty at the language though so i might have to call a friend ^^

    Yes and its up to you to prove this to us by showing us the code and proving with that its from 1.5.4 or else im calling you a troll from now on since you called me a liar

    Is it...proves youre not having knowledge about the game...

    Still waiting for your proof......or else im calling your lack of experience out and accept that...its no problem we all do that...Or else youre just trolling ? I want to know because its important for me knowing the mechanics of the game what im experience or not. this forum is getting alot of missinformations out so its good we make things clear and its allright if we do mistakes or missunderstands as long as we admit em as i will do if i was wrong

    Nothing more to add.
  13. Vlandian Sharpshoorter has his pavise shield. Could he use it as a shield in front of himself?

    Yes and its up to you to prove this to us by showing us the code and proving with that its from 1.5.4

    You're wrong with that. You are the only one here that is the self claimed expert, who knows so much more about the game mechanics than anyone else, that he doesn't need to prove something. Of course, everyone who doesn't agree with you is either lying or a troll.

    Here's the snippet from the damage calculation by the way. With the perk you have a chance to negate damage else the normal calculation starts and as far I can see, you just get a small armor bonus down the road... I can't be bothered to post all of it here. If you don't believe it dig for yourself.

            public override int CalculateDamage(ref AttackInformation attackInformation, ref AttackCollisionData collisionData, in MissionWeapon weapon)
                CharacterObject characterObject = attackInformation.AttackerAgentCharacter as CharacterObject;
                IAgentOriginBase attackerAgentOrigin = attackInformation.AttackerAgentOrigin;
                Formation attackerFormation = attackInformation.AttackerFormation;
                CharacterObject characterObject2 = attackInformation.VictimAgentCharacter as CharacterObject;
                CharacterObject characterObject3 = attackInformation.AttackerCaptainCharacter as CharacterObject;
                CharacterObject characterObject4 = attackInformation.VictimCaptainCharacter as CharacterObject;
                WeaponComponentData currentUsageItem = attackInformation.VictimMainHandWeapon.CurrentUsageItem;
                int result = 0;
                MissionWeapon missionWeapon = weapon;
                WeaponComponentData currentUsageItem2 = missionWeapon.CurrentUsageItem;
                bool flag = false;
                if (currentUsageItem2 != null && currentUsageItem2.IsConsumable && collisionData.CollidedWithShieldOnBack && characterObject2 != null && characterObject2.GetPerkValue(DefaultPerks.Crossbow.Pavise))
                    float num = MBMath.ClampFloat(DefaultPerks.Crossbow.Pavise.PrimaryBonus / 100f, 0f, 1f);
                    flag = (MBRandom.RandomFloat <= num);
                if (!flag)
                    ExplainedNumber explainedNumber = new ExplainedNumber((float)collisionData.InflictedDamage, null);
                    if (characterObject != null)
                        if (currentUsageItem2 != null)
  14. Too easy to tier up troops

    stop talking bs and come with some facts instead because this thread is about discussing things in game not sitting on a throne.
    And if someone came in here making valuable points then i would gladly start to see or change my mind what im not it seems ?
    Instead im getting a cage filled with monkey business and around 2 to 3 guys actually talking about the game mechanics and balance...
    But if you call that puzzling then idk what type of brain youre carrying sir but its alright we all have our bright sides some where else

    Sorry to say that, but your messages in this thread just make no sense. If I had to guess you seem to dislike the passive XP because it makes the game too easy for you?

    In this case I have to agree with the "trolls" that they don't really have much impact, maybe except the +% after battle ones. But even those don't really matter except for big battles or when you're running a rather small party.

    Maybe try rephrasing your posts or perhaps format them a bit before calling everyone that doesn't get your point a troll or insulting them. It is hard to discuss or make "valuable points" if you can't figure out what the heck you are talking about...
  15. Melee cavalry is underpowered at the moment (Suggestions updated)

    Im playing on Realistic/Challenge mode. But tactics with your cavs are also a thing you should really keep in mind. From what i hear so far people are using them wrong when they are discussing tactics using them. Sure i do mistakes to but at least i know when i do em as i realized i charged em in at the wrong moment and timing or sloppy managed em at the flanks as well as i have to pay the iron prize. Also they dont die that easy after especially if you have an medic at hand.

    When I'm using them offensive I guide them to a point where they can attack the flanks or back of the enemy. The first charge isn't usually the problem, although they miss a lot and if the enemy stands too close I often lose some of them. But when they turn around for a second charge they always manage to get stuck alone in a bunch of enemies, which doesn't end well.

    If they would regroup before charging again or if you micromanage their attacks to do so or even lead them personally they could be maybe more efficient, but I'd rather let them sit as reserve and enjoy the battle myself.

    Micromanaging is too tedious (for me) and every time I lead the cavalry myself to guide them through the lines every ranged enemy seems to focus on me, which doesn't end well either. Just not worth the hassle. Which I find really sad, because I love playing with cavalry.
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