Recent content by TexasPower

  1. Bannerlord --> Medieval EVE

    The single player and multiplayer could combine and create an organic role-playing sandbox medieval game like EVE! A majority of the current problems being brought up by the community are focused on the lack of sandbox-organic game-play. The simple solution would be to have a game-mode created...
  2. SP - General Organic sandbox (companions, trading, economy, unit upgrades, items, money sinks)

    Thanks for looking.

    The only one I disagree with is the “Decrease companion pool”.

    I think the available companions needs to increase greatly. Even if most of them start as generic and relatively low skilled (few steps up from a base village recruit).

    I think you are 100% right that the companion pool needs to be bigger later in the game and start with a small generic pool with low skills. I should rephrase my "problem." I think the companion pool can be much more organic and can the pool size and companion skill diversity can as well.

    For instance: If you play the game as a trader, then more companions that have trader focused skills should be attracted to working with you. Same goes that if you are a trader, battle lord companions will NOT be attracted to work with you and you would have to pay X% more to hire them and your access to them should be harder to come by.
  3. SP - General Organic sandbox (companions, trading, economy, unit upgrades, items, money sinks)

    Here are some thoughts on how to make the game feel more balanced, organic, and sandboxy. I do want to preface with: I love this game. Problems: Companion: Why look at the conversation to recruit when the traits are already shown in the encyclopedia? Companion: Limited number and too easily...
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