Recent content by Splintert

  1. Splintert

    Resolved [1.3]Crash when entering battle

    This error is deep in Bannerlord native code relating to populating the scoreboard with troops. Somewhere down the pipe a troop does not have a name.

    I have not experienced this error ever while testing DynaCulture in any version. If anyone can provide definitive evidence, perhaps I can fix it, but until then, I do not have plans to investigate DynaCulture as a cause.
  2. Splintert

    [Important] we need something like the skyrim's creation kit

    I think you have a big misunderstanding of what modding actually entails.
  3. Splintert

    [Important] we need something like the skyrim's creation kit

    Skyrim's creation kit is a limited tool designed to strictly control what features of the game can be modded. Bannerlord allows execution of arbitrary code and provides a number of entry points for modders to have their code executed. The Creation Kit is more or less Baby's First Mod Tool by comparison. SKSE opens it up a little bit, but the ability to execute arbitrary code basically means Bannerlord is 100% wide open to literally anything the .exe is capable of interacting with.
  4. Splintert

    SP - General [1.4.0/BUG] Militia bug in beta 1.4.0

    Snowballing: fixed ☑
  5. Splintert

    Malware or Windows, what is happening?

    Don't download things from disreputable sources. Reinstall Windows.
  6. Splintert

    SP Native DynaCulture

    Anti-ModLib people rejoice!

    DynaCulture has been updated to Bannerlord 1.3.0 and now has optional dependency on ModLib 1.3.1. There is also a version available that works with legacy ModLib as a required dependency.
  7. Splintert

    SP Native DynaCulture

    New recruits will use the new culture. It also affects the loyalty bonus given by matching governor culture.
  8. Splintert

    Should Recruits Change Culture to the Occupying Faction's?

    Culture matches kingdom owner instantly:
    Culture can be changed from a settlement option:
    Culture changes gradually based on surrounding influence:
  9. Splintert

    SP Native DynaCulture

    How does it work exactly? High prosperity means high spread?

    The source code is available on my GitHub, but I will explain in words.

    Every day each settlement looks for neighboring settlements and calculates an influence strength based on that settlements current culture status. It adds up all the influences and calculates a ratio of cultures. Then it uses some simple math to slowly adjust its culture ratio towards that target. When a new culture becomes the highest influence, the settlement flips to that culture.
  10. Splintert

    SP Native DynaCulture

    Really Dynamic Settlement Culture! This mod will cause all settlements to simulate a psuedo-realistic culture and influence spreading model. It is user configurable, compatible with existing saves, and can also be removed from a save safely. Note this is entirely separate from Change...
  11. Splintert

    Cultural conversion for conquered lands?

    You have several mod options for this.

    For setting the culture yourself via interface button,

    For making the culture match the owner of the settlement,
  12. Splintert

    Adding new settlements without modifying sandbox module

    Hey @Splintert thank you for your reply. I am not trying to replace the function but just append code to it.

    Wait wait wait I only now understood what you are saying. If I run a postfix it runs the function twice??

    No, but if you copy the whole code of the method you are postfixing then it will. I noticed you said you did that in section 3.1 of your troubleshooting attempts.
  13. Splintert

    SP Native Change Settlement Culture

    Currently, no (1.0.2). I am currently in the progress of massively overhauling this mod and a feature like that is under consideration.
  14. Splintert

    Adding new settlements without modifying sandbox module

    Harmony Postfix runs after the method you are patching. If you are trying to replace the method, use a Prefix and return false. Your crashing might be caused by effectively running the replaced method twice.
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