Recent content by Rivet

  1. Rivet

    Beta Patch Notes e1.9.0

    Increased the theoretical limit for concurrent players on a custom server to around 1000.
  2. Rivet

    Release Plans

    TW this is simple. Give community the greatest possible opportunity to moding, You will cash the best mods ass DLCs.
  3. Rivet

    Patch Notes e1.8.1


    community rules
  4. Rivet

    Custom Servers & Multiplayer Modding

    finally, I lived to see custom servers in BL. Now only WW III and i can die.
  5. Rivet

    Open Letter to Taleworlds - Mod Custom Servers

    TW is nipping in the bud the creative potential of fans. In the name of wanting to make money on a questionable monetization system to be woven into their system of compepetive games. Those are the facts! I have a suggestion for TW. Your future money rests in well produced DLC and not in the MP scene. You will not repeat the success of CS:GO or Fortnite. Start cashing in on the demand created by mods that youre trying so hard to stop.

    When you understand that you are cutting the branch you are sitting on?

  6. Rivet

    SP MP Musket Era Sword & Musket [Napoleonic Wars - Bannerlord Mod Project]

    I would like to present my honest opinion. This all looks really weak. Textures, animations, fps drops. But we need to realize who is responsible for it. These are not a mod developers. All the blame rests on TaleWords. You know why? TW is incompetent. mod tools are a joke. Pour mod dev must work on this **** (at the beginning of the video you can see what they are dealing with) Hidden message of this bloge is quite different from showing the progress. It must be ironic to thank the TW. I am sad to see this whole picture of TW's approach to the modding scene. I don't have any hope for good mods for BL. I would like to thank the mod devs for their willingness and work for their mod. If I were you, I'd just throw it to hell.
  7. Rivet

    Why is it not playable now?

    Can you push good game, but not broken unplayable ****?
  8. Rivet

    Why is it not playable now?

    can you push private servers?
  9. Rivet

    Why Is This Forum Section So Toxic?

    add hosted servers111!!!!!111!!!1
  10. Rivet

    An open letter from the Kingdoms of Arda team, and the total-conversion mod community

    How so?
    I got 700H+ without the multiplayer.
    And even now,3 months without PC,Bannerlord is the only game I want a PC for.
    I just get so immersed in the game,time flies by doing so.
    congratulations on wasting your time
  11. Rivet

    An open letter from the Kingdoms of Arda team, and the total-conversion mod community

    Community do need it.
    ofc because currently BL gives fun for max 50h. MP is dead I dont count it.
  12. Rivet

    Bannerlord Online mod

    The most compromise option is to resignate from offering items. Leaving the donation option.
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