Recent content by Omar Al Seddik

  1. SP - UI Alternative Input For Sliders, Please!

    Any form of fine control would be great, yeah.

    I wonder why the sliders are smooth in the character creator in the first place when everything has very limited values anyways. For example, there are only around 9 eye colors. Anything in-between gets reset to whatever value is nearest as soon as you leave the character creator. That goes for all of the facial features.

    I would've been fine with it had the sliders moved in blocks instead of being unnecessarily smooth. The implementation makes no sense to me at all! Also, not being able to set party wages to exactly 1000... That's just evil...
  2. Missing Bonus Prosperity From Surplus Food.

    For me, Lageta has over 9000 Prosperity and 720 troops in garrison, because I protect my town against invaders.
    You only need a good governor, Characters who have the perks contractors(Town projects are 10% more effective) and master of warcraft(Town population consumes 5% less food) and perks form the Trade and Engineering Tree.
    Obviously, Lageta is not owned by my clan... Stop making assumptions.

    I'm talking in general here. NPCs of other clans are dumb. They don't know know how to manage their cities.
  3. Missing Bonus Prosperity From Surplus Food.

    Some cities aren't receiving any prosperity bonus from surplus food (patch 1.6.0). Why is that? Also, is it possible to revert the change made a few patches ago to the Imperial Cities (nerfing their +1 prosperity from culture)? I think Imperial Cities NEED that bonus not only for canon reasons...
  4. SP - UI Alternative Input For Sliders, Please!

    Sliders trigger my OCD. Please add another alternative input method alongside it (number values for example). Please! I beg you!
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