Recent content by Murmel

  1. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    SlayR said:
    hi, wollt mal fragen wie weit ihr schon mit der Übersetzung seit also wie viel % habt ihr schon ungefähr Übersetzt ?

    Ich denke mal die Übersetzung liegt bei ca. 50% Die gebräuchstlichen Sachen sind alle in Deutsch, es fehlen halt weite Teile der Quest weil es massiv
    viel Text ist. Ich ich habs nach ner Ruhepause wieder aufgenommen :wink:
  2. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    Ich danke Dir für Deine Hilfe. Und nun "JA meine Arroganz"  nur Du hast mir bisher leider nix neues erzählt.

    Deine Dateien konnte ich mir leider nicht anschaun aber ich lade nunmal nix runter was auf .exe endet, trotz Virenschutz und no script mit dem ich Glücklich bin.

    Weisst Du ich will mich nicht streiten, aber nochmal die Englisch Texte _sdaf_sdf_ sind die Orginal inbuild Texte aus dem Modul. Selbst die russische Translate (eine englische Translate Datei gibt es im Modul! nicht) übersetzt nicht alles im Spiel und benützt auch nicht alle Variablen.

    Wenn Du einen Trick kennst der alle Variablen aus dem  aus dem Game extrahieren kann und als Textdatei normal hochladen kannst dann wäre ich Dir als aroganter Sack sehr dankbar :smile:

    Ansonsten der meiste Teil der Übersetzung liegt schon zweitgleisig vor. Das russische wird sowie gelöscht, aber es geht meiner Meinung nach schneller so.

    hahaha der schreibfehler ist gefixt lustig das Du Dich an sowas aufhängst.



    PS: Zum andern im Festermodus starten um sich die Variablen auswerfern zu lassen, darauf muss man erstmal kommen. Für für Deinen besten Tip danke ich dir :smile:
    Er übernimmt die bisherige Übersetzung, ja das Wissen h#tte eine menge Zeit gesparrt oo.

  3. Sorry German language Thread Thx


    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_talk_relation I_wish_to_make_a_donation_to_the_Church. 
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_talk_relation|Ich würde gerne der Kirche etwas spenden.
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_treatment I_need_some_healing,_please!  
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_treatment|Ich brauche etwas Heilung bitte!
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window Nevermind_me.
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window.1 I_want_to_buy_some_of_the_goods_you_produce. 
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window.1|Ich würde gerne einige der Waren kaufen die ihr produziert.
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window|Schon gut.
    dlga_abbess_talk_relation:abbess_talk_relation_p I_know_you_have_sinned_against_other_missions,_but_the_Lord_forgives._I_am_sure_a_donation_of_{reg1}_piastres_will_go_a_long_way_to_repair_the_damage_you_did_to_your_soul... 
    dlga_abbess_talk_relation:abbess_talk_relation_p|Ich weiß, dass Ihr gegen andere Missionen gesündigt habt, aber der Herr wird Euch verzeihen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass eine freiwillige Spende von {reg1} piastres, den langen Weg einschlagen kann Eure Seele zu reinigen...

    Dazu weiss ich nicht was dagegen sprechen sollte den Deutschen und Englischen Orginalstring mitzuführen um späteren übersetzen zu erleichtern ?
  4. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    @ Murmel

    So ich will hier mal eins klar stellen. In aller erster Linien wollte ich dir lediglich helfen. Deine Antwort klingt etwas arrogant, keine ahnung ob dies deine Absicht war, aber nur weil du nicht weist wie etwas geht oder funktioniert heist das noch lange nicht das es die nicht gibt.

    Also es tut mir leid das ich arrogant klinge, aber Du unterstellst mir genauso ich hätte keine Ahnung was man als genau so arrogant entgegenstellen könnte :wink:

    Ich habe mir dennoch die "Mühe" gemacht die Englischen Datein zu erstellen. Mir ist sehr wohl bewusst dass nach installation der language Ordner 2 Sprachen-Ordner ru en enthält und sich darin nur 3 csv Datein befinden, jedoch kann man mit einem simplen "Trick" die vollständigen Englischen-Sprachdatein erstellen lassen. Siehe Download-Link.

    Wie man sieht sind hier rein Englische-Sätze ohne underline verbunden so wie es sich gehört alles nach | wird übersetzt.

    Gut Danke würde ich als .exe Datei nur nie runterladen.

    Desweiteren ist mir bewusst das du schon einiges Übersetzt hast, deshalb habe ich deine Übersetzung abonniert sie mit der original englischen gekreuzt und wieder mit einem "Trick" eine neue language template erstellen lassen. Siehe unteren Downloadlink.

    In diesen files befindet sich nun deine Deutschübersetzung gemischt mit den Englischen-Sätzen, diese wurden vom Systemeingefügt, daher das Programm eine sogennante Default language hat und eine Ersatz language. Sprich enthält deine Deutschübersetzung nicht alle nötigen Sätze werden die Englischen-Sätze herangezogen. ( Sie sind zur leichten identifizierung mit {***} markiert )
    Nun sollte die Übersetzung wesentlich leichter fallen, daher keine russischen Sätze, keine mit underline verbunden englischen Sätze und die damit verbundene bessere Übersicht.

    Ich hoffe, dass ich dir helfen konnte. Sollte noch etwas unklar sein stehe ich gerne zu Verfügung.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen Shadow

    Ja danke für die Mühe. Allerdings auch mit dem ansatz Dowloader.exe. Sowas lade ich nicht runter sorry.

    Und nein in der Languageordner befindet sich nur eine Translatedatei und das ist russisch, es gibt keine englische Language Datei, die ist game inbuilt.



    PS: Und sorry wenn ich wieder arrogant wirke, ich lade es gerne runter wenn man es als normale Dateien indentifizieren kann Für M&B gibt es einge Editoren
    die ich ausprobiert habe ohne Erfolg. Wenn Du jetzt was weisst was keiner weiss ist das Super, und dann danke ich Dir für die Hilfe :smile:
    Allerdings bleibt die Frage warum die Englische Translatedatei nicht normal erstellt wurde, weil man die eben für Übersetzungen braucht.. Selbst wenn ein Fehler in dieser Datei wäre
    würde er immer das inbuild Englisch nehmen.


    3 Cvs Dateien Du sprichst von den  Spieldateien Hints, ui und uimain, die haben aber nix mit der Translate Datei des Moduls zu tun.
  5. Sorry German language Thread Thx


    Ich weiss nicht wie es bei Mount und Blade ist/ war, aber hier gibt es keine Englische Translate Datei, sondern nur die Russische Translate mit den Variablen. Da man aber aus dem russischen
    schlecht übersetzen kann, bleibt nichts anderes übrig als die englische Orginal übersetzung aus dem Modul zu ziehen.

    Am Ende bleibt die Englische und die Deutsche Übersetzung zur Kontrolle. Und fehleranfällig ist das nicht das ganze nicht da nur das aktiviert wird wo das | steht-.
    Das | kann man leicht durch ersetzen entfernen lassen
    Würde es eine saubere englische Translate Datei in languages geben, das hätte mir das viel Mühe erspart.



  6. Sorry German language Thread Thx


    Ich wäre so frei und würde Dir wieder was übergeben. Die Variablen sind aus dem russischen Translate, die englische Übersetzung habe ich aus dem Modul gezogen.
    Das russische kann Du löschen. Ich hoffe Du hast die Lust noch nicht verloren :wink:



    dlga_enemy_defeated:close_window Arggh!_I_hate_this.
    dlga_enemy_defeated:close_window Arggh!|Ich hasse das.
    dlga_enemy_defeated:close_window Гр-р-р! Ненавижу...
    dlga_enemy_lord_tell_mission:lord_mission_told An old friend of mine is very sick. An old battle wound has got infected again,and he will surely die unless a good surgeon treats him soon. This man is dear to me, {playername},but he's stubborn as an ox and refuses to have the local physicians touch him. He doesn't trust their skill at all.I've heard you have a good surgeon travelling with your company. If you would ask him to come here and have a look,{reg3?she:he} may be able to convince my friend to give his consent to a surgery.Please, I will be deeply indebted to you if you grant me this request. 
    dlga_enemy_lord_tell_mission:lord_mission_told Einer meiner Freunde, ein altgedienter Krieger, ist sehr krank. Ein Übel hat eine alte Kriegswunde infiziert, und wenn sich nicht bald ein Wundarzt um ihn kümmert, wird er sicherlich sterben. Dieser Mann steht mir nahe, {playername}, doch er ist stur wie ein Esel, und lässt keinen meiner Ärzte an sich heran, weil er ihnen nicht traut. Ich hörte, dass Ihr einen fähigen Wundarzt bei Euch habt, Wenn Ihr ihn meinen Freund behandeln lassen würdet, könnte {reg3?sie:er} ihn vielleicht überreden, einer Operation zuzustimmen. Ich flehe Euch an - tief  würde ich in Eurer Schuld stehen, wenn Ihr mir diese Bitte gewährtet.
    dlga_enemy_lord_tell_mission:lord_mission_told У меня есть друг - некогда грозный воин, но сейчас он тяжко болен. Старые раны воспалились, и если его немедленно не показать лекарю, он умрет. Этот человек мне очень дорог, {playername}, но он также очень упрям и не позволяет никому осмотреть себя, потому что не верит лекарям. Мне говорили, что у тебя есть хороший костоправ. Может, ты мог бы отпустить {reg3?его:ее} со мной, чтобы мы вместе убедили моего друга заняться своим здоровьем? Пожалуйста, я буду навечно у тебя в долгу.
    dlga_enemy_talk_1:enemy_talk_2 You_don't_have_a_chance_against_me._Give_up.
    dlga_enemy_talk_1:enemy_talk_2|Ihr seid mir nicht gewachsen. Ergebt Euch.
    dlga_enemy_talk_2:close_window I_will_give_up_when_you_are_dead!
    dlga_enemy_talk_2:close_window|Ich werde erst aufgeben, wenn Ihr tot seid!
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall I_am_afraid_I_don't_have_that_many_soldiers_with_me. 
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall Я боюсь, что у меня в отряде не найдется столько бойцов.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall.1 Sorry._I_can't_do_that_right_now  
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall.1 Прошу прощения, я не могу заняться этим сейчас.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall.1|Vergebt mir. Ich kann das momentan nicht tun.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_stall|Ich fürchte, ich habe momentan nicht genügend Soldaten bei mir.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_taken Alright._I_will_escort_the_caravan.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_taken|In Ordnung. Ich werde die Karawane eskortieren.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_quest_brief:merchant_quest_taken Хорошо. Я возьмусь за это дело.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_talk:merchant_caravan_follow_lead Follow_my_lead._We'll_take_a_safer_route.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_talk:merchant_caravan_follow_lead|Folgt mir. Ich werde Euch entlang einer sicheren Route führen.
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_talk:merchant_caravan_stay_here  Stay_here_for_a_while._I_will_be_scouting_ahead. 
    dlga_escort_merchant_caravan_talk:merchant_caravan_stay_here|Wartet eine Weile hier, ich werde die Gegend auskundschaften.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp01francois00_ Приветствую вас, {месье/мадам}. Мы с вами не встречались, но я много слышал о вас. Мне кажется, эта встреча может стать началом прекрасной дружбы. Будет ли вам интересно узнать об одном коммерческом предложении?
    dlga_event_triggered:camp01francois00_ Bonjour,_{monsieur/madame}._We_have_never_met_before,_but_I've_heard_a_lot_about_you._Methinks_this_meeting_could_be_the_beginning_of_a_beautiful_friendship._Would_you_be_interested_in_hearing_a_certain_business_proposal? 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp07jorge00_ Сеньор, вы успели составить мнение о новой шхуне? Я думаю, лишнее судно никогда не повредит.^Между тем, вернемся к нашему предприятию. Первым делом мы должны набрать головозеров, готовых исследовать с нами местные джунгли.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp07jorge00_ Your_new_vessel,_she's_a_beauty,_isn't_she,_senor?_No_such_thing_as_too_many_ships,_that's_what_I_think..._So,_back_to_our_endeavor._Hiring_a_bunch_of_cutthroats_willing_to_brave_the_local_jungles_would_be_a_good_start.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp08jorge00_ Отличная битва, сеньор, я рад, что нашел в вашем лице не только отличного фехтовальщика - до сих пор помню ваше выступление в тюрьме Пуэрто Платы - но и мудрого флотоводца.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp08jorge00_ That_was_a_fine_battle,_senor._I_am_enchanted_to_witness_that_you_are_as_good_with_your_ship_as_you_are_with_your_cutlass_-_if_the_Puerto_Plata_experience_is_anything_to_go_by.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp08jorge14_ Впервые за штурвалом, сеньор? Не переживайте, я совершенно убежден, что однажды у нас начнет получаться.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp08jorge14_ First_time_at_the_helm,_senor?_Cheer_up,_I_am_absolutely_positive_you'll_get_a_hang_of_it_someday.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp14francois00_ Sa va, {месье/мадам}. Я смотрю, вы уже вовсю заводите полезные знакомства?
    dlga_event_triggered:camp14francois00_ Sa_va,_{monsieur/madame}._I_see_you_keep_making_useful_connections? 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp16graaf00_ Что ж, позвольте, партнер, поздравить вас с началом своего торгового дела. Франсуа просил меня открыть филиал поближе к границам бывших португальских колоний в Бразилии, так что мы не увидимся несколько недель. Позвольте еще несколько советов.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp16graaf00_ Well,_associate,_let_me_be_the_first_to_congratulate_you_on_your_newly_started_business._Francois_asked_me_to_assist_with_opening_a_chapter_near_the_portuguese_colonies_in_Brazil,_so_we_won't_meet_for_a_while._A_few_more_advices_before_our_parting,_if_I_may. 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp17francois00_ Месье, как идет ваш бизнес? Целиком отдались торговле скобяным товаром и подгнившим зерном? Бросайте все, отправляемся в Панаму. У меня есть точные координаты клада капитана Флинта! Он закопан неподалеку от Портобело.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp17francois00_ So_how_is_your_business,_{monsieur/madame}?_To_your_neck_in_peddling_irongoods_and_spoiled_grain?_Drop_it_and_let's_head_to_Panama._I_know_the_location_of_captain_Flint's_cache!_He_buried_it_near_Portobelo.lga_event_triggered:camp18francois00_ Так, месье, что вы нашли? Немного мелочи и дырявую шляпу? Ага, да, вот оно. Намеки на неких апостолов. Те апостолы, которых я знаю, уже давно скончались - и довольно мучительно - так что вряд ли речь о них. Возможно, если мы возьем корень квадратный из 12 и возведем в куб, а затем с помощью логарифма...
    dlga_event_triggered:camp18francois00_ Так, месье, что вы нашли? Немного мелочи и дырявую шляпу? Ага, да, вот оно. Намеки на неких апостолов. Те апостолы, которых я знаю, уже давно скончались - и довольно мучительно - так что вряд ли речь о них. Возможно, если мы возьем корень квадратный из 12 и возведем в куб, а затем с помощью логарифма...
    dlga_event_triggered:camp18francois00_ So,_{monsieur/madame},_what's_in_there?_Some_small_change_and_a_tattered_hat?_Lo,_there_it_is!_Some_doggerel_about_twelve_disciples._Probably_not_the_most_obvious_ones,_those_have_died_far_too_many_years_ago,_holy_or_not._Hm,_what_if_we_take_the_square_root_of_12,_make_it_cubed,_apply_the_logarithm...
    dlga_event_triggered:camp19francois00_ Что ж, мой друг, у меня для вас не самые приятные новости из Бразилии - кажется, молодого Ван дер Граафа съели каннибалы-туземцы. Большая утрата для вашего торгового дома.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp19francois00_ I_come_with_crushing_news_from_Brazil,_my_friend._It_appears_the_young_Van_der_Graaf_ended_up_being_eaten_by_the_cannibal_natives._Terrible_loss_for_your_trading_house.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp20strangeman00_ Здрасьте. Не индейцев тут ищете?
    dlga_event_triggered:camp20strangeman00_ Hallo_there._Lookin'_for_natives? 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp21jorge00_ Добрый день, сеньор. Очень приятно снова видеть вас живым.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp21jorge00_ Good_day,_senor._I_am_pleasant_to_see_you_are_alive_still.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp22francois00_ Ты нашел его? Ну наконец-то. Теперь, теперь мы наконец все с тобой исправим, мой друг, дражайший месье.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp22francois00_ Have_you_found_it?_Finally!_Now_we_can_set_this_straight,_now_we_can_finally_set_everything_straight,_my_friend!
    dlga_event_triggered:camp23francois00_ Смотрите, мой друг, мы начнем с простого. С ночи с 4 на 5 ноября 1605 года. Лондон. Есть один небольшой подвальчик, где надо поджечь фитиль. Все, что нам нужно - это способный парень. Был один парень, ха-ха, но он оказался не очень толковым. Вы же другое дело, месье.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp23francois00_ Let's_start_it_simple,_mon_ami._The_night_of_November_the_4th,_Year_of_Our_Lord_1605,_London._There_is_a_little_cellar_with_a_wick_to_set_light_to._All_we_need_is_a_capable_fellow._A_fellow_we_did_have,_but_one_not_capable_enough._Totally_unlike_you. 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp24englishman00_ Стойте, стойте, не надо идти дальше. Давайте постоим, поговорим немного. О, не хотите ли мармеладку? Я думаю, этот Франсуа причинил вам много хлопот.
    dlga_event_triggered:camp24englishman00_ Stay_for_a_moment!_No_need_to_go_any_further,_let's_have_a_little_chat._Would_you_like_a_jelly_baby?_I_suppose_that_Francois_fellow_has_caused_you_much_ado. 
    dlga_event_triggered:camp25jorge00_ Добрый день, сеньор {playername}. Как ваше здоровье?
    dlga_event_triggered:camp25jorge00_ Good_day_to_you,_senor_{playername}._How_do_you_do?
    dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_lord_advice {Благородный господин/Благородная госпожа}, {s10} сдается на милость победителя! Молю, остановите своих солдат! Жители нашего города предлагают вам выкуп в @I[{reg3}] @L[пиастр;;а;ов], если вы уйдете с миром.
    dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_lord_advice My_{lord/lady},_we_surrender!_Please_order_your_troops_to_stop_their_rampage._On_behalf_of_the_citizens_of_{s10},_I_offer_you_the_tribute_of_{reg3}_piastres_if_you_leave_us_in_peace.
    dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_rebellion {s1} wird von niemandem verwaltet. Wen soll ich zu diesem Zwecke einsetzen?
    dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_rebellion {s1}_is_not_being_managed_by_anyone._Whom_shall_I_appoint_as_a_governor? 
    dlga_event_triggered:center_captured_rebellion {s1} сейчас никем не управляется. Кто будет новым губернатором?
    dlga_event_triggered:close_window.1 My_lord,_I_am_coming_back_from_the_reconnaissance_mission_to_{s31}._I_am_sorry,_we_were_caught_off_guard_and_they_got_{s11}._I_barely_escaped. 
    dlga_event_triggered:close_window.1 Наконец-то! Слава Богу, мы добрались до @Pr[{s3}]! Теперь мы в безопасности. Вот, возьми этот кошель, здесь @I[{reg3}] @L[пиастр;;а;ов], как мы договорились. Возможно, мы еще увидимся.
    dlga_event_triggered:close_window.2 Finally! We have made it to {s3}! We're safe now in the sight of its walls.Here, take this purse of {reg3} piastres, as we have agreed. Perhaps someday we will travel together again.
    dlga_event_triggered:close_window.2 Finally! We have made it to {s3}! We're safe now in the sight of its walls.Here, take this purse of {reg3} piastres, as we have agreed. Perhaps someday we will travel together again.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_embassy_results Ach, {s21}, endlich habe ich Euch gefunden. Ich bin von meiner Mission in {s31} zurückgekehrt. Im Allgemeinen würde ich sagen, {s14}.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_embassy_results At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. In general, I would say, {s14}. Nevertheless I tried to convince {reg0?her:him}.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_home_description {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_home_description {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_home_description {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_objection_response {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_objection_response {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_objection_response {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash2_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash2_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalityclash2_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalitymatch_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalitymatch_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_personalitymatch_b {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_political_grievance_response {s21}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_political_grievance_response {s21}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_political_grievance_response {s21}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_quitting Entschuldigt, {s5} – es gibt da etwas, das ich Euch sagen muss.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_quitting Excuse_me,_{s5},_I_have_to_speak_with_you.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_quitting Мне нужно кое-что тебе сказать, {s5}.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. They were agreeably surprised.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response Seid gegrüßt, {s21}. Kann ich mich Euch wieder anschließen?
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.1 Ach, {s21}, endlich habe ich Euch gefunden. Ich habe allen von Euren Ansprüchen erzählt, und bin bereit, mich Euch wieder anzuschließen.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.1 At last I've found you, {s21}. Alas, they refused to exchange {s32} against {s33}.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.2 Ach, {s21}, endlich habe ich Euch gefunden. Den Rest meines Berichts erhaltet Ihr schriftlich.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.2 At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my persuasion mission to {s30}. {s14} doesn't want to join you. {reg0?She:He} said: {s40}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.3 At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my persuasion mission to {s31}. {s14} agreed to join you.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.3 At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my persuasion mission to {s31}. {s14} agreed to join you.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.4 Greetings,_{s21}._Are_you_ready_for_me_to_rejoin_you?
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.4 Приветствую тебя, {s21}. Я могу снова присоединиться к отряду?
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.5 At last I've found you, {s21}. I've been out spreading the word about your claim, and am now ready to rejoin the company.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.5 At last I've found you, {s21}. I've been out spreading the word about your claim, and am now ready to rejoin the company.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.6 At last I've found you, {s21}. {s11}. The rest of my report I submit to you in writing.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.6 At last I've found you, {s21}. {s11}. The rest of my report I submit to you in writing.
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.7 Would_you_have_me_rejoin_you? 
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.7 Я могу вернуться в строй?
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_sisterly_advice {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_sisterly_advice {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:companion_sisterly_advice {s5}
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_alliance_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_alliance_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_defensive_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_defensive_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_nonaggression_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_nonaggression_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_prisoner_exchange_confirm At last I've found you, {s21}. They agreed to exchange {s32} against {s33}. {s33} has accompanied me back here. Do you want to set {s32} free?
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_prisoner_exchange_confirm At last I've found you, {s21}. They agreed to exchange {s32} against {s33}. {s33} has accompanied me back here. Do you want to set {s32} free?
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_center At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my reconnaissance mission to {s31}. Which location do you need information about?
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_center At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my reconnaissance mission to {s31}. Which location do you need information about?
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}.
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}.
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_trade_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_trade_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_war_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}. 
    dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_war_request_response At last I've found you, {s21}. I have returned from my mission to {s31}.

  7. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    Hi. Super Danke.

    Wie gesagt kein Problem, egal wie lange es dauert, hauptsache ist immer es kommt was :wink:

  8. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    Super Danke für die Mühe :smile:

    Und wie Du wolltest klatsche ich Dir gleich den nächsten Teil hin, Nicht wundern das eine oder andere ist schon übersetzt.



    dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_give_troops I want to give some troops to you.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_orders_area_ask Patrol a new area from now on.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_orders_garrison_ask I need you to reinforce a garrison.
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_exchange_prisoner_ask_confirm:dplmc_prison_guard_exchange_prisoner_confirm As you wish, I will release {s10} of {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_exchange_prisoner_confirm:close_window Very well.
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_exchange_prisoner_confirm:close_window.1 No, I changed my mind.
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_talk_ask_prisoner:dplmc_prison_guard_talk_prisoner_select Alright, which prisoner shall I set free?
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_talk_prisoner_select:close_window No one.
    dlga_dplmc_prison_guard_talk_prisoner_select:dplmc_prison_guard_exchange_prisoner_ask_confirm {s10} of {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_prisoner_chat_let_go:close_window {s43}
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk:close_window Fine, keep going.
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk:dplmc_recruiter_talk_2 I want you to recruit different troops.
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_2:dplmc_recruiter_talk_3 My current task is to recruit {reg1} {s1} troops for you. Should I recruit different soldiers from now on?
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_3:close_window No, keep going.
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_3:dplmc_recruiter_talk_4 {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_3:dplmc_recruiter_talk_4.1 Recruit any troops.
    dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_4:dplmc_recruiter_talk Sure, {s0}, that I will. Anything else you want?
    dlga_dplmc_scout_talk:close_window Fine, go on.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools To move our residence will require a small refurbishment. In particular, we need a set of tools and two piles of wool cloth in our househould.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask_confirm:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_confirm Are you sure that you want to move your residence to {s6}?
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_confirm:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_moved Yes,  please arrange everything.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_confirm:spouse_pretalk No.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_moved:spouse_pretalk As you wish, I will move the residence to {s6}.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask_confirm {s6}.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select:spouse_pretalk I changed my mind.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select_ask:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select Where do you want to move the residence?
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select_ask All right, I think we have all necessary things to establish the residence.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools:spouse_pretalk Well, I guess I have to get the set of tools and the piles of wool first.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_staff_talk_ask:dplmc_talk_staff What sort of staff member would you like to hire?
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food:dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm Yes, of course, I will go to the merchant in {s6} and buy some bread. This will cost us {reg0} piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food:spouse_pretalk No merchant has enough bread at the moment. We have to wait.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount:spouse_pretalk Nothing.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount_ask:dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount How much bread do you want?
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm:close_window Fine, we can afford that, please go. Thank you.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm:close_window.1 Oh, maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_spouse_tournament_dedication_reaction:spouse_pretalk {s9}
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm I assume you will want to rehire your former chamberlain Ambrosio Aragon?  His rate is still 15 piastres per week, and the appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm.1 I have heard good things about a local nobleman by the name of Ambrosio Aragon, and I believe he would be well-suited for the job. He demands 15 piastres per week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm.2 That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? His name is Ambrosio Aragon. He demands 15 piastres per week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes So be it.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:minister_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:spouse_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm I assume you will want to rehire your former chancellor Anatole de Laurent?  His rate is still 20 piastres per week, and the appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm.1 I have heard good things about a local nobleman by the name of Anatole de Laurent, and I believe he would be well-suited for the job. He demands 20 piastres per week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm.2 That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? His name is Anatole de Laurent. He demands 20 piastres per week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes So be it.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:minister_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:spouse_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes:minister_pretalk I will send him a letter. He should arrive at the court soon.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes:spouse_pretalk I will send him a letter. He should arrive at the court soon.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm I assume you will want to rehire your former constable Michael Beckett?  His rate is still 15 piastres per week, and the appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm.1 I have heard good things about a local nobleman by the name of Michael Beckett, and I believe he would be well-suited for the job. He demands 15 piastres per week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm.2 That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? His name is Michael Beckett. He demands 15 piastres each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes So be it.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:minister_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:spouse_pretalk Maybe later.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain I want to appoint a chamberlain to handle financial affairs.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor I want to appoint a chancellor.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable I want to appoint a constable.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:minister_pretalk None.
    dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:spouse_pretalk None.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_1:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2 Maybe_I_can_help_you._Who_are_you_looking_for?
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_1:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2|Vielleicht kann ich Euch helfen. Nach wem sucht Ihr?
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3 My_former_chamberlain,_{s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3|Meinen ehemaligen Kämmerer {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3.1 My_former_constable,_{s11}. 
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3.1|Meinen ehemaligen Marshall, {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3.2 My_former_chancellor,_{s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3.2|Meinen ehemaligen Kanzler, {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:tavern_traveler_pretalk Nevermind.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_2:tavern_traveler_pretalk|Schon gut.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3:tavern_traveler_pretalk I_will_send_word_to_{reg0?her:him}_that_you_are_looking_for_{reg0?her:him}.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3:tavern_traveler_pretalk|Ich werde mit {reg0?ihm:ihr} in Kontakt treten, und ausrichten dass Ihr {reg0?ihn:sie} sucht.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3:tavern_traveler_pretalk.1 I_am_afraid_I'm_not_able_to_help_you.
    dlga_dplmc_tavern_traveler_employee_3:tavern_traveler_pretalk.1|Ich befürchte, dass Ich nicht im Stande bin Euch behilflich zu sein.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_1:dplmc_trade_autosell_2a Let's_see,_aside_from_your_personal_equipment,_I_see_{reg1}_{reg3?things:thing}_that_I_would_buy_for_{reg0}_{reg2?piastres:piastre}.__Do_we_have_a_deal?
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_1:dplmc_trade_autosell_2a Let's see, aside from your personal equipment, I see {reg1} {reg3?things:thing} that I would buy for {reg0} {reg2?piastres:piastre}.  Do we have a deal?
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_1:dplmc_trade_autosell_2b|Abgesehen von Eurer persönlichen Ausrüstung, sehe Ich nichts, was sich zum Kauf lohnen würde.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_1:dplmc_trade_autosell_2b Aside from what I presume is your personal equipment, I don't see anything that I would be interested in buying.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade|Schon gut.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade Nevermind. 
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade.1 Not Exactly Let me show you what I meant.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade.1|Nicht genau! Lasst mich Euch zeigen, was ich meine.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade.2|Schon gut.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2a:merchant_trade.2 Nevermind.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2b:merchant_trade|Lasst mich Euch zeigen, was ich meine.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2b:merchant_trade Let_me_show_you_what_I_meant.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2b:merchant_trade.1|Nein Vergiß es.
    dlga_dplmc_trade_autosell_2b:merchant_trade.1 Nevermind_then. 
    dlga_drunk_fight_start:close_window|Euch wird das Grinsen schon noch vergehen!
    dlga_drunk_fight_start:close_window You'll_be_suffering_a_world_of_pain!
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:close_window|Wundert mich nicht. Also, packt Euch hinfort!
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:close_window Thought_so._Remove_yourself_from_my_presence,_at_once.
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_fight_start|Interessiert mich nicht!
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_fight_start Why_would_I_care? 
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_fight_start.1|Nun, wenn Ihr einen Kampf wollt, dann sollt Ihr ihn haben!
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_fight_start.1 Why,_you_were_looking_for_a_fight,_and_you_have_found_one! 
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_player_high_renown|Ähhh ... Eigentlich ... Doch, doch, ich weiß, wer Ihr seid, {s0}. Bitte vergebt mir, Euer Durchlaucht – ich hatte wohl zuviel Met. Ich werde mich empfehlen, jetzt sofort...
    dlga_drunk_player_high_renown:drunk_player_high_renown Uh_oh..._Well..._Oh,_yes,_I_do_recognize_you_now,_{s0}._Please,_your_grace,_I_am_sorry,_it's_all_the_drink._I'll_be_leaving,_now... 
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_fight_start|Ich bin mir nicht sicher ... irgendein Tier.
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_fight_start Whoa,_I've_never_met_talking_horse_dung_before! 
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_fight_start.1|Verzeiht mir – bitte nehmt meine Entschuldigung an.
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_fight_start.1 My_apologies,_I_meant_no_offense.
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_player_high_renown|Habt Ihr auch nur die geringste Ahnung, mit wem Ihr sprecht?
    dlga_drunk_response:drunk_player_high_renown Do_you_have_any_clue_who_are_you_talking_with?
  9. Translation-Bug

    Hello. I have a Problem with the Variable ip_sea_battle_info_text|Translate The variable does not adopt the text. ip_sea_battle_info|05. Seekampf works. Can you fix this ? Thx, Murmel
  10. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    SuumCuigue said:
    Wenn du noch mehr hast,übersetze ich gern weiter. Hab etwas Zeit gerade  :lol:

    Hi das wäre natürlich super :smile: Allerdings wird es jetzt ein wenig komplizierter
    Vermutlich ist es besser sich da in Steam zu adden.

    Die quest und Dialoge sind total verstreut. Also man kann einem Dialog so gut wie nicht folgen.
    Deswegen mache ich das so Ausschnitt. Ich schreibe in die Language Datei den String mit der Übersetzung neben derEnglischen Übersetzung neu

    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_talk_relation|Ich würde gerne der Kirche etwas spenden.
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_talk_relation I_wish_to_make_a_donation_to_the_Church. 
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_treatment|Ich brauche etwas Heilung bitte!
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:abbess_treatment I_need_some_healing,_please!  
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window|Schon gut.
    dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window Nevermind_me.

    z.b dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window ist ein Ende Dialog Button. Das | schaltet es ein oder aus. Fehlt es ist es aus, ist es da ist es aktiviert.
    Du müsstes halt den Code aktvieren z.b für Button close in diesem Dialog dlga_abbess_talk_p:close_window|Schon gut.
    Wie gesagt Englisch inbuilt was er nicht lesen kann bleibt Englisch.

    So nun könnte ich Dir einfach mal das hier hinknallen  :shock:

    dlga_dplmc_message_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1 I changed my mind.
    dlga_dplmc_messenger_talk:dplmc_messenger_talk_farewell Alright, I don't want to delay you. Godspeed!
    dlga_dplmc_messenger_talk_farewell:close_window Thank you. Farewell!
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_ask:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_select Which prisoner do you want to exchange?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_ask:minister_pretalk Unfortunately, there is no one to send right now.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_ask:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_select Which of our nobles do you want to set free?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_select:dplmc_minister_prisoner_emissary {s10}.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_select:minister_pretalk Nobody.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_select:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_ask {s10} of {s11}
    dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_select:minister_pretalk Nobody.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_fief:dplmc_minister_gift_fief_select Which settlement do you want to hand over?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_fief_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary {s1}
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type:dplmc_minister_gift_type_select We can send them some excellent horses from the best horse breeder in our kingdom, or we can hand over a settlement.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type:dplmc_minister_gift_type_select.1 At the moment we can only hand over a settlement since we don't have a chamberlain.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:dplmc_minister_gift_fief Hand over a settlement.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary Send horses for 3000 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.1 Send horses for 6000 piastres.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_pretalk Хватит об этом.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord:dplmc_minister_persuasion_emissary {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord:minister_pretalk I can't think of anyone.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_ask:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord Who shall be convinced?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_ask {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction:minister_pretalk Nowhere.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction_ask:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction Whom does the lord you want to persuade serve?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_emissary:minister_emissary_select Who shall I send? You should choose one who has skills in persuasion!
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction_ask {s11}
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief:minister_pretalk Nevermind -- there is no settlement I can offer.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief_ask:dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief Your emissary can't go with empty hands, we have to offer a settlement. Which one are you willing to offer?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief_ask:minister_pretalk Unfortunately, there is no one to send right now.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_prisoner_emissary:minister_emissary_select Who shall negotiate the exchange?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_emissary:minister_emissary_select Who shall be your spy? You should choose one whom you trust - and who has skills in spotting!
    dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms:dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms_select To whom do you wish to send this spy?
    dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms:minister_pretalk Unfortunately, there is no one to send right now.
    dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms_select:dplmc_minister_spy_emissary {s11}{s14}
    dlga_dplmc_minister_staff_talk_ask:dplmc_talk_staff What sort of staff member would you like to hire?
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm:close_window Thank you.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm:dplmc_patrol_pretalk Wait, I changed my mind.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm_ask:dplmc_patrol_confirm As you wish, we will begin patrolling {s5}.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm:close_window Thank you.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm:dplmc_patrol_pretalk Wait, I changed my mind.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm_ask:dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm As you wish, we will go and reinforce the garrison of {s5}.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_target:dplmc_patrol_pretalk Хватит об этом.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_give_troops:dplmc_patrol_pretalk Well, I could use some good soldiers. Thank you.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_area:dplmc_patrol_confirm_ask {s11}.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_area:dplmc_patrol_pretalk Хватит об этом.
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_area_ask:dplmc_patrol_orders_area Where should we go?
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_garrison_ask:dplmc_patrol_garrison_target Where should we go?
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_pretalk:dplmc_patrol_talk Greetings, Sir. Do you have new orders for us?
    dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:close_window I don't need your services now. You are dismissed.

    Das Leerzeichen ist durch ein |Schon gut.

    Wenn Du Fragen hast kannst Du gerne Fragen. Wundere Dich nicht über das Russisch ich musste die Variable aus dem Russischen Translate ziehen
    umd die überhaupt zu haben.

    Ich baue immernoch Deinen übersetzten Text ein, ist leider mehr Arbeit als nur übersetzen  :facepalm:

    Aber nochmal Danke Du bist der erste der was gemacht hat :smile:



    PS: Das ist natürlich nur ein kleiner Teil davon, der gesamte Ordner mit der Übersetzung hat 2,55 MB bei mir, da kann man sich die Textmenge vorstellen.

  11. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    He Super sieht gut aus  :smile: Ich baus heute Abend ein und mach eine neue Version.
  12. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    SuumCuigue said:
    Ich werde dir das gleich mal übersetzen und dann schicke ich dir die geänderte Form per Pn oder mache sie wieder hier rein,ganz wie du magst.
    Das sind nun wirklich leichte Texte,die jeder übersetzen kann,daher weiß ich nicht genau wieso keiner hilft. Wäre ja schnell fertig wenn man etwas Hilfe hätte.

    Ich weiß nicht genau was das Modul sein soll,daher brauch ich es wohl eher nicht. Bin kein Computerfreak in dem Bereich,ich spreche nur einige Sprachen und hab Spaß dran.

    Leider weiß ich nicht genau was die ^ ^^ Steuer Zeichen sein sollen :eek:


    Das Problem ist das Text und Code nicht getrennt sind. Hier im der Infopage ist das meiste Text.
    ^ = CR das bedeutet nächste Zeile

    oder ^^ =CR CR übernächste Zeile oder 1 zeile Abstand

    Du kannst das gerne hier posten damit habe ich kein Problem.


    Kein Problem., ich hatte jetzt nicht unbedingt Dich gemeint :wink: Es hatten sich mehere über Steam gemeldet weil ich da ja auch im Forum gepostet hatte, und schon einigen Sachen zugeschickt, aber zurückgekommen ist nie was. Dazu wollte einer den Code um was eignes zu machen :wink: Und da wurde ich ein bißchen Wuchtig :wink: , weil ich selber bestimmt
    schon an die 100 Stunden reingesteckt habe.
    Es ist ja nicht nur übersetzen, sondern der ganze Variablenmist musste erst mühsam aus dem russischen Translate und dem inbuildcode zusammengebaut werden,
    damit man es übersetzen kann. Englisch ist ja inbuild im Game, und wird nicht aus der language Datei gelesen. Das neue DLC bring wieder neue Texte wo die variablen
    erstmal gesucht werden müssen.

    Deswegen sollte jeder der es auf Deutsch spielen will überlegen ob er nicht mithelfen will. wenn einer nun gar kein Englisch kann auch Fehlerhinweise, nicht passende Übersetzungen mit
    Screenshot wären auch eine Hilfe. Es wird teilweise blind übersetzt und ich sehe nicht jeden Dialog komplett.



  13. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    SuumCuigue said:

    hab mir vorgestern das Spiel gekauft und es macht spaß,natürlich habe ich auch direkt deine Mod geladen.
    Wenn noch jemand zum übersetzen benötigt wird,würde ich mich gern anbieten.
    Leider habe ich das noch nie gemacht und man müsste mir erstmal näher bringen wie ich die Texte anpassen kann :lol:




    Schön wäre es wenn Du Englisch kannst und Dir Mühe beim übersetzen gibst. Das Einbauen der Texte in die Textdateien ist Frimmelarbeit und kostet mich mehr Zeit als das Eigendliche Übersetzen. Deswegen ist gezieltes Übersetzen bis auf bestimmte Dinge so gut wie unmöglich.

    Bisher hat noch keiner geholfen! Was z.b toll zum übersetzen wäre, dann habe ich das los wäre die Info Page. Wenn Du das übersetzen kannst, dann baue ich das ein

    ip ranks info 01. Ranks and fame You rise in rank as you improve your martial fame and business reputation. New military ranks are reached by increasing your renown, which rises as you complete tasks and achieve victories on the field of battle. The larger and harder are your fights, the shorter is your path to glory. As for your business acumen, it is judged best by the jingle of coins: your status increases with your cash reserves, with the amount of trade goods in your warehouses, with the manufactories and plantations you own, and with the cargo capacity of your fleet.^^Normally, you start as a mere sailor. As such, you can only recruit armed civilians such as colonists and hunters, and purchase boat-sized vessels. As you rise in status, so do your opportunities. New military ranks allow you to hire better soldiers and purchase more powerful warships. An increase in business reputation opens access to larger trade vessels and allows to build more manufactories. Famous warriors and influential traders are permitted to outfit their fleets with heavier naval artillery, can purchase letters of marquee and eventually can be invited to join one of the European powers - or the Brethren of the Coast.
    ip military ranks info 02. Military ranks Midshipman:^Can hire colonial soldiers.^Can purchase light ships.^^Lieutenant:^Can purchase medium ships, up to rank 2.^Can have 1 letter of marquee.^Can purchase 12-pounder naval artillery.^Can upgrade vessels.^Can join a faction.^^Captain Lieutenant:^Can hire regular soldiers.^Can purchase warships, up to rank 2.^Can purchase 16-pounder naval artillery.^Can attack and plunder cities.^^Captain:^Can purchase field guns.^Can purchase warships, up to rank 3.^Can have up to 2 letters of marquee.^Can purchase 24-pounder naval artillery.^Can conquer cities for his faction.^^Commodore:^Can hire elite soldiers.^Can purchase warships, up to rank 4.^Can have up to 3 letters of marquee.^Can purchase 32-pounder naval artillery.^Can be granted governorship over a city by his faction.^^Admiral:^Can purchase warships of any rank.^Can purchase 42-pounder naval artillery.
    ip trader ranks info 03. Business reputation Shopkeeper:^Can build mines and plantations.^Can own 1 enterprise per town, up to 5 total.^Can purchase light ships.^^Trader:^Can hire colonial soldiers.^Can own up to 2 enterprises per town, up to 10 total.^Can purchase medium ships, up to rank 2.^Can upgrade vessels.^Can join a faction.^^Merchant:^Can build manufactories.^Can own up to 3 enterprises per town, up to 15 total.^Can have 1 letter of marquee.^Can purchase trade ships, up to rank 2.^Can purchase 12-pounder naval artillery.^^Patrician:^Can hire regular soldiers.^Can own up to 4 enterprises per town, up to 20 total.^Can purchase trade ships, up to rank 3.^Can purchase 16-pounder naval artillery.^Fewer taxes and harbor fees in the cities of his faction.^Councilor:^^Can purchase field guns.^Can own up to 5 enterprises per town, up to 25 total.^Can purchase trade ships, up to rank 4.^Can have up to 2 letters of marquee.^Can purchase 24-pounder naval artillery.^Can be granted governorship over a city by his faction.^Fewer taxes and harbor fees in the cities of his faction.^^Chairman:^Can hire elite soldiers.^Can own up to 10 enterprises per town, up to 100 total.^Can purchase trade ships of any rank.^Can purchase 32- and 42-pounder naval artillery.^Fewer taxes and harbor fees in the cities of his faction.
    ip battleplan info 04. Planning a battle At the start of field battle, you can deploy your troops by clicking icons of their branches of service and positioning them where you want your soldiers to take a stand. Within each branch of service, your troopers are combined into up to 4 platoons you can direct separately. You can release control over a platoon and let it fight on its own by releasing its icon over the panel at your right. Three buttons above the platoon panel are used to give orders to the entire army - charge enemy, follow you around the battlefield, or hold position.^^Once the battle is joined, you can call up the planning screen with the Battle Map key ('Backspace' by default). Movement orders are given identically to pre-battle deployment, except that your units now take time reaching their destinations. You can alternate them between 'Move' and 'Attack' movement orders, with the former favoring speed over formation, while the later tells your troops to maintain their fighting cohesion while in transit.
    ip sea battle info 05. Naval combat You can steer your ship left and right using the '{s2}' and '{s4}' keys. To raise sails and increase your speed, hold '{s1}', to fold sails and slow down, hold '{s3}'.^^There are several ways to fire at enemy vessels. The easiest is to hit the 'Space' key when an enemy is in range of any of your cannons - all the batteries with hostile ships in range will fire at them. That way you can attack more than one enemy at once, as long as they are targeted by different batteries. Alternately, you can click the gun deck icons at the bottom to discharge the batteries individually.^^Your cannons can use 3 kinds of ammunition. Solid cannonballs used by default do the most damage against hulls, and are perfect to sink enemies quickly. They have superior range as well. Alternately, you can load chainshot to wreck enemy rigging and slow it down, or grapeshot to mow down enemy crew in preparation for boarding.^^When you have enough ammunition, you can drop powder kegs as mines. When a ship collides with such a mine, it will be set aflame. You can also repair some of the damage suffered by your hull and rigging, providing you have enough timber or linen in your hold.^^In order to board an enemy vessel, close down to it until the boarding prompt comes up, and hold the '{s7}' key until the bar is filled.^^With additional ships under your command, you can give them orders via calling up the command bar by clicking on their icons on the left side of the screen. You can order them to lay their own mines, attack specific enemies (select a target by clicking on it), stop and keep out of battle, or become a fireship. Fireships lose control and burn down quickly, but if one manages to collide with another ship, that ship is in mortal danger.
    ip cityassault info 06. Attacking cities Assaulting a fortified town is no mean feat. You have to be renowned as a military leader of note in order to convince your soldiers to attempt such a task. And when your ambition is conquest rather than base plunder, you need even more recognition to be able to install a new government.^^When you choose to attack a city on land, your party spends several hours constructing siege ladders. Once the preparations are over, you are deployed a short distance from the fort. You can order your troops to attack, hold position or follow you around. Your objective is to reach the ladders, scale the fortifications and defeat the defenders, all while being bombarded from the walls. Alternately, if you own some artillery pieces, you can try bombarding the fort yourself and make some breaches to ease the assault.^^If you choose to attack a city from the sea instead, up to 3 larger warships in your fleet will join the offensive. You begin the battle aboard your flagship at the roadstead outside the firing range of cannons. Having selected one of your vessels, you can order it to advance and bombard the coastal fort, or fall back to the roadstead if it ends up damaged by return fire. While you are aboard, you can man one of the cannons to bombard the city. Once the fortifications are breached, you can order your soldiers to make a landing on boats on their own, or join them in the assault.
    ip slavery info 07. Slavery When you lose a battle, enemies take you prisoner, rob you of all possessions, then sell you into slavery at a mine or plantation nearby. You can try escaping from your confinement alone, but a failure may cost you dearly, resulting in crippling injuries. Your best bet is to talk other prisoners into starting an uprising and breaking out together. If you succeed in overwhelming the guards, some of runaway slaves may choose to join your party.^^If you are leading your own faction, you might try to contact your supporters outside and request their help, but a botched attempt will lead to harsh consequences.
    ip faction info 08. Starting a faction When your rank is high enough yet you haven't joined any existing faction, you can conquer a city to rule on your own. Such impudence won't be approved by the colonial powers, of course. As self-proclaimed faction leader, you can appoint your hired captains as governors of newly conquered cities, and even convince the disgruntled pirate lords and nobles of colonial powers to switch sides and join your growing American kingdom. You can order your governors to attack enemy troops and cities by right-clicking on their icons and selecting a lord in the list. You can right-click on a city of your faction to grant it to one of your nobles to govern. Right-click on the lord himself to order him to follow you around.^^As a faction leader, you can hire several ministers to help you running your kingdom. The Treasurer will provide you with access to your financial statistics and will handle remote trading and convoy management, working as both the clerk and the banker who is always around. The Drillmaster will add cohesion to your ragtag army, allowing you to change all kinds of soldiers in your service to those specific to your faction. The Secretary will handle your diplomatic affairs. Finally, the Sutler can order food for your army, solving your supply problems regardless of where you are.
    ip construction info 09. Construction Having reached the business reputation of a Shopkeeper, you can begin constructing productive enterprises within towns after hiring a clerk to represent your local interests. At first you are limited to resource production facilities such as iron mines and tobacco plantations, but with further reputation advancement you can access manufactories producing finished goods, such as clothing and furniture. Raw resources are harvested from the countryside around the town, and each city only has access to a limited selection of resources. Manufactories on the other hand can be constructed anywhere, but they require a constant supply of specific resources to run, so it is prudent to build them where a resource in question is in abundance.^^When you gain governorship over a city, you can also construct municipal buildings to increase the town's prosperity, access advanced troops and so on.^^The buildings already constructed in town are displayed as a list of round icons at the top.
    ip trading info 10. Bulk trading The 'Bulk Trading' button allows you to puchase the goods produced locally, or sell the contents of your cargo hold, supply train or warehouse. Goods readily available in town tend to fetch a low price, while those in high demand sell at a premium. You can click on the 'Merchant' and 'Your fleet' tabs to switch either panel to display your supply train for heading inland, or your warehouse storing goods locally (the warehouse becomes available once you have hired a clerk). When you have a warehouse in town, the 'Warehouse' button is also displayed, providing you with quick access to move your goods between your fleet and the warehouse. If you don't have a warehouse in a city, ships moored at the dock can serve you as temporary storage space, but their cargo capacity is limited.^^Click and hold on the goods icons and drag the slider left or right with your mouse in order to move the goods between panels, then click on the 'Done' button to confirm transfer.
    ip messageboard info 11. Messageboard Messageboard stores a list of jobs offered by town and faction authorities. Their tasks may range from supplying specific goods a town is lacking to pillaging an enemy port. Town jobs are different in each town, while faction-wide jobs are offered in every town belonging to the faction.^^Bands of irregular and colonial soldiers in search of mercenary employment also post their notices on the messageboard.
    ip shipyard info 12. Shipyard The shipyard allows you to purchase, upgrade, repair and sell ships. You can switch between buying and selling ships using the 'Buy ships/Manage ships' button at the bottom of the screen. Select individual vessels to buy or sell by clicking the icon at the left, above the panel containing ship attributes.^^While in 'Manage ships' mode, you can replace your cannons by selecting a specific deck using cannon icons in the top right corner, then clicking on cannon icon on the rightside panel to bring up the list of possible replacements. Use the arrows next to this icon to change the amount of cannons if you wish to sell back some. The other two icons at the top right allow you to install ship upgrades and to manage your crew. When buying a new ship, do not forget to restock its ammunition reserves (bottom left) and recruit enough crewmen (bottom right, crew management mode).
    ip dock info 13. Dock You can leave some of your vessels moored at the dock, if you deem them unsuitable for your current objectives - it wouldn't be prudent, for instance, to carry along a couple of heavily damaged fluyts when you go pirate-hunting. If you are heading inland, your fleet will likewise stay moored at the dock, and you'll have to pick up the ships upon your return. Ships staying at a dock cost less upkeep than your active fleet.^^In order to move your ships between the dock and the active duty, click on their icons and drag them on the opposite panel.^^When you are leaving your ships in a cove, the interface is identical to the dock.
    ip convoy info 14. Convoys When you want to open a business in town, the first thing in order is to hire a clerk to manage your local enterprise. You can order a clerk or your treasurer to send a convoy from any city where you have some ships moored at the dock to any other city, providing you have clerks hired at both. First, select the starting town from among cities with your ships docked inside. Then choose the destination town and drag the ships you want to assign to the convoy from left panel to the right. On next screen, add the goods you want to transfer either from the market or from your warehouse. Note that this transaction will be paid from your bank account, and you need sufficient funds in the bank to complete the order.
    ip banking info 15. Banking Another person of interest residing in the town hall is a banker. You can use his services to transfer money to your bank account, where your fortunes will be safe from any mishaps that might happen to you on the road. All business expenses are paid from your bank account rather than your cash reserves.^^Bankers can provide you with detailed information on your expenses, including upkeep paid for army, ships and businesses, along with the tax revenues from the cities you govern. You can switch between displaying total expenses and individual expenditure per town. If you have productive enterprises in one of these towns, you can use checkboxes to allow or forbid them to purchase resources on local market, or to sell their production there.
    ip gambling info 16. Gambling The taverns in the Caribbean host many professional gamblers making their living by playing cards. They sport different levels of skill, and bet accordingly. Rich and famous players are unwilling to waste their time on newbies, so an aspiring newcomer to the gambling stage will have to make a name for himself playing lesser competitors until he gains better recognition.^^The game of choice in the Caribbean taverns is a Blackjack variant. Both players strive to reach a score closest to 21 points without going bust. An ace is worth 11 points and face cards are worth 10. Upon dealing your first two cards, you have an option to hit (take another card) or stand (keep your hand). Whoever ends up with more points without going over 21, wins the pot. In case of push (draw) both players keep their coins.^^While dealing, you can attempt to rig your hand and deal yourself better cards. Your ability to do so unnoticed depends on your Gambling skill. If your attempt at cheating is spotted, the entire tavern will rise against you in a huge brawl.
    ip cove info 17. Landing in a cove Sometimes you may want to make a landing outside nearby towns, which might be controlled by your enemies. The coves allow you to leave your fleet behind and head inland without having to deal with authorities. Upon landing, you can talk to your fleet's quartermaster to moor your vessels and to offload your goods to supply train.
    ip smuggling info 18. Smugglers When you land in a port owned by a colonial power with a hold full of goods, tax collectors descend on you like a flock of vultures. Sometimes, the only way to profit from a difficult journey is to offload your wares to smugglers operating in the waters around the town. Representatives of criminal world often found in taverns can spill the beans on where you might find these smugglers at any given moment. When you want to attempt contacting them, right-click on the town icon and choose the 'Look for smugglers' option. Take care, though, for the customs officials are always on the lookout for illicit trading, and their patrol might intercept you during your search. If this happens, you may try your luck outrunning them or hiding your goods in the hold, but if you fail, a battle is imminent.

    Die Steuer-Zeichen ^ nächste Zeile
    Die Steuer-Zeichen ^^ doppel zeile

    Wir können uns gerne in Steam adden um Sachen zu klörem

    Also jeder der was macht wird in die steam Credits eingetragen, und bekommt auch das komplette Modul zum eignen mir egal. Die meisten wollen allerdings nur Modul, aber das wird ihnen auch nichts helfen :wink:


  14. Sorry German language Thread Thx

    leon123442 said:
    Ich habe zurzeit zwar nicht viel Zeit, aber ich helfe gerne wenn ich kann

    He das wäre super :smile:

    Ich weiss nicht ob Du Dir schonmal die Translation Texte angeschaut hast, aber sie sind ziemlich wirr und ich schätze das es bestimmt an die 2000 verschiedene Strings sind.
    Entweder wir adden uns in steam, oder Du sagst welche Textfiles Du bearbeiten willst, von Dialogen, Quickstrings alles vorhanden :wink:


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