Recent content by mrjtg12

  1. mrjtg12

    Character Creation in 2022

    Content patches are not over so don't worry. In their future plans post, they detailed the things they are certain to add like back alley management and will double the number of battle maps, as well as other things they are thinking to add. They also will add things like claimant quests and new sally out mechanics sometime in the future. Idk if they will redo the character creator, but there is a chance that they may tweak it.
    I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to! I hope expanding the banner creation is on their list as well, as the colors are very limited too.
  2. mrjtg12

    Character Creation in 2022

    It would be amazing if a Taleworlds dev read this stuff; games like Fallout 3/NV handled face creation leagues better in 2008 than Bannerlord is in 2022. I just expected a higher standard, I guess. I opted to play as a woman in my current run-through of Bannerlord because I wanted to play as someone not masculine- and there is no way to make someone who isn't masculine unless you choose to be a woman.

    I know that content patches are over, I think, but at least for this I would love if Taleworlds could make an exception or at least make it a free update when they come out with a DLC. I dunno! That is, unless a modder gets to it first (DCC doesn't quite do it although I appreciate the maker trying).
  3. mrjtg12

    Character Creation in 2022

    I'm gonna be honest, and to preface I adore this game to bits, but the character creation is as lackluster as it was in the first version of EA. Faces for men all look like the same, dour, long-faced man no matter what culture I choose. Women all look the same as well, beautiful and wearing...
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