Recent content by Milo Gamwich

  1. Milo Gamwich

    SP Native Realistic Female Troops

    Where can I download your mod? 🧐
  2. Milo Gamwich

    Need More Info Game breaking delay.

    Rip consoles. I mean warband is expensive on consoles yet they do not care one bit.
  3. Milo Gamwich

    In Progress Warband ps4 in game server delay

    Last thing i heard was we did restart the servers but it seems that did not solve the issue. Will follow it again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Please, fix the issue already.
  4. Milo Gamwich

    Goodbye Warband On Console

    Unmodded game is boring, everyone sticks to PC and its moddable version of Warband.
    Yet another mod dies on pc: "mercenaries"...
  5. Milo Gamwich

    In Progress Warband ps4 in game server delay

    The problem is still there.
  6. Milo Gamwich

    Crossbows too weak?

    There is no way that crossbows would match bows in multiplayer. My suggestion is to nerf bows and maybe buff crossbow's damage a little more.
  7. Milo Gamwich

    The AI's swings are inaccurate in general

    Especially the cavalry. I mean, the ranged units are really good already. And they should have a weakness which would be cavalry. Though the cavalary's swings are inaccurate and really bad. There should be some improvements for it.
  8. Milo Gamwich

    PS4 Cheats

    Nucka said:
    I've checked, and the only code seems to be holding all the trigger buttons and tapping the touch pad but it doesnt work

    Maybe there's no such thing.
  9. Milo Gamwich

    Will warband ever receive dlc on ps4?

    We should have at least Napoleonic Wars for consoles.
  10. Milo Gamwich

    Alay Darbeleri ( Tartışma içerir )

    Bi kere mercenariesde yapmıştık bi de 57'nci alay başka bilmiyorum
  11. Milo Gamwich

    [WB][SP] Empire Wars: 1080 V2.4 Hotfix Çıktı!

    Bence ağır zırhlıların, yay ve arbalet kullanmaları garip olmuş. :/
  12. Milo Gamwich

    Wicked Tavern Fanatics

    Eğer rahatsız ettiysem özür dilerim.Amacım sadece yardım etmekti.
  13. Milo Gamwich

    Wicked Tavern Fanatics

    Lel.Dediğim gibi Zombieee mod süperdi bana göre.Şu anda o modu bulamıyorum.
  14. Milo Gamwich

    Wicked Tavern Fanatics

    Dediğim gibi.Eğer wtf veya stf klanının içinden birisi var ise.Onunla özel konuşmak isterim.
  15. Milo Gamwich

    Wicked Tavern Fanatics


    Ben önceden ''Zobieee'' mod oynardım.Ve bu modun yapımcılarının WTF klanından olduğunu biliyorum.Ama sanırım mod artık yok.Uzun zamandan beri bu modu hazırlayanları arıyordum.Sonunda sizi buldum.Umarım bana bu mod ile ilgili bilgi verebilirsiniz.Teşekkürler.
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