Recent content by Michiko

  1. Michiko

    Empires are all exactly alike

    I like that idea. A unique high tier troop. Then if you unite the whole empire you can access any of them, as a reward, etc.

    Dunno how hard it would be to implement. I could probably make that mod though, if I can figure that out.
  2. Michiko

    Empires are all exactly alike

    They're technically the same empire but split up, so yeah. Think of each as mini-factions of one larger faction. Each faction's ruler is claiming to be the true Emperor. In Warband terms they would each be claimants of each other's thrones, and therefore share a culture.

    I suppose it could be more interesting for each to have a slightly different flavor, like one of them being more focused on cavalry or something, but I don't personally think it's necessary. I also personally feel that uniting the Empire (which is a large part of the story btw) would become a goal for many players, and having them all be uniform makes that much easier to manage.
  3. Michiko

    Why does everyone keep leaving my empire for no reason?????

    This is probably what they meant about kingdom management not being finished in the Early Access yet. What a lot of us assumed is that you can't start or join kingdoms yet, but we can see that isn't the case.
  4. Michiko

    Patch Notes e1.0.8

    Unfortunately I still crashed after peace. Are we supposed to roll back to a save from before making peace?
  5. Michiko

    Peace results in crash

    Good news heheh. The latest patch e1.0.8 supposedly fixed it. I haven't tested it yet but yeah. Gonna test it in a bit.

    - edit: Unfortunately it still crashed for me. My guess is you still need to roll back or start a new game before the change that fixes the peace crash actually works.

    - edit2: Yeah I tested and already-made peace doesn't work, but loading a save before you made peace then making peace will not result in a crash. But yeah like I said my only other save is very old and so much has happened since then. Lesson learned.
  6. Michiko

    In Progress My pc shutdowns when i play bannerlord, msi gtx1080, 32 gb ram, i7 6700

    PC shutting down can be caused by overheating. Check your temperatures.

    Games usually don't have the ability (even on crash) to cause the OS to shut down. The OS catches that, and barring any critical failure of particular OS background programs or detected hardware issues, will not automatically turn off or restart your machine. This means that your machine is shutting down specifically either due to hardware failure, or that the OS is trying to protect it from hardware failure, again, sometimes caused by overheating.
  7. Michiko

    Resolved Crashing when making peace with a nation

    Yup still crashing after peace even with the mini-patch after e1.0.7. I ran into an enemy lord out in the field so the siege trick Riebus mentioned won't work for me, but I'm gonna fiddle around and see if another similar trick can be done. Maybe talking to the same lord again might do the trick.

    - edit: Nope. I'm gonna need to roll back to before the peace thing...
  8. Michiko

    Peace results in crash

    That means it's an issue with the game itself then...

    Unfortunately for me I hadn't backed up a save before making peace, and I saved right after discussing peace. So my save is stuck and my backup save is several hours before lol. I'll see if tomorrow's patch fixes it or something before considering rolling back to that backup save.

    I had a look around and apparently other people have been reporting this issue too (link). TaleWorlds thinks they fixed it, but obviously it isn't yet.
  9. Michiko

    Patch Notes e1.0.7

    Not sure but here are the files that were changed.

    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/CommandLine.dll
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/CrashUploader.Base.Azure.dll
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/CrashUploader.Base.dll
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/CrashUploader.Base.UI.dll
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/CrashUploader.Publish.exe
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/DotNetZip.dll
    Modified file – bin/CrashUploader.Publish/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/amd_ags_x64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Bannerlord.exe
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Bannerlord.Native.exe
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/CSteamworks.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/EOSSDK-CSharp.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/FairyTale.DotNet.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/FairyTale.Library.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Game.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/grCore.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/grGranite.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/grGraniteDX11.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/grGraniteQuartzFast.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/mono-2.0-sgen.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Mono.Cecil.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/PhysX_64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/PhysXCommon_64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/PhysXCooking_64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/PhysXFoundation_64.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Rgl.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/Steamworks.NET.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.BattlEye.Client.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Core.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Core.ViewModelCollection.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Diamond.AccessProvider.Epic.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Diamond.AccessProvider.Steam.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Diamond.AccessProvider.Test.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Diamond.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.DotNet.AutoGenerated.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.DotNet.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Engine.AutoGenerated.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Engine.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Engine.GauntletUI.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.ExtraWidgets.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.PrefabSystem.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.TooltipExtensions.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.InputSystem.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Library.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Localization.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.AutoGenerated.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Diamond.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GauntletUI.Widgets.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Helpers.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.exe
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.ViewModelCollection.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.NavigationSystem.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Network.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.PlatformService.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.PlatformService.Epic.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.PlatformService.Steam.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.PlayerServices.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.PSAI.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.SaveSystem.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Starter.DotNetCore.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.Starter.Library.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.TwoDimension.dll
    Modified file – bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.TwoDimension.Standalone.dll
    Modified file – Modules/CustomBattle/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.CustomBattle.dll
    Modified file – Modules/Native/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GauntletUI.dll
    Modified file – Modules/Native/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.dll
    Modified file – Modules/SandBox/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/SandBox.dll
    Modified file – Modules/SandBox/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/SandBox.GauntletUI.dll
    Modified file – Modules/SandBox/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/SandBox.View.dll
    Modified file – Modules/SandBox/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/SandBox.ViewModelCollection.dll
    Modified file – Modules/StoryMode/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/StoryMode.dll
    Modified file – Modules/StoryMode/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/StoryMode.GauntletUI.dll
    Modified file – Modules/StoryMode/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/StoryMode.View.dll
    Modified file – Modules/StoryMode/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client/StoryMode.ViewModelCollection.dll
    Hmm interesting. Stealth update lol. Weird that they haven't posted about it yet.
  10. Michiko

    Peace results in crash

    I had the same issue just now. I'm not sure if one of my mods are doing it yet and I'm investigating it before making a proper report to Taleworlds. I don't wanna waste their time with trying to fix an issue that's actually the fault of stuff I did on my end.

    Do you have any mods installed?
  11. Michiko

    How to make peace

    I had to pay 25k gold and give like 10 horses, to make peace with an enemy that I didn't even share borders with anymore (Aserai). I found one of their lords on their way to raid one of my outskirt villages and talked to them. I could've paid all in gold but I had the extra horses anyway. I think the actual rate will differ based on your Charm rating. Mine's around 40-ish. Also going above the minimum to be able to click the Offer button will likely increase the chance too. Just know that it seems to be a chance thing, as they can reject it even if your offer is decent.
  12. Michiko

    Patch Notes e1.0.7

    What was the mini-patch just now?
  13. Michiko

    How to add new random names?

    Hmm interesting. Good find, thanks. I suppose I can just make a simple random UID generator to make it work with that.

    Hopefully when the official modding tools come out, all this stuff will be automated/built-in to that so we just need to worry about the actual names.
  14. Michiko

    How to have companion parties follow you on map?

    It seems they hang out in villages to try to recruit troops, so they're waiting there for more troops to respawn. I had a companion party finally get enough troops and they started hunting looters around a city.

    Hopefully soon they become more useful.
  15. Michiko

    How to add new random names?

    I'm gonna try adding a bunch of names that don't have them and see what happens.

    I actually just want more variety, since in my current game there's multiple NPCs with the same exact name (yes including their title/last name thing). Visible in the Encyclopedia, and you can see there that they're actually different people of course, but they got randomly assigned the same names. I figure more random names will help reduce the chance of this happening.

    - edit: I have tested it and it seems to work so far. Some random Wanderers spawned using some of the random names I added to the list. I still don't know what the code text is for but it doesn't seem to be important.
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