Recent content by Markus Ramikin

  1. With Fire & Sword: Questions and Answers

    Do those high-armor horses exist? I don't remember ever seeing more than 13 armor on a horse, and I've been checking religiously. Did they get removed in a patch or what?
  2. With Fire & Sword: Questions and Answers

    Have you tried assigning your surgeon to a custom troop group, so that he or she can be given exclusive orders?
    Well yes, that's what I meant by giving him orders.
    There seem to be weird hardwired behaviours about sieges, like the game knows better what I want than I do. Troops can pretty much only move forward, and even if I gather them all under one ladder to attack the weaker-defended side, as soon as I give the go to attack they disperse towards other ladders again.
  3. With Fire & Sword: Questions and Answers

    I try to order my surgeon to retreat when assisting my king with a siege, so he doesn't pointlessly get wounded. Doesn't work. Are orders meant to not work in sieges? Or is there anything I can do?
  4. Disable Weekly Tax Report Interruption for Every Individual Village/Town? WFAS

    If someone could make a mod for how to do this without actually changing the costs, just remove the pop up spam from all the hired officers being paid for, that would be awesome. And share the script/source changes, of course!

    I'd be surprised if nobody ever made such a tweak for themselves.
  5. Is there a limited-scope mod out there that lets you carve out a proper independent Kingdom?

    Hey, guys. Has anyone ever made a mod that allows you to go from Rebel to King, and have your own vassals, and just that? I'm not interested in a mod that ads a whole lot of "new cool stuff", with sweeping changes and a bazillion new bugs. I am happy with the vanilla game, still learning it, and...
  6. With Fire & Sword: Questions and Answers

    Is there any way, other than 1. spending skill points and 2. reading a book, that a skill level could be raised?

    I just noticed I have 20 Charisma and 7 Leadership, even though with 20 Charisma my max should be 6. An earlier savegame indeed has 20 and 6, so something happened since that savegame, something that I missed and that raised my Leadership. Now I'm wondering what it could possibly have been. And no, I haven't read any stat-raising books.
  7. Is there some way to enlarge the text/font of party sizes on the overhead map?

    Hm, that's a dirtier solution than seems worth it. I'd rather not go that far.

    All the same, thank you for all your answers.
  8. Is there some way to enlarge the text/font of party sizes on the overhead map?

    No, I am talking about the numbers visible on the overhead map:

    Even after editing Jaques' party template like this:
      ("oim_monfor_party", "Troop of Jaques de Clermont", icon_ewro_lord|carries_goods(3)|pf_default_behavior|pf_quest_party|pf_label_large,0,fac_neutral,merchant_personality,[]),
    and starting a new game, there was no change:
  9. Is there some way to enlarge the text/font of party sizes on the overhead map?

    Yeah, I've added some minor changes of my own to the game already. Among others, that increased party icon size I mentioned earlier.

    And yes, I applied the flag exactly like that. Added it to a few select units, looked for those units on the map, none of them had different text size.

    Is this something that works on your end? Or just a long shot. I'm assuming the latter, 'cause I personally wouldn't expect a feature meant for text above towns to work for parties. Party text is completely different size from any of those 3 sizes.
  10. Is there some way to enlarge the text/font of party sizes on the overhead map?

    Thanks for the reply, but could I ask for a more step by step? I'm really inexperienced at this, and I'm not sure how to use what you just told me, where to put it.
  11. Is there some way to enlarge the text/font of party sizes on the overhead map?

    I already know that if I go to module_map_icons, I can change avatar_scale = 0.15 and this will change the size of party icons. However, the little numbers in the lower right of the icon, showing party size, number of prisoners, and (through color) allegiance, are still tiny. (In fact, if I...
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