Recent content by Konig Holz

  1. "Give it some time, it's early access!!!" - The Meme.

    The game was supposed to be released in 2016 if memory serves but they kept delaying it in order to give us a polished product, wasn't it like that? Now they give us EA that shouldn't be even released as EA because it's so much bugged and they demand a full price - reminder -this is the price of the full version. But comon "iT'S brOkEn beCaUse It's eA, iT hAs tO be BrOkeN, iF yOu dOnT lIkE iT, dOnT buY iT aNd wAiT fEw MoRe yEaRs.
    Actually they hd to scrap the old project due to the limitations of the old engine and built a new one from scratch. You're playing a brand new game on a brand new engine never yet tested. Do you even understand the implications of that? You would if you'd paid attention over the last decade
  2. Resolved No tournament exp?

    And what happened to the relations gain with the town and it's owner? I miss feasts....
  3. I'm really disappointed, almost sad

    You seem to forget just what Early Access means. And the original Bannerlord had to be scrapped because of the limitations of engine the were using. The built one on their own and then started to make the game. ACTUAL development has only been going on since 2017.
  4. Join a faction army and get paid as a soldier in the war.

    In warband you could. I don't see the point in bannerlord especially if you're only going to get paid like 20g a day as a soldier in a lord's army.
    Only with the freelancer mod, warband did not have that feature in vanilla gameplay
  5. "Give it some time, it's early access!!!" - The Meme.

    I bOuGhT a GaMe In EaRlY aCcEsS sO I cOuLd PlAy It BeFoRe It'S dOnE aNd It'S nOt A fUlLy FuNcTiOnInG gAmE :'''''''''''''''''''((((((((
  6. Does anyone else get the feeling the game isn't finished yet?

    It seems everyone has forgotten just what an EARLY RELEASE is!! Bugs, balancing issues, blanks needing to be filled; that is all to be expected from a small Turkey based company with a limited budget. and no, they have NOT been working on it for 8 years. It was initially ANNOUNCED but work didn't actually start until 2017. Taleworld's is a very small operation and now because of this release they can fill in all the gaps you guys are complaining about and really flesh out the system. The backbone to the game is very strong and promising, now they and the mod community can really build on it.
  7. Bannerlord SP First Reactions: Megathread

    This thread has made me realize just how few people remember that this is an EA and they specifically said it was going to be very lacking in content. Now that they have the budget BECAUSE of this release, they can afford to start really flushing it out and turning it into the masterpiece it's supposed to become. The hotfix within the first few hours is an important sign to show that they are fully prepared to devote everything they have to ensuring the game succeeds.
  8. SP - Battles & Sieges Auto-block in singleplayer

    After getting wiped across the floor in the TRAINING CAMP while trying to use a 2H sword I realized very quickly that shields are the name of the game.
  9. who is waiting ???

    Little over 1 hour left!!
  10. 30th March 10 am BANNERLORD

    Why from 3-7??

    10 am UTC is 3 am local time for me and I'm on the western side of the U.S.
  11. 30th March 10 am BANNERLORD

    I noticed in the announcement that they said March 30th, 10 am UTC, does that mean in the U.S. it'll be releasing anywhere from 3-7 am on the 30th due to time zone differences?
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