Recent content by Kissaki

  1. Age of Arthur 5.0

    I think this mod uses Viking Conquest as its base.
    On ModDB it says it's a Warband mod, though, and that's where I installed it.
  2. The clock

    Is there a way to disable the exact clock thing? Early morning, morning, noon etc. are plenty descriptive, and reading eg. "8 o'clock" only serves to disrupt immersion seeing as no one counted time that way until the 14th century, and "o'clock" is a fairly modern contraction. It would have been...
  3. SP Medieval [WB] Deeds of Arms and Chivalry

    So is anything still happening with this mod, or did it just fizzle out after Ettenrocal left? There are some updated images from november 2020, but the most recent mod version is from February.
  4. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    That is true. Everyone was expecting a red wave in the midterms, including Democrats, and here he went shocking everyone with a tiny trickle!

    Trump has just been president, and his antics post-term has rallied the centre-left - everyone is on high alert because they know what is at stake. And let's not forget the Supreme Court shooting themselves in the foot by overthrowing Roe vs. Wade. I was part horrified, part elated when that news broke - this was a god-send with regards to the midterms. Traditionally, women vote more than men do, so it's a really bad idea to piss women off in an election year.
  5. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    Your whole argument is "something unexpected happened in the past, so it may happen again". It's not substantial or backed up by any kind of evidence, it only works as a superstitious phobia.
    A better way would be to analyze why it happened the first time and then argue that the key conditions are valid this time too, but not valid the last time when Biden beat him.
    At least state that you feel this deeply in your heart.

    Meanwhile, DeSanity is owning the libs, THIS IS HOW YOU WIN:
    My argument is that being certain of a thing is no guarantee. There are no arguments against Trump's success now which are any better than the ones for the 2016 election. People were cock-sure he couldn't possibly win then, and they had excellent reasons for thinking so. The reasons today are only cosmetically different, if that. Murdoch refusing to support? Same as before. Stronger Republican rivals? Ditto 2016. And if he announces that he's pulling out of the race, then that's nothing new either. Trump has a knack for throwing a spanner in the gears, fudging up all expectations.
  6. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    You are right, but I don't see Trump magically winning or even keeping a serious level of support just with OANN and Truth Social. DeSanta is owning the libs just fine and Fox is on his side. There are no mainstream opponents to portray as establishment. Enough things have changed to thwart Trump's hope of repeating an upset.
    I also feel this deeply in my heart. QED.
    No one saw Trump winning when he announced his candidacy in 2015 either. It wasn't until 2016 that people on both sides of the isle actually started to entertain the notion that Trump just might win this thing. And many - especially among Trump's opponents - were flabbergasted when the election went to Trump. Don't say it couldn't happen in 2024, because that's just what they said about 2016.
  7. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    It doesn't matter if he didn't like him, Murdoch was on the Trump train and supported him during the presidency. Fox staffers were given access and jobs in the administration. This ended only when Trump lost to Biden, and now it's made even clearer.
    Murdoch backs the winner, and that includes ****ting on the contender Trump. There's nothing Trump could do that DeSantis could not do better.
    So what? I'm talking 2016, before he was president. Exact same situation as now. Murdoch was not on the Trump train until the big push of 2016. In other words, so far it's just history repeating itself. If Murdoch still doesn't support Trump after May of 2024, then it will be different.
  8. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    Here's more stuff about Trump not getting the support he needs to win the primary, and that includes Fox (though Hannity is Trump's personal lackey and may not follow Murdoch policy completely).

    Murdoch tells Trump he will not back fresh White House bid – report

    That doesn't really mean anything. Murdoch refused to back Trump the first time around, too, until they reached an amicable agreement in May of 2016. Up until that time, Murdoch had been openly critical of Trump. Whether or not he'll back him again depends on whether Trump will become as popular again, I suppose. It's early days yet, and will be too early to call until 2024.
  9. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    Uhm I must have seen different Fox news footage because in the one I watched Hannity cut him off in the middle of it.
    Since you say that, I'm guessing what you have seen of the speech is via non-conservative sources, which make a big deal out of how boring the speech was. But did you check out what Hannity actually said about it? Here's the "cut off" - which was not actually a cut off, but a cut in:

    At no point does Hannity say or do anything which signals to the target audience: "Trump's announcement speech is boring". He wants you to think the exact opposite. Some select quotes:

    "This looks like Trump in as good a form as you've ever seen him."
    "If he can stay on message, like he did tonight, he's got a formidable case to make to a Republican electorate."
    "The construct of the speech is pitch perfect. If he keeps on like this tonight, he is unbeatable in 2024."

    Hannity probably did worry that the speech would be on the boring side for the viewers, which is why he cut in to tell them what they are supposed to think of the speech (that's the purpose of having those guests on), before cutting back to the speech - which he did.
    Anyway there's no point in arguing about it, neither one of us has a cristal ball. Time will tell, que sera sera. In my mind Trump's biggest chance is the Democratic party super power to self sabotage (that's how he won in 2016 honestly).
    The 2016 sabotage was all on Trump. Trump was successful in convincing people on both sides that Hillary was bent and evil, and Bernie-supporters who felt betrayed that they lost the primaries to her did not support Hillary like Bernie wanted them to do. For the most part, they either abstained, voted independent, and some even voted Trump.
  10. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    It was unlikely for him to win last time too. Sometimes unlikely things do happen, unlikely is not the same thing as impossible. I also suggest watching his last speech if you haven't yet, it honestly looks like he's just gone extremely senile.
    His speeches were always like that. And Fox was jizzing all over it as usual; couldn't get enough of it. Just like old times. It is no more impossible for Trump this time around than it was the last time.
  11. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    The main difference this time around is that Trump has a proven track record of loss. Also, I think that his win last time had a lot to do with who he was running against.

    So, you know, the democratic party will probably have Michelle Obama run as president and figure out a way to lose this time too, as one does.
    One can always point to how things were different. But there's one thing that's the same: everybody underestimated Trump. There were all sorts of perfectly valid reasons why Trump couldn't possibly win in 2016, too. I wouldn't count my chickens just yet.
  12. We who are about to Die! Made by an old m&b modder - me!

    Hmm, I see. If I may be so bold as to comment, I do find the gym fees a mite exorbitant. I'm on a budget, after all.
  13. Is MBrepository dead?

    The 0.808 Nexus link appears to have it.
    Yes, 0.808 is there, but I want 0.800, the buggy version :smile:
  14. Is MBrepository dead?

    For 0.800, would 0.808 not work?
    0.808 is actually far superior, as 0.800 had a number of bugs and a couple different features (the map was different for just that version). So it's for my own personal research that I would like to check it out. I don't think there was even a single mod for this version, as it got fixed pretty quick as I recall.
  15. 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    So Donald announced his run and the Reps are going into a slow civil war.
    This is one of those moments when you pull your popcorn when you are a leftie or just a reasonable person. The other one is following Musk's adventures on Twitter melting his net worth because he needs to show his incel followers how to be a memelord.
    Isn't that what happened the first time around too, though?
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