Hi, i've mentioned that the draw distance for grass meshes is very low, any idea where to set the draw distance for grass meshes?
The "grass_shader" only makes the meshes spawn slowly, if you change it, they appear block by block out of nowhere like the troops, but the grass further away is still invisible. So it has nothing to do with the shader.
Hello K700, i would like to make the blood particles be visible on the ground, especially the snow looks otherwise much too white, any idea how to do that?
Here is a picture as an example how it could look like. https://ibb.co/6bPPXGc
I noticed that in snow fieldmaps no hoof_dust particles are loaded at all, it looks a bit bare.
Generally in snow maps(Villages,Towns, etc), hoof_dust_snow is only loaded on the earthy paths(ground_path),
while on the snow ground itself nothing is loaded, although it should be the other way around. In the snow field maps there
is no ground_path but only snow so nothing is loaded there.
Bro if u have time can u explain me step by step how and what to recompile for the mod i play i cuz i bash my head for 5 days now and dont seem to find how to do it...
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