Recent content by JakoB

  1. JakoB

    Resolved Cant connect to Server

    We believe we fixed the issue. Could you try again?
    Its still not fixed like am not the one having a problems tho my brother from the moment the update came cant login into multiplayer we already try all previous solutions with firewall ,battleeye ,clean installation everything and following this thread seems that problem exist for more ppl then just him and thats sad tbf because as beta testers and early players we faced simmilar problems that are showing back again like whats not helping in increasing community size :C .

    Summary: Wont log into the game
    How to Reproduce: Open multiplayer
    Scene Name (if related): his steam name: 2Shmokey
    Media (Screenshots & Video): couldn't receive login from the server.
    Computer Specs: Not required was working fine on 1.7.0 and all versions before it
  2. JakoB

    [EU] Knights Templar !! Recruiting !!

    Ohh casimir hope you join us back Brother!!!
  3. JakoB

    [DR] Deutschritter [EU/DE] [Best Battle Clan] [Recruiting]

    Good Luck DEUS VULT!!!
  4. JakoB

    Statement Regarding Plans For MP

    I was waiting to add something from myself here for very long time but i cant hold it longer as some people here are talking trash even more every day

    First of all the MP is almost dead same for the new as well as the old players why? Stupid delay makes it so that 2h weap or pole cant keep up with 1h when you match equal players in a fight. So my question is what are you gonna do with that?

    Another point is that perks dont work at all ye okay it looks nice from the start but thats all and you are blind if you think thats going to give you an upper hand like. WHY? People who play this game now and used to play it before always count on the most important thing for them they were not like clones so this is not clone wars from star wars or something its medieval game that was always giving you a choice who you want to become .

    Next thing is that i completely understand the problems with balancing things and in that case you are only making it more unbalanced since the time i got closed beta access myself why is this happening? So if you want to ask why do people leave? The answer is that Bannerlord is Boring so Boring and not attractive like Warband was and you keep making it even less attractive with every new update . You wont do anything good by simply taking away the choices we want to have like limiting a variety of weapons of some factions .

    Last thing i want to share with you is something you probably already know people dont trust you anymore like they did before and it wont change till you show us a good reason to do that .

    Thank you for your patience .
  5. JakoB

    God Wills It!

    God Wills It!
  6. JakoB

    Smoke some weed

    Smoke some weed
  7. JakoB

    Bannerlord Clan list

  8. Knights Templar

    Knights Templar

    God Wills IT !!! DEUS VULT !!!
  9. JakoB

    [EU] Knights Templar !! Recruiting !!

    God Wills It !!! Brothers And Friends !!! ⚔
  10. JakoB

    [EU] Knights Templar !! Recruiting !!

    The Order of the Knights Templar We represent the Christian military order during the 1119 - 1314 period, known by most as The Knights Templar. Although based on the Christian military order we fight for our 'God' Armagan. Our take on religion is known as Christianity We fight together as...
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