Recent content by Irfan Ross

  1. Hello Everyone

    Hello Everyone
  2. Any mods to import/export characters?

    Any mod to increase hitpoint?
  3. Nerfing players Kingdom a thing? Please help

    Based on the experience of numerous playthroughs, I can report that the player’s nerf, if any, is not particularly felt.
    Infinite money from blacksmithing skill.
    Huge, actually free armies from rogeri, partners of crime.
    Crowds of lords from charm, plus our clan limit plus politics plus steward plus max leadership. Three or four hundred fighters with them, about a thousand in the escort army.
    Click the siege, wait on the accelerated time, start the fight and go drink tea. Five to ten minutes and any settlement is yours.
    Enemies will not be able to capture faster than you.
    And now, you have already captured everyone up to level 40-50.
    This I Like
  4. Is there a place I can make mod request for money?

    Let me know too. I am willing to support for different mods.
  5. How can castles be made important in your opinion?

    Be an obstacle the prohibits travel by enemies further into the area, they must take the castles first.
    OR grant auto calc bonuses to fiefs behind it, so attacking deeper in fiefs is always less attractive.
    Castle has a small and large patrol, large patrol will actively join in battles near it castle, small patrol will capture bandits and small lord parties.
    Castle can fire ballista at enemy parties in a certain range, this and the large patrol means fighting near castles is an advantage.
    Castles provide a NEW elite troop in small supply to the owner or faction ruler.
    Castles have a training barraks (separate from garrison) where troops can be stored and will gain exp and rank up at a modest cost. Can by-pass mounts needed but mounted units cost more, reason being if you have to keep microing to upgrade mounted units this become useless, it's only good if you can drop of low tiers and come back later and pick 20 t6s.
    Perfect Suggestion
  6. Civil Wars/Successors?

    I love Rhodoks
  7. PSA, please stop reporting the following as bugs, they are features (Satire, sorry not sorry)

    1. When you are sieging and an Ally takes over the siege, and you can no longer assault and the Ally will sit there until one of the following happens. They lose cohesion and disband, or you leave the siege and join their attack. THIS IS NOT A BUG, IT IS A FEATURE. It has been in the game longer than 6 months, it is now a feature, enjoy.

    2. If you are a male character, and have boys, they have no traits, if you are a female character, your daughters don't inherit traits. This has been in the game since Beta, it is not a bug, it is a feature.

    3. All children are clones. This has been in the game since launch, not a bug, it is a feature. Also, don't start looking at all the nobles, you will start to see a pattern, again, not a bug. This is a feature.

    4. Jeepers Creepers where the **** are the NPC's eyes in character portraits? Again this has been in the game since beta, this is not a bug, it is a feature. Someone on the dev team just really likes that movie, especially the ending.

    5. That one prick nobody lord that keeps getting all the towns/castles you siege and take. Seriously, leave the faction, murder his entire family.

    5. The skybox. Someone's child worked really hard on that night time sky box during battles and you should be ashamed for making fun of them, also it's probably the same child that makes all the damn noise in towns/castles. Again not a bug, a feature.
  8. Is there no bedroom in Battania town or castle at wall 3 or i cannot find it?

    Yeah, I wish the Battania didn't look so ghetto lol. As somebody descended from the region Battania's inspired by, I would GREATLY prefer it if it were more historically based even if the result was more "vanilla" than these ghetto monstrosities.

    I'd vastly prefer this depiction over what we have lol.
  9. Every time bro

    In my numerous playthroughs Aserai and Battania always dominates.
  10. Is there no bedroom in Battania town or castle at wall 3 or i cannot find it?

    Level 2 Vlandia and Level 1 Battania Keep looks very cool.
  11. Viking Conquest 2.063


    Viking Conquest 2.063 is live! Server admins and modders can access the latest files on our website here.

    PATCH NOTES (2.063)
    • Restore some story NPC heights
    • Another attempt to init tourney practice right
    • Keep those killed in the holmgang dead
    • Make adventurers default faction for lords of defeated factions released from prison to avoid backdoor to zombie kingdoms
    • Include non-companion lords in appropriate adventurer behavior
    • Have script_change_troop_faction handle non-kingdom faction properly
    • Use a defection process to place adventurer lords of defeated factions in new factions
    • Distinguish unconfirmed defectors to player and limit their spawn in the player's court
    • Defecting lords yield intel on their old faction when accepted by the player
    • Defecting lords do not defect immediately when rejected by player at the player's court
    • Add a tracker for the last faction to properly distinguish that from the original faction
    • For initiating defections, use the same function that counts disgruntled lords
    • Make liege relation more of a consideration for defection
    • Prohibit defections to factions from which lord will immediately defect
    • Lords that have nowhere to defect are removed from the game
    • Use script_indict_lord_for_treason for quest incriminate loyal commander
    • Redo caravan design to raise the cap to a level appropriate for when only two factions left
    • Prevent escaped defeated faction lords from forming parties until recruited into a new kingdom
    • Balance relation impacts of enfoefment
    • Corrections in Spanish and German localization files
    Good Job team, please keep it up.
  12. Editing Armor stats

    Is there any gude to change stats from save game file?
  13. SP - General Adding Banditry into the Game

    Hello, Wish all of you are safe. I would like to suggest one idea, how about adding professional banditry into the game? Below are some features related to the same: 1. The player and the companions can be involved into professional banditry. Looting, killing, burning etc. etc. 2. Player can...
  14. MP Decapitation

    Let's make Bannerlord the most brutal game ever made!!!
    Agree. Dark Medieval ages, Herbalists and Pellers, Witches burning on stake. Trechery, Betrayal, Torture....
  15. SP - Economy Add Hunting

    Again, something we had in Viking Conquest. That game really had some pretty good mechanics already, albeit there were still kinda wacky..
    I agree with you,
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