Recent content by HolyRomanSloth

  1. Documentation Coding Community Modding Documentation

    Instructions unclear, spawned in King Harlaus who is now leading an army of 1800 Swadian knights and lots of butter.
  2. Bannerlord SP First Reactions: Megathread

    It was worth the wait! For the size of Tale Worlds it's astounding what they've made. So far I haven't had any major issues, thankfully. Performance has been much better then what everyone is reporting for me. Running a Ryzen 5 1600, RX 570 8Gbs, 16 Gbs 3000 DDDR4. I tried out the thousand-person battle and didn't have that many issues few drops below 60, but runs much better then I was expecting. The AI is so much better too, both individually and in their group mentality. I'm about 2 hours into the campaign and spent about an hour messing around in Custom Battles.
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