Recent content by Habimana

  1. Habimana

    [WRC] Final & Third Place Match - Champions

    ggwp. deserved winners
  2. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 6

    OIDA 11:4 Spain


    ggwp. Server was France 1
  3. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 6

    OIDA vs Spain tonight at 19:00
  4. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 5

    OIDA 12-2 carnage gaming
    Server was Ger 11
  5. Habimana


    Can you make a list of cheaters and post it here? I want to see who we need to ban from upcoming tournies since your videos are 100% proof
  6. Habimana


    Who is this guy and why does he not understand how the game works?
  7. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 4

    OIDA 10:4 Aesir


    ggwp. Server was Ger 5
  8. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 3

    OIDA 10:6 LGN


  9. Habimana

    [WRC] Division A - Week 2

    OIDA 12:0 Forsaken Knights


    Server was Ger_3
  10. Habimana

    [WRC] General Discussion And Suggestions

    dont know if you played recently but even on dreiecksdorf lots of teams play with 3 archers actually in a „6v6“??
    do these teams want to loose on purpose or why do they play 3 archers xD
  11. Habimana

    Tournament vote?

    Subboards to the multiplayer section worked perfectly fine for years and generated good interest without cluttering the rest of the forums. Ruling them out just because someone decided to reinvent the wheel is just silly and a laughable starting point if you're actually being serious (in reality you have 0 power to do anything about it so who cares). As with every change implemented recently, there is apparently never any onus on the changers to justify or present the positives of the change, and only ever the demand that we explain the obvious, meanwhile population and interaction drops off.

    I guess you could recreate it by linking from the multiplayer section to the groups in an obvious Tournament This Way manner, but really that's just making the same thing really. I mean in the BL section there are individual sections for each map and class, I don't see how a few boards for running tournaments is a hassle.
    it took them 8 years to release a broken game. what did you expect? :lol:
  12. Habimana

    [WBMM] Discussion & Suggestions

    Nono no, stop this bull**** reasoning of taking insults personal. If an unknown person calls my mother a whore or insults me, he ends up with a broken nose. Stop justifying people being idiots or being bigots just because we are in the internet. It shouldn’t happen and that’s it.
    I am not saying it's ok or that it should happen. I also think its a bad thing to do but what I wanted to say is that people won't stop being idiots. That's all. It's so easy to just create new accounts and stuff that you will never get rid of trolls.
  13. Habimana

    [WBMM] Discussion & Suggestions

    I mean it's always the same few guys crying about getting insulted and ****. I was called a nazi and so on several times and I didn't complain on the forums either. if you take stuff like that personal you should just not play multiplayer games.
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