Recent content by fireraizer

  1. fireraizer

    Patch Notes e1.2.1 & Beta Hotfix

    Fixed stationary villager parties and caravans for new games. We will continue to work on existing savegames.
    Hope you can fix it on saved games, but I can always start again if needed.
  2. fireraizer

    Patch Notes e1.2.0 & Beta e1.3.0

    • Shield hitpoint values had been rebalanced based on their tier and material used.
    • All Sturgian faction troops now use round shields. They also use shields that are more fitting to their level and abilities.

    What about battanian volunteers? Will they have shields now?
  3. fireraizer

    Field drills and troop inspection

    Just make it so that
    1. garrison passively gain XP and
    2. when you visit the castle to walk around you'll see the men marching around in formation (e.g. blocks of 4x10 men marching up the main road to the castle, standing to attention for a bit, then marching off back down the main road and de-spawning when out of sight,
      • or have troops sparring in the courtyard,
      • or patrolling marketplaces.
    The game will already spawn your garrisoned men around towns and castles - you see them wandering about, so there is already a system there to build off for spawning in your troops.
    • Making it a manual process requiring constant/regular player input (rather than a passive one) opens up the possibility for exploiting it[and then it getting nerfed into the ground] or making it annoying to use.
    • Whereas if it's a passive system you could just have a checkbox in fief screen that says "Drill my troops for XP passively Y/N - this increases garrison upkeep by X%" - reflecting the fact that a lord has their "little people" to drill his men on a day-to-day basis, he doesnt get involved in that directly, rather he manages the operation as a whole.
      • and this gives you one more thing to think about within fief management (which is so barebones right now).
  4. fireraizer

    Quality of life suggestions

    Quality of life idea: Feature to to lock specific items in inventory so that when you click "Sell All" they stay in your inventory while the rest get sold.
    That's in now, it's the little circle to the right, click it and it's locked.
  5. fireraizer

    Some items still missing from Singleplayer?

    According to some modders, some weapons are multiplayer only.
  6. fireraizer

    Siege and ranged weaponry suggestions from a professor of military history.

    That entirely depends on the culture of the area. Such generalized examples are inaccurate at best, as it exports a single 'national' practice to other nations.
    So let me take this wonderful opportunity for learning, though rather than a wall of text I'll break it into bullet point format. If any fellow experts in the educational field wish to pitch in by all means.
    1-Were most individuals across national boundaries hunters?
    2-Can you train those already using smaller bows (to hunt foxes, hare etc) to use a bow twice, if not more, as powerful.
    3-Can societies train multiple specialty troops?
    -Most individuals aren't hunters at this point, not in the capacity you imagine. The hunters we envision often hunted what they were allowed to hunt, small game. For this, an extremely smaller bow would be required, 40-60lbs.

    -This leads to the second point you make, "grooming". Archery, as you can attest yourself, isn't a martial art.
    Unarmed or armed martial arts where finesse plays more of a role than brute strength. Pure muscle mass is required when using war bows, and we have to make the distinction from short bows which are more like their cousins the compound bows for mounted ranged units.
    In the end, the raw strength isn't something you can build in a few months for the necessary requirements of operating a war bow.

    -Which leads me to the last point, "national" tradition. It takes an entire nation to set up, either willingly or by chance, a specific method that indoctrinates a younger population into a specific fighting style. Greeks weren't known for their archery, they were known for their carpentry and foot troops. Rome wasn't known for its archers, since they were farmers and thus favored infantry troops. Celts, through raids and mobile combat were renowned horsemen. That isn't to say they didn't have other troops that could be levied from their home base, but we have to take into account limited manpower. Once you raise a contingent of "X" troops, you no longer have that manpower to go elsewhere. Many individuals in England were renown to practice archery, but that was because they grew up doing so.

    Ultimately, no all nations should have access to war bows. They didn't have the cultural or traditional base to draw from. Or we could give the options for all nations to do so but be it extremely expensive for it takes time.

    I'm more of a proponent of choice, so I side with the latter.
    If the time it takes to train someone from using a 40-60lb bow to a 80-100lb bow (which I believe was the most common range of warbows with 120lbs being about the maximum without the substantial stamina penalty you spoke about making them impractical), the substantial cost you propose would make sense. The brute strength you mention is certainly necessary when using warbows as you must push yourself between the bow and the string instead of drawing the string toward you from the bow as with the "hunting" bows civilians used.
    I agree it's a generalization. As with everything else, culture is a deciding factor for which weapons become a mainstay. The cultures in the game that do field archers would have the "national" tradition in place to create a pool of ,at least, partly trained recruits. Eventhough hunters were not commonplace, they were present. The time it takes to build the strength of a hunter with a 40-60lb bow to the strength it takes to use a warbow would be substantially shorter than recruits that have no experience.
  7. fireraizer

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Change Battania’s infantry focused troop tree.

    That said, having them a bit more commonplace or a weaker version in the basic tree would be awesome
    This is the solution we came to in my post about highborne youths.
  8. fireraizer

    Siege and ranged weaponry suggestions from a professor of military history.

    "During the time this game aims to replicate, warbows were an extremely deadly weapon. Not because they were the medieval equivalent of a light machine gun, they were more akin to an artillery piece. Not difficult to load, although if trained not slow, but takes a huge toll on whomever is using it. I do not wish to understate how difficult it was to field large forces of bowmen that were efficient at killing something bigger than a fox. Unlike a skill, which through repetition and instinct can be learned and improved upon in weeks or months, drawing a bow requires brute force. This process takes years, not weeks, to accomplish. (I am not suggesting making bowmen takes years to train, a simply large hike to troop cost would suffice, but not mainteance)."
    Would not the archers that we have available in recruitment have already spent their childhood and young adulthood training with the bow? Not unlike medieval England's law that yeoman practice the bow on Sundays, they would be purposefully groomed to be archers without additional cost to the crown because it was apart of normal yeoman life. I imagine it was similar with the Celts and Romans with the latter being more structured. Also, fielded archers would also be used in a volley without the ability to precisely target small (single human sized) enemies.
    Just the opinion of a lifelong archer from Mississippi.
  9. fireraizer

    Increase highborne youth frequency in recruitment pool

    Idk,they are quite strong. An army of those is capable pf beating 3xbigger army.
    They would still benefit from low tier archers I think. Are they not suppose to be the archer heavy ambush Celtic like faction? They are awful against medium to heavy tier cav which is good for balance when it comes to infantry strength. The addition of rangers would just give them a chance against those heavy cav by softening them up.
  10. fireraizer

    Increase highborne youth frequency in recruitment pool

    Just give Battanians a non-noble archer tree in the first place, they have "Rangers" as a class in multiplayer I was fully expecting them to be available in the singleplayer as well.
    Actually I like that better. It is hard to compete with imperials with all their fodder archer recruits.
  11. fireraizer

    Increase highborne youth frequency in recruitment pool

    Playing as a battanian only party is quite difficult without the highborne youths being more frequently available. That may not be the way most people like to play, but I enjoy keeping my party culture faction loyal. I would recommend an increase to their frequency in the recruitment pool even...
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